How to remove subplot grey space between images
One way is to use |subplot| or |axes| to manually specify a tight region. In your code, change the |subplot| line to subplo...

casi 8 años hace | 3

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Problem using cell2mat on cell arrays from textscan
If they are numbers, why don't you read them in as a numeric (e.g. %f)? data = textscan(fid,'%f %f','Delimiter',','); Th...

casi 8 años hace | 0

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Storing values from a nested FOR loop (can't get how to save the output into a matrix)
Your for loop goes from 1 to 70, so it looks like you're trying to generate 70 columns of data, not 40. Aside from that, you ...

casi 8 años hace | 0

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Parforを用いてSimulink モデルを並列に実行する方法
これは、 |parfor| 内でループの外の変数が見えていないから起きます。一番簡単な対処法はループ内のコードを一つの関数としてまとめる方法です。 実際に |dsim| のモデル内でどの変数が必要か分かりませんが、仮に |A|, |fsin|, |T...

casi 8 años hace | 4

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クラス フォルダーを利用してメンバ関数を別ファイルに作成した際に、TAB補完によるメンバ変数、メンバ関数を表示させる方法について
操作1に関しては、ドット表記の場合は別ファイルのメソッドに飛んでくれないみたいですが、関数表記だと飛んでくれました。 this.func1() % 飛ばない func1(this) % 飛ぶ 操作2に関してはでき無そうなので、対...

casi 8 años hace | 2

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how to get a line information after applying the houghlines
In your example, the variable |lines| has the information about the straight lines. Double-click the variable in the Workspace. ...

casi 8 años hace | 0

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< DSP System Toolbox> があれば < Sort> ブロ...

casi 8 años hace | 6

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How link axes horizontally in subplots?
I think what you want is this. Note the indexing using inside |linkaxes|. f = figure(); bFig(1:10) = axes(f); for k =...

casi 8 años hace | 2

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グレースケール値を3次元の散布図で可視化したいということでしょうか。 im = imread('peppers.png'); imG = rgb2gray(im); % グレースケールに変換 imD = im2double(...

casi 8 años hace | 3

how to implemment HMM [Hidden Markov Model of speech recognition]
If you have Statistics Toolbox, take a look at < HMM> there.

más de 9 años hace | 0

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How to plot a simple curve
This is a very basic question and we have many places in the documentation for you to learn: # <

casi 11 años hace | 3

opening many files and changing code to match file name
This is probably a little too specific to your case, i.e. it's looking for a particular text. I'm just using <http://www.mathwor...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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Bug when printing to eps
Does this work? print(fig_h, '-depsc','-r700',file_saveas)

más de 12 años hace | 2

Simultaneous Video and Audio Acquisition
I assume you want something much better than issuing a "start" command to both |analoginput| and |videoinput| objects like this:...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Unwanted line on plot
Is this what you're looking for? count = 0; Out1 = nan(1, 30); Time = nan(1, 30); while count < 3 for i = 1...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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Unwanted line on plot
*[Old Answer]* You're seeing that behavior because you have data points remaining from the previous loop. You can reset the v...

más de 12 años hace | 0

error in code
Read this line carefully: k(i+1;:)=k(i;:)+h*F_tanker(x,kat(i)) ; You have a couple of extra |;| in the line.

más de 12 años hace | 0

Beginners Guide to Excel Link?
Have you gone through the documentation for Excel Link (or Spreadsheet Link EX)? It has several examples, including writing VBA ...

más de 12 años hace | 0

Labeling data points in plotyy
You can specify the axes in which to place the text. For example, specify |ax(2)| for the right axes. Notice below, I specifi...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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GUI - How to make a pop-up figure prevent from modifying anything else until it's closed
Is this what you're looking for? figure('WindowStyle', 'modal')

más de 12 años hace | 3

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replacement of for loop
It should be |&| instead of |&&| indexes= ROI~=255 & ROI~=0;

más de 12 años hace | 0

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swap matrix row randomly
random_x = x(randperm(size(x, 1)), :)

más de 12 años hace | 30

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Question about labels under each boxplot.
When you say you don't have success, I assume you're saying that the labels aren't being rendered with the bold/italics/subscrip...

más de 12 años hace | 2

converting date to matlab date
You need to pass in a string for datenum datenum('20100815', 'yyyymmdd')

más de 12 años hace | 1

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Identifying lab id within a parfor
Why not save the file based on the iteration number? Wouldn't you still overwrite the results if you were using the labindex bec...

más de 12 años hace | 1

function reference file
Read about < "Function Handles"> here.

más de 12 años hace | 0

"print figure" to variable... getframe, with better resolution...
Take a look at < |export_fig|> which is a user-submitted file on File E...

más de 12 años hace | 0

structure conversion
Functions can take structures (created from Simulink or elsewhere). It depends on which function you're trying to call. That det...

más de 12 años hace | 0

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Unable to run Discriminant Analysis
|ClassificationDiscriminant| class is new in R2011b Statistics Toolbox. Do you have R2011b?

más de 12 años hace | 0

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"rise time, overshoot, settling time" from Simulink graph?
If you have < Control System Toolbox>, you can use <

más de 12 años hace | 1

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