Corrupted Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook xlsm file
The answer depends, in large part, on how corrupted the workbook really is and where the corruption is located within the workbo...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 2

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Help, please , write Screen Keyboard in Matlab
You'll have to change the keyboard layout. There is a guide on how to do this here: <

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Size problem after filtering
This happens because it only samples at the size of the NFFT. You could resample your data with the resample function. ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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Unit of enery after taking FFT of velocity data
It's still a velocity. If you do a continuous Fourier transform, you go from signal to signal integrated over time, which is sig...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

How to plot a contourf without the lines
Hallo Nick, Een contour plot is letterlijk een "omlijning" plot, dus dat zou niet erg handig zijn ;)! Maar gelukkig zijn er ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Write operation using Activexserver command
ws = wb.Worksheets.Item('sheetname'); Insert this before you put something in the sheet, that way it will in what sheet to ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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Is it possible to move subplot content?
I don't think it's possible to "move", it's possible to delete and replot though.. But that's not your question.

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Using knnsearch to find nearest values ignoring NaN's
What you could do is: Lets say you have an array like this: A= [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100] and the smaller array lik...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Keeping data imported from excel
This is how I load my excel sheets: excelsheet = uigetfile('.xlsx','Select a file'); [num,txt,raw] = xl...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Respondida doing a tesis about car plate detection..
There is a good Vehicle number plate recognition project here: <

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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can anyone help me to solve this issue ?
You'll have to install the latest version of .NET Framework! <>...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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My username has been changed by company IT. This has resulted in Licence Manager Error 9. What can be done to remedy this situation?
The License Center allows an Administrator or Asset Manager to change the Licensed End Users associated to a license. To use the...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

Color the particular row of the excel sheet
% Connect to Excel Excel = actxserver('excel.application'); % Get Workbook object WB = Excel.Workbooks.Open(fullfile(...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 4

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How to select 100 highest coefficient from Curvelet subband image
There are a couple ways you can do this depending on how you want to deal with repeated values. Here's a solution that finds ind...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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Changing the name of the sheet in excel
You can use ActiveX directly from MATLAB: xlswrite('test.xls',1) % # create test file e = actxserver('Excel.Applicat...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 13

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saving within SPMD or parfor
Transparency is violated by the SAVE command because in general MATLAB cannot determine which variables from the workspace will ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 2

Why don't I have a Matlab license?

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

how to play videos using implay function in specific axes?
You have axes in your gui, let's say they are called axes1 (you can check the name of the axes by double clicking on it...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 2

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how to save a zone of figure as picture
im=imread('pout.tif'); imshow(im); h=imrect(gca); pos=wait(h); im2=imcrop(im,pos); imwrite(im2,'figurepart.bmp'...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How to find out if the Simulink Verification and Validation toolbox is installed?
v = ver; any(strcmp('Simulink Verification and Validation', {v.Name})) This will return 1 if the toolbox is i...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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Error: Not enough input parameters
In your main function, before you call this function can you put this and post results? (Or whatever you called your variabl...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Mouse click to get location on Graph and position text
t = linspace(0,2*pi,50); y = sin(t); plot(t,y) %Plot anything here, can be an image aswellm, whatever. ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

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Combine two cell array of different dimension
A={1,2}; B={4,5,6}; C=cat(2,A,B) C = [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] 2 in cat is the direction you want to...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

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how to get coordinate a point in 2d grid if i know the avg speed of that point
X=0; %Initial X position Y=0; %Initial Y position Xspeed=5; %Speed in X direction, times 60 if yo...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Bar series plot, transparent colors on the bars
They explain how to it on this website: <> ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Where can I find Adaptive Control toolbox?
You can request a trial version here: <

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

download test images for MATLAB
The test images are locates int his folder: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2013b\toolbox\images\imdemos (if you used to default ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 4

I want to know if I am calculating the results are right?
a='ttttttPPttttttPPNNNtttttt'; b='t6P2t6P2N3t6'; A=whos('a'); B=whos('b'); compression=B.bytes/A.bytes*100; com...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can I sort Images ?
norma=[1.087,0.047,0.35] n=norma' a=magic(3) b=cat(2,a,n) c=sortrows(b,4) c(:,4)=[]; Should do the job! of...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How am I to generate random numbers with exponential distribution applied?
pd = makedist('Exponential','mu', 0.2); r=0.5+random(pd) but this gives you values with 0.5 + a random number if you wan...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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