How to complete the fourier Analysis using Matlab ?
Try to study and alter this example : Fs=10; t=-3:1/Fs:3; x=exp(-t); plot(t,x) N=1000; % N points for frequency computa...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1

Recover gaussian by using fft and ifft.
Try : G(end)=[]; G=(sqrt(2*pi))*G; figure; plot(t,f,'r',t,G,'g');

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

what is the meaning of? K*(i-1):end
c_t(i,1+K*(i-1):end) means selecting elements identified by *1+K(i-1)* to *end* from matrix c_t in the row *i*, generally *X(...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1

How to find spectrum envelope from wav file
Hilbert Transformation is used to obtain the envelope of signal, here is an example : The envelope is decreasing exponential...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Identifying wave-number sign after FFT2
The general solution for a wave travelling in the +X direction is, at point X : y(0,t)=A exp(j(wt)) y(X,t)=A exp(j(wt-KX))...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1

about High pass and low pass filter
The syntax for designing low pass filters is : b = fir1(n,Wn,'ftype',window); n is the number of coefficients, Wn is th...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

How do I graph this plane with three points?
you can use geometric construction with meshgrid function or use patch function as follows : patch([1 1 2],[2 2 1],[3 1 0],0...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Wrong "step" function answer
According to the system you described, here the result i obtained : <</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/22588/ST.jpg>> ...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Plotting contours of a probability density
You have to use two dimensional arrays of x and z to produce two dimensional pdf, try : [x,z]=meshgrid(-6:0.01:6); r=sqrt...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1

Plotting piece-wise functions with absolute value????
The algorithm you wrote is almost correct, inside the if conditions you need to use x(k), not x : x = linspace (-10,10,100)...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Stand alone C file
If you mean reading a file with C, then you need to use pointer as the following, with apriori knowledge of array dimensions : ...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Problem in computing the curl of 2D velocity vector field
Generally, the input velocity matrices may contain NaNs, try : sum(isnan(UU(:))); % must be zero if there is no NaN, same fo...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

matlab triple integral conical gravity
I think that working with symbolic variables will not permit the transformation of integral expressions to numeric type, however...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Correlation between two images ..
if you mean correlation coefficient, you can program manually the function or use corr2 : corr2(A,B); % returns a scalar...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

I can I duplicate raws of variables?
try this standard method a=[1:3]; b=[]; for n=1:6 b=[b a]; end

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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inner product of two vectors
inner product of two vectors

alrededor de 10 años hace


Nearest Numbers
Given a row vector of numbers, find the indices of the two nearest numbers. Examples: [index1 index2] = nearestNumbers([2 5 3...

alrededor de 10 años hace


Create a row array using double colon operator
Create a row array from 9 to 1, using the double colon operator.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Circle area using pi
Given a circle's radius, compute the circle's area. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Sum all integers from 1 to 2^n
Given the number x, y must be the summation of all integers from 1 to 2^x. For instance if x=2 then y must be 1+2+3+4=10.

alrededor de 10 años hace


Test if a matrix is symmetric
Write a logical function that returns 1 if the input matrix is symmetric and 0 otherwise.

alrededor de 10 años hace | 1 | 124 solvers

How to apply velocity + acceleration to a position?
@Roger gave the solution (Vx,Vy) . try to write a feedback of this solution. t=0:100e-3:20; V0x=1000; Alpha=0.0004; Beta...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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SVD & EVD of a Symmetric Matrix
Floating points problems occur as mentioned by @Jhon, you can verify if your matrix M is symmetric or not : norm(M-M') % mus...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

How to apply velocity + acceleration to a position?
You can verify this primary solution theoretically : t=0:100e-3:20; V0x=1000; Alpha=0.0004; Beta=0.25; Vx=...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Time series syntax question
ts(i,1) means performing calculation of the elements of first column of matrix ts, ts(i,2) means the ith element on the second c...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

I have a question about RESAMPLE
This is an interesting remark, however in Documentation, it was mentioned that re-sampling has side effect because of filterin...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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I have a sine function y = a*sin(bx+c)+d and I have 4 points on the function: P1(0.835,0.720) P2(1.498,0.589) P3(2.866,0.236) P4(3.299,0.649)?
hi, if you have Math symbolic ToolBox, you can use the function solve, the output is a structure with symbolic variables : ...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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Integrating with trapz and calculate the error
The first remark is that names of built in functions must not be used as variables ( trapz in this case ), second remark is *int...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Computing first derivative--image processing
In general diff(X,n) of N by 1 vector returns an N-n by 1 vector, second derivative is diff(X,2), using gradient is better beca...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

Using loglog for plotting a logarithmic graph
You have to use element wise operator ( . before any operator sign) : x = 10:19700; y=96818.90647.*sqrt(55327.8644...

alrededor de 10 años hace | 0

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