I am new to using Matlab and have a question regarding the covariance function and generating random variables. I need to estimate P(X1^2 + X2^2 + X3^2 +X4^2) > 16 by generating Normal RV with a covariance and mean matrix. Thank you
Hi, The Statistics Toolbox has a function mvnrnd to generate jointly Gaussian random variables with specified means and cova...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

using Schroders iteration. How to start? I am new to matlab
Hi Cleven , I think you are looking for a way to represent the function 'f' and take it's differential. You can use the anon...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Using the MATLAB library compiler for Java: compilation error
Hi Kriti, From the log it seems that the issue might be related to java configuration in your machine. Refer to the follow...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How to solve function with Bisection and Secant method
Hello AlyseW7, I have investigated on both code for Bisection and secant methods and have few observations, which I will dis...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 3

How can i extract all element except 'SP' 'NS''GX' and need to put it as a colum with numeric columns?
Hi Nadeera, I am assuming that you have a set of cell arrays each of which represents the data set and you would like to extr...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can I plot this GUI ?
Hi Ercong, I understand that you want to execute the script and plot it. However, MATLAB is throwing error if trying to run d...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How to find state transition matrix with symbolic parameters efficiently
Hi xianjie, I tried to execute the code you provided and found the same issue that it's running long time without giving the ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

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Standard deviation across plots
Hi Sarah, You can take the approach described by Yona in earlier comments. If you don't have same number of data in all the v...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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display variables from workspace
Hi, The number of digits can be changed in the "View" tab. I don't think you can set the default column width. That's probably ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Comparing a signal reconstruction with given equation
Hi James , I observe some inconsistency in the definition of 'g_t' and compute of 'g_t' in the code. I think as per the d...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How do i write a user defined function for problem 6.4 in the textbook?
Although I don't know the exact question, you can use in-built 'degrees2dms' function to convert degrees to dms using following ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Does specific .m define particular function?
Hi Walter, The inbuilt function 'exist' can help you in this regards. It returns various code based on entity present as the ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can I quickly change my model from a variable-step-size to a fixed-step size in order to generate a .dll file using simulink coder?
Hi Reese, You can change the model from variable step size to fixed step size by changing the 'Solver options' from 'model co...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

When I am trying to run my code, I am getting these errors: Error using size Too many input arguments. Error in cell/strcat (line 26) siz{i} = size(varargin{i}); Error in uiopen (line 63) allML(1)=strcat(allML(1), ';*.mdl;*.slx');
Hi vineeth , You are getting this error due the variable 'size' that you define in the second line of the code by using the s...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

Creating a circular plate
Hi Vaibhav, The following link can help you:

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can I programmitcally "click" on a block mask action button?
Hi Jason, I understand that you would like to execute the callback programmatically. You can use the 'evalin' function to a...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How does MATLAB generate Halton sequences
Hi Eric, You can get the Name of the sequence on which point set P is based from 'Type' property of P. So, the code snippet ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Add and delete Line and port
Hi Laurensius, My understanding from the question is that you would like to perform different action when the popup list ele...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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can you run matlab experiments online
Hi Catrine, My understanding from the question is that you would like to execute existing MATLAB program online. You can lo...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

can Someone tell me how i can fix GPS-data to caculate distance between two Points?
Hi Joel, You may refer to following links which explains well how to find distance between two GPS points: http://in.mathw...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Implementations of plsregress on 2015b and 2013a
Hi Yoshihiro , I have reproduced the issue at my end. However, there is no mention of any modification of this function in the...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

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Digitization and interpolation of contour map.
This issue might be due to the fact that there were some change in all the 'interp' functions in MATLAB release R2013b. As a wor...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

looking for equivalent in MATLAB of "where variable1 in ('a', 'b','c')" in SQL
Hi Binzi, I understand from the query that you have two arrays and you would like to find out the elements in the first array...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How can I combine probability distribution objects?
I understand that you would like to achieve pooled weighted distribution of two distributions. There is no in-built functions i...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How to populate a n-d lookup table from the workspace in R2011b?
I understand that you would like to put some variables in 'Table data' parameter of 'n-D Lookup Table' block and simulate the mo...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Is there anyway to change the code generation options(Storage class, HeaderFile attribute) automatically based on name given to the new object in model explorer?
I understand that you would like to set the 'Code Generation Options' based on the name of the Data Object of a Data Class. T...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

How do i count the time the pulse is at 0 state for a square wave in Simulink?
I understand that you would like to get the cumulative time when the engine is off. You can achieve this functionality using 'st...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

Matlab functions - summation
My understanding is that you would like to have some alternative for symbolic math in 'Mathematica' for function call. From t...

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Lung segmentation with image processing
I understand that you would like to segment a image into different portions based on color. You can create segments of the image...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 0

plot heat map on map using Latitude, Longitude and my data value
I understand that you would like to put color for the circles created on the map. You can do this by sending 'facecolor' as an ...

alrededor de 9 años hace | 1

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