How to use the magicformula as a MATLAB function in simulink
There are two versions of the 'Magic' formulas. Can you mathematically derive ​ from their outputs? If so, you can write the der...

19 días hace | 0

Finding the points where Bessel functions are equivalent
Hi @Matthew I revisited your approach using vpasolve(), but I provided an initial guess that is close to the solution, as illus...

20 días hace | 0

Finding the points where Bessel functions are equivalent
Hi @Matthew You might consider approaching the problem as finding the minimum point of a convex function. I have used both ga()...

20 días hace | 0

How to find the Linear Analysis Tool
Most likely because you haven't installed the Simulink® Control Design™ tool/software.

20 días hace | 0

Simulink Threshold with action
Naturally, I would expect that the input signal evolves over time and that the thermostat-like controller performs a switching a...

21 días hace | 0

I made it pretty far in writing the code for an assignment. However, I am struggling to figure out how to finish the code. Can anyone show me how to finish it?
Hi @Antonio I believe that your app should allow users to input their parking start date-time and exit date-time, almost simila...

22 días hace | 0

Transport delay generate to matlab function
Hi @Enes I applied the modulo operation to the triangular membership function from the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox to create the equila...

22 días hace | 1

I want to take the square root of a transfer function
Hi @Calum Unlike plotting time responses using the step() and lsim() functions, or first solving the ordinary differential equa...

22 días hace | 0

Too many input arguments
Previously, the symbolic is undefined in the z(t) function. clear all; close all; syms k t z0=2; r=0.01; K=100; u=0.75; B=1...

23 días hace | 0

plotting coordinates vs. time and i need my time to run with or without loop function repeatedly.
Hi @shane Generally, coordinates can be specified in 2D (planar) or 3D (spatial) formats. If you wish to plot the spatial coord...

23 días hace | 0

How to code a cantilever beam with lumped spring mass damper on the free end
Hi @Shrijit Generally, you can model beam dynamics using Euler-Bernoulli theory for long beams or Timoshenko–Ehrenfest theory f...

23 días hace | 0

ask intergral and derivate
Hi @승표 I used the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) from this PMSM example because they are similar to your case. Specifyi...

23 días hace | 0

multiple equations to steady-state system to transfer function
Hi @erin Part 1 of your code does not work because the tf() function from the Control System Toolbox is primarily used for crea...

24 días hace | 0

Use of functions ctrb and poly
No error message generated. You should provide yours to find out the actual issue. A = [ 0 1; -1 -2]; B = [ 0; ...

24 días hace | 0

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How to find rise time in fractional order system, give matlab code?
Hi @SARAVANAN Once you have generated the response signals y(t) from the fractional order system, use the following syntax to d...

25 días hace | 0

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deriving a transfer fuctnion
Hi @Plato This is a homework question. However, you can use the feedback() function to compute the closed-loop transfer functio...

25 días hace | 0

Distinguish the different curves and identify the points corresponding to each way
Hi @rana I now understand that you are seeking advice on graphically displaying the data. Here is an example of what I consider...

29 días hace | 2

How do you use To Workspace? (DC Shunt Motor)
The To Workspace block logs the signal connected to its input port to the workspace. To access the data logged by a To Workspace...

30 días hace | 0

Why doesn't Iref_sd = 0 when 0 is input to Tref and ωm in the ACIM control reference?
Hi @中嶋 Your and according to mathematical model of the AC Induction Motor (ACIM) Control Reference block, if the condition is...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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how to input a function as a parameter of a function
Hi @Tony Cheng Something like this: %% Script to call 'fMin1D' x0 = [1, 1]; [x, fval] = fMin1D(x0, @quadfcn) %% Minimize...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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How to implement an LQR controller when the system's state variables and control inputs have different units?
Hi @준호 Could you provide a simple code example involving lqr() to illustrate your concern? There should not be any issues with ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Simulink physical sys is stable even the Matlab model for the same sys is unstable
Hi @mohamed If at least one pole of the closed-loop system has a positive real part, the system is considered unstable. You may...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

How to implement MPC when the number of states is greater than the number of outputs?
Hi @준호 The MPC Controller still functions effectively even when the number of states exceeds the number of outputs. I have made...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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Stepinfo provides wrong rise time using [0, 0.63] limits for non minimum phase systems
Hi @Ken Buckholtz Here is another approach to estimating the user-defined rise time: by defining the 'RiseTimeLimits' and ident...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Converting a nonlinear state equation into state dependent matrix form
Hi @Md Sabbir Haider Based on your descriptions, it is entirely acceptable to use the nonlinear state equations for simulation ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

Stepinfo provides wrong rise time using [0, 0.63] limits for non minimum phase systems
Hi @Ken Buckholtz Rise time is a non-standard performance measure. By default, in MATLAB, rise time is defined as the duration ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

please ,write a code to 3D plot this file .
I am unsure about the specific type of 3D plot you require. I reviewed your previous questions and found that you have already l...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

How to solve Coupled Differential Equations
Hi @Lorenzo Primarily, coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in additive form can be decoupled using the substitution ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

how can i simulate feedback system with fuzzy controller in m file without simulink?
Hi @mohamed al-asklany If the fuzzy controller (or the *.fis object) has been designed, it is straightforward to implement it ...

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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Plot the function on graph
Look up the documentation plot(). There are plenty of simple examples that you can learn to plot it yourself.

alrededor de 1 mes hace | 0

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