How can I display an image with all three color layers but with intensity for blue increased?
image(:,:,3) = round(image(:,:,3) + 255*BX/100

más de 11 años hace | 0

switch function case{name}
Here is an example from mathworks % x = [12, 64, 24]; plottype = 'pie3'; switch plottype case 'bar' ...

más de 11 años hace | 0

How to save cell data from workspace?
It is working for me after loading.

más de 11 años hace | 0

Placing the ouputs of while loop in an array
What is the problem. Start putting them as soon as they are generated. if true index = 0 a(index)=output ...

más de 11 años hace | 0

multiple number of inputs n
it do works. Just give the input in [2 3 4] brackets.

más de 11 años hace | 1

How to detect peaks in laser strip
It is not possible due to noise. Although if you just want a line use hough transform to get different lines and then select the...

más de 11 años hace | 0

fitting of two curves and 6 unknown parameters
Use iteration with each variable keeping others constant. Then change other variables.

más de 11 años hace | 0

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Add two numbers
Given a and b, return the sum a+b in c.

más de 11 años hace

reading edf file to workspace
Hi why don't you just use

más de 11 años hace | 0

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How to plot the columns data against the firs column (simulation time) instead of plotting against the serial number?
Hi you can just use it plot(x(:,1),x ,'o')

más de 11 años hace | 0

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I have generated a large dataset. Now I need to draw random samples from it. How can I do this?
For dataset w p = randperm(length(w)); % Reshuffle their order randomly z = w(p(1:N)); % Choose the first N of th...

más de 11 años hace | 0

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Mixture of Gaussian for Foreground object detection
Use segmentation . Once get the background subtract it. Search for expectation maximization and compression based segmentation t...

más de 11 años hace | 0


Is my wife right?
Regardless of input, output the string 'yes'.

más de 11 años hace


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

más de 11 años hace


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

más de 11 años hace

Finding the numbers of a vector with the same length?
Hi, You can save zero as it is and whenever 1 appears start a counter and count the number of 1s in succession. It is Run le...

más de 11 años hace | 0

using a nested for loop to walk through two matrix
Use [S(s),T(t)] instead of [s,t]

más de 11 años hace | 0

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A= [2 3 4]; B=[2 3 4]; Output C=[22 33 44]; Merge 2 matrix elements
here it is A= num2str(A) B = num2str(B) C=strcat(A',B') C=str2num(C)

más de 11 años hace | 0


What are the best practice in mex ?
I have written a code in MEX to check its speed against the fully vectorized m-files. My codes are slower than m-files. My quest...

más de 11 años hace | 2 respuestas | 0




How to know the sequence of file in a large project
HI Friends, I have a large project in which t...

más de 11 años hace | 2 respuestas | 0



Finding Circles in an Image. Hough Transform, Tao's CircularHough_Grd algorithm, Matlab's infindcircles
Hi Rohan, The intensity of the ball must be near to zero. So Histogram intensity below specific value needed to be taken...

más de 11 años hace | 0

image to an array
Why do you wanna write an image into an array. Use reshape if you really want.

más de 11 años hace | 0

writing more than 1 function in a file
Use local functions See the link <>

más de 11 años hace | 1

A simple solution is for say a circle of radius r. Pick up 10000 (any large number ) values between -r and r and feed them in va...

más de 11 años hace | 0

problem with alternative way to do imcrop
Select the pixels you want say for image I a cropped region will be I = I(1:x,1:y)

más de 11 años hace | 0

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how to write such that in matlab
You have to use lagrange multiplier. You can easily understand it from here <> a...

más de 11 años hace | 0

Connected Neighbourhood / Regional Maxima - Image Processing
Hi Sriram, It won't be. You have to see the entire connected component. Look at 3rd column and 3rd row 13 it is connec...

más de 11 años hace | 0

If I have to minimize a function with 2 variables (f(x,lamda))and I have a condition on one of these 2 variables(lamda>=0), how can I find this variable (lamda)? thank u
Hi Hiba, You can use an iterative method. Start with lambda. Differentiate your equation with lambda. Change lambda on th...

más de 11 años hace | 0

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Connected Neighbourhood / Regional Maxima - Image Processing
Hi Sriram, 8-Connected neighborhood means the pixels in left,right,up,down,left up, left down,up right and down right. ...

más de 11 años hace | 0

How to make a reference to multiple subelements of a cell without for loop (to create a plot)
Hi Felix, You have to use cell2mat. It converts your code to matrix. You have knowledge about n so pick up every nth ele...

más de 11 años hace | 0

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