How to extract -3 dB diameter from Matrix?
The coordinates of the contour line are saved in the c matrix, albeit in a less than user friendly format. I like using the con...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Monthly maximum in data
While you could do this with find, using the second output of max is a bit quicker. % Some fake data similar to yours t ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

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Is it possible to convert a heatmap to a Matrix ?
Unlike most Matlab plotting functions, heatmap is annoyingly heavy-handed. It really wants to be used as a quick browsing tool,...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 0

How to create isolate nodes in graph?
The easiest way would be to simply add the isolated node to the existing graph: G = graph({'a', 'b', 'c'},{'c', 'a', 'd'}); G ...

alrededor de 4 años hace | 1

Changing order of legend entries when lslines are included
The easiest way to be certain your legend labels match up is to pass handles specifically: figure; p = plot([1 2;2 1;3 1;1 4...

más de 4 años hace | 1

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How to label the x axis of a polar plot?
You can label polar axes with text objects. I find the following positioning works well as a default... you may need to play ar...

más de 4 años hace | 0

Outputting how far down a set of data a set of numbers are in a large data set
If you supply 2 outputs to find, it will return the row and column indices corresponding to each true element: [rowidx, colidx]...

más de 4 años hace | 0

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Legends not matching colors
Are you certain that those are the only plotting commands? Did you perhaps test plot once with hold on, then call your commands...

más de 4 años hace | 0

Can't seem to get the functions to graph properlly
You've chosen a pretty coarse resolution for t. If you change it to something like t = linspace(0,5,100); do you get what yo...

más de 4 años hace | 0

Diagonal Node Labels for Bipartite Graph?? (Undirected Graph Formatting Help)
The node labels in a plotted graph are difficult to alter. You can get to them by digging into undocumented properties. For ex...

más de 4 años hace | 0

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Plotting A Large Number Of Patches
Creating a single multi-faceted patch is much, much more efficient than plotting lots of single-face patches. In the figure you...

más de 4 años hace | 3

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i have a syntax error in u(3)-u(4)(​exp((u(2)u​(1)+u(6)))​)/(u(5))-1​) what the error ?
A few missing multiplication symbols: u(2)*u(1) and u(4)*(exp...)

más de 4 años hace | 1

Specify location of clabel
I've used the FEX function gclabel in the past to do this sort of thing, though I haven't tested it in any recent versions of Ma...

más de 4 años hace | 0

Extracting Numbers from a mixed string
Assuming numbers only appear as properly-formatted combos, you can simply look for all number-decimal groups: b = regexp(str, '...

más de 4 años hace | 2

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Adjusting my time axis(x axis) accordingly
t = (0:(n-1))*(1/fs); plot(t,y1)

más de 4 años hace | 0

plotting 2gb worth of data
You're trying to show about 10x more data than could possibly be visualized, even on a 4K monitor. Even if you didn't run out o...

más de 4 años hace | 0

How to make a circular graph (node connections)?
The short answer is that you can indeed make these in Matlab, but it's not simple. You basically need to recreate the calcula...

más de 4 años hace | 0

Daily average of several years data
You might also take a look at reshapetimeseries.m (part of the Climate Data Toolbox). Setting the 'bin' option to 'date' will r...

más de 4 años hace | 0

error bars continue at other border of figure
I think the easiest way to do this would just be to plot the data, plus the data shifted one modulo to each side; the replicates...

más de 4 años hace | 1

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Plot curve becomes jagged after 1000 data points (seems to plot one point and stretch it the length of 10)
It's difficult to say without actually seeing the underlying data... but at first glance this looks like a change in precision i...

más de 4 años hace | 0

Heat (or color coded Map) in Matlab
In my opinion, the easiest way to do this is to alter the colors of the patches after plotting with mapshow/geoshow. An example...

más de 4 años hace | 1

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Can the vertical exaggeration of geographic axes be reduced so plots don't warp as much as they do now?
If you don't have the Mapping Toolbox, I recommend using m_map. Basically, you're asking to reinvent map projections, and that'...

casi 5 años hace | 0

What happened to the ESRI file in the mapping toolbox projection files in 2020b PR?
I'm not sure if this will work for your use case, but I wrote my shapeprjread function to parse certain projected shapefiles. I...

casi 5 años hace | 0

Colour plot vs Time on a circle
It's not clear to me whether you've already created the circle plots in Matlab, or if you just sketched out your desire outcome....

casi 5 años hace | 1

Contourf is plotting weird lines. How to remove them?
When you let contour choose contour levels automatically, it doesn't always choose the levels you really want. In this case, it...

casi 5 años hace | 3

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How can I make following part of code without for loop?
I'm having a hard time finding a solution that's faster than the original loop... % Build test data n_values = 10000; nc =...

casi 5 años hace | 0

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how to get the value in julian date and time
Can you explain what you're defining as "Julian date"? While the 4714 BCE reference date is the proper one for a real Julian da...

casi 5 años hace | 1

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change y values in figure to names
You need to calculate where each month falls, in terms of hours: ttk = datetime(2019,1:13,1); set(gca, 'xtick', hours(ttk-da...

casi 5 años hace | 3

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Is it possible to bring "grid on" to the front of a figure?
By default, all plotted objects are rendered on top of the axis (including axis lines, grid lines, etc). You can reverse that b...

casi 5 años hace | 4

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How to remove border line of a circle graph
set(gca, 'visible', 'off'); or axis off;

casi 5 años hace | 1

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