
InSPIRE utility to plot a 2D displacement field
This program plots the deformation field (displace vectors) contained in vector.txt.

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InSPIRE utility to remove zero padding
This program allows users to remove zero padding by deesired number (called offset) of layers of z

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InSPIRE utility to calculate DICE Coefficient
This programs calculate and visualize the dice similarity (volume overlap) of 2D binary images.

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InSPIRE utility to smooth 3D volume data
This is a program to test how a 1D gaussian filter can be used to smooth a set of 3-D data.

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simple GUI to drive femlab with matlab
This small GUI program can simplify repeated COMSOL simulations.

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Photon diffusion in tissues simulator
This program parametrize the point source solution to the photon diffusion in human tissues.

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InSPIRE: simple utility to pad zeros around a volume image
This program allows users to specify the number of zero layers to wrap around a 3D image matrix.

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InSPIRE: simple utility to read raw image into Matlab workspace
It reads a 3D raw image and show the mid cross-section of the raw volume image

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Checking the similarity of two 2D images using a checker-board with adjustable tile transparency
This is a part of InSPIRE for checking the similarity of two figures possibly after registration.

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A matlab viewer for 3D raw images
This program allows users to view the cross-sectional view of a CT or MRI volume image.

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Overlay two images with adjustable transparency factor
This allows overlaying two images for validation and for placing registration landmarks.

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Gaussian filtering of zero-padded and circularized 1-D data
This filter could be extended into a 2D image smoothing filter. The kernel can be switched easily.

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InSPIRE: Matlab 2D deformable registration
This program uses Matlab cellular modules to outline the a workflow of 2D deformable registration.

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InSPIRE -- 2D to 3D Conversion for further image analysis
InSPIRE -- Utility for stacking cross-sectional 2D images into 3D, then display in orthogonal planes

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Extract 2D images from 3D volume image data
This m-script slices 3D image file in MovingMask.raw in 2D images.

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Detecting PSA failure after radiation treatment for prostate cancer
This code has been validated. It finds the PSA failures.

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InSPIRE: a wrapper to run ITK bias correction
This allow you to adjust the parameters needed for ITK bias correction.

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InSPIRE: a wrapper to run anneal.m for ITK cost function
To run this, please download anneal.m (another author). It uses simulated annealing for optimization

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Intergrating ITK and Matlab
This may be useful to you if you want to integrate ITK and Matlab using C++.

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3D demons optical flow -- component of InSPIRE
This is the 3D version of the earlier 2D version. It will be used for contour-guided deformation reg

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2d optical flow demon for mono-modal image registration
InSPIRE: Matlab wrap component

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2d transform for alignment moving and fixed images
Rigid transform to precondition registration

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InSPIRE Utility
InSPIRE: utilties

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InSPIRE: optimizers and set ITK option Matlab wrap
Uses optitool (matlab), gridsearch, random gridsearch for 2D image registration.

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2D prototype to integrate InSPIRE into Radiation Oncology treatment planning.

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InSPIRE1 - ITK Matlab wraps
This is a part of Interactive Specialized Prostate Image Registration Ensemble

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Normal Tissue Complication Probability
To calculate NTCP models for rectal and bladder toxicity based on DVHs

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