
Fibonacci Sequence
Write a MATLAB function called fibonacci_sequence(n) that takes an integer n as input and returns the first n terms of the Fibon...

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Determine if input is greater than 100
Evaluate if given number is greater than 100. If greater, return true; else, return false.

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Find the surface area of a cone.
For instance, Given r (radius) = 3, and s (slant height) = 5: surface area should be 94.

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A times B
A times B

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Is it the answer to life the universe and everything?
The answer to life the universe and everything is 42, but this is naturally in base 13. Unfortunately, MATLAB is in base 10, so ...

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Add Odd and Subtract Even Numbers in an Array
For an input array, add all the odd values and subtract the even values. The final value is the output. E.g. input = [1 2 3 4 ...

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Build the Well
Calculate the total time taken for building 'n' wells given : Worker A takes a hr to build the well alone Worker B takes b hr...

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Magnitude with vargin
Return the magnitude (square root of the sum of the squares) for an undefined number of input arguments.

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Determine if input is greater than pi
Evaluate if given number is greater than pi. If greater, return true; else, return false.

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Matrix symmetry
Given a matrix A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] Flip it horizontally and vertically to obtain a complete reversal of both rows and columns. ...

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Bag of apples
find probabilty of getting red apples from a bag of 'r' red and 'g' green apples.

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convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time
convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time Input: '13:12' Output: '01:12 PM' Input: '06:12' Output: '06:12 AM'

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Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector
Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector starting from index 1

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Find cross product of 2 vectors
Find cross product of 2 vectors

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Find duplicate number from a vector of size n + 1 containing numbers from 1:n
From a given vector of size n + 1, return the duplicate number. Constraints The vector can only contain numbers from 1 to ...

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Even Sum
Calculate the sum of all even numbers between 1 and a given positive integer n. Write a function that takes n as input and retur...

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Draw the Greek letter 'α'
Given the dimensions of a matrix nRow and nCol where nCol > nRow, draw the Greek letter 'α' with 1's and 0's. You can consider t...

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Sum of Squares
Given a vector v of length n, write a MATLAB function to calculate the sum of the squares of its elements.

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String vowel manipulation
Given a string, find all the vowels and shift them to the end of the string in the same order as they are found.

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Cycle Detection
Detect if a graph has cycles: Inputs n: the number of vertices (where each vertex corresponds to an integer from 1 to n) edge...

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Sum the two halves of an array with an even number of elements
given an array of an even number of elements, sum the front and back half of the array and return the sums as an array For exam...

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Implement Euler's formula for calculating polyhedron edges
Your function will take as input the number of faces f and number of vertices v of a polyhedron. It will output the number of ed...

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Add Even and Subtract Odd Numbers in an Array
For an input array, add all the even values and subtract the odd values. This final value is the output. E.g. input = [1 2 3 4...

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Write a MATLAB function findPositiveEvenNumbers that takes an array of integers as input and returns a new array containing only...

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How many revolutions around the earth
Calculate how many revolutions you will around the earth till 1/1/2100. Given the birhdate find your age in number of days on 1...

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Word with Highest Frequency
Write a MATLAB function that takes in a string and returns the word with the highest frequency in the string. The function shoul...

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Check for armstrong number
Given a number, check if it is an armstrong number. Eg: n = 371 Output: 1 Eg: n = 75 Output: 0

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Am I a city or a state
Input will be an array of cities and states. Also, lists of cities and states will be passed. Replace every city name with "cit...

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※本問は、2023/7/24開催の、筑波大学でのセミナーのために作成した問題です。 掃き出し法を使った連立一次方程式の解法を穴埋めで実装してみましょう。 左辺と右辺を、それぞれ以下の行列Aおよび列ベクトルBで表したものが与えられたとします。この時、...

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Convert row and column subscripts to linear indices
Convert 2D row and column subscripts to linear indices WITHOUT sub2ind Example: row = [1 2 3 1]; col = [2 2 2 3]; sz = [3 3]...

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