
Modified Upper Matrix Mock
Given a vector v=[1 3 6 9 11], turn it into a matrix 'ramp' like so: m=[1 3 6 9 11; 0 3 6 9 11; 0 0 6 9 11; 0 0 0 9 11; 0 0 0...

casi 8 años hace | 1 | 49 solvers


Circular Shift Me
Given a vector v=[1 3 6 9 11], circular shift them while iterating m=[1 3 6 9 11; 11 1 3 6 9; 9 11 1 3 6; 6 9 11 1 3; 3 6 9 1...

casi 8 años hace | 0 | 57 solvers


Strangest ways to get 0
Propose your non-trivial way to get 0. Look mine's, and try to do your best!

casi 8 años hace


Solving a quadratic equation
Given a, b ​​and c, Return the solution of the following quadratic equation: a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0.

casi 8 años hace


Polynomial division
Divide a polynomial u by polynomial v and return the quotients only. Example: u = x^4+3*x^3+5*x+3 v = x^2+1 Answer: ...

casi 8 años hace


Additive persistence
Inspired by Problem 2008 created by Ziko. In mathematics, the persistence of a number is the *number of times* one must apply...

casi 8 años hace


Accessing elements on the diagonal
Access the diagonal elements of a matrix without 'diag' function

casi 8 años hace


square root
Find the square root (y) of an input (x).

casi 8 años hace


Multiple if statements
Write an if-statement that subtracts 5 from outputValue if amplitudeResponse is greater than 10. Write a second if-statement tha...

casi 8 años hace


Food safety
Assign safeTemperature with 1 if foodTemperature is less than 40 or greater than 165.

casi 8 años hace


Check bounds
Assign inRange with 1 if userWeight is greater than 100 and less than or equal to 200.

casi 8 años hace


Genetic markers test
Assign testResult with 1 if either geneticMarkerA is 1 or geneticMarkerB is 1. If geneticMarkerA and geneticMarkerB are both 1, ...

casi 8 años hace


* Given a string containing a number followed by pounds or kgs, for example: * 'Billy lost 22 pounds in four weeks.' * 'Maria ...

casi 8 años hace


Vectorizing, too easy or too hard?
Please insert a . before any ^, * or / in the string. That's it!!

casi 8 años hace


* Suppose there is a vector v like [1 0 0 -1], representing polynomial coefficients. * In this example, the polynimial is 1*x^3...

casi 8 años hace


Refresh your system of equations
Given square matrix, and solution vector, find the values of the variables Example: xyz = [1 -1 2; 0 2 5; 4 0 -3]; //x-y+2...

casi 8 años hace | 4 | 50 solvers


System of equations
Find a solution to a system of equations represented by a |n| by |n+1| matrix. For instance, [ 2 0 4; => 2*x = 4 ...

casi 8 años hace


Distance walked 3D
suppose you go from x-y-z coordinates [3,4,2] to [0,0,2] to [0,1,2] to [1,1,2], to [1,1,20] then you walked 25 units of distance...

casi 8 años hace


Snakes on a plane
Given the dimensions of a 2-d plane, create a matrix where a "snake" of ones occupies the plane from top left to bottom right. ...

casi 8 años hace


Assume that x is an n-by-2 matrix. The aim is to return the first column of x, but sorted according to the second column. Exa...

casi 8 años hace


N-plicate me
Modified version of duplicate and triplicate me. Repeat elements of input vector with given input n Ex: input = [1 2 3 4 5...

casi 8 años hace | 4 | 68 solvers


Who knows the last digit of pi?
There is only one man who knows the last digit of pi, who is that man? Give the name of that man, who, by popular believe, can ...

casi 8 años hace


Function definition: Double down.
* Complete the DoubleDown function to return twice the initialValue.

casi 8 años hace


Computing wind chill
On a windy day, a temperature of 15 degrees may feel colder, perhaps 7 degrees. The formula below calculates the "wind chill," i...

casi 8 años hace


Duplicate each element of a vector.
for an n-dimensional vector x, the function should return another vector 2n-dimension which each element is repeated twice. Ex...

casi 8 años hace


Declaring a string
* Assign streetAddress with the string 1313 Mockingbird Lane.

casi 8 años hace


Implement zero-based indexing for Matrices
Given an input vector and position (which is zero based) output the value Example: x = [1 2; 4 5] pos = [0 1] value = 5 ...

casi 8 años hace | 9 | 77 solvers


Construct an array
* Construct an row array named observedValues with elements sensorReading1, sensorReading2, and sensorReading3.

casi 8 años hace


Rotate matrix by -90 degrees
Rotate a Matrix by -90 degrees Example: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 output = 7 4 ...

casi 8 años hace | 9 | 177 solvers


Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees
Rotate a Matrix by 90 degrees Example: If the input is: X = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

casi 8 años hace

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