Speeding up Electrical System Simulations on Desktops and HiL with Simscape
Electrical System simulation typically take always take too long, as we often hear from our customers. There are several reasons for this, like the high temporal accuracy needed for PWM switching, the high number of simulation runs for parameter sweeps or optimizations, or the sheer length of the simulated time.
This webinar demonstrates different approaches for speeding up electrical system simulations in Simulink and Simscape Electrical that can be used for desktop simulation or Hardware-In-The-Loop (HiL). The first step is to select the appropriate fidelity level for a given simulation goal. Additionally, we will show how the solver setting can influence the simulation speed, as well as different simulation modes. Optimizations and parameter sweeps can benefit from multicore processors. In case of HiL systems we show how large electrical networks can be partitioned and how electrical converter or inverter models can be converted into models ready for deployment on FPGAs.
- Finding the appropriate model fidelity level for a specific simulation goal
- Solver settings for faster execution
- Simulation modes and fast restart
- Optimizations and parameter-sweeps on multicore processors
- Partitioning large scale networks on multiple cores (for HiL)
- Deploying converter or inverter models on FPGAs (for HiL)
About the Presenter
Gernot Schraberger is Principal Application Engineer at MathWorks in Munich. His focus topics are modeling of physical systems, control design, power electronic control applications, renewable energy and many other topics around Model-Based Design.
Recorded: 1 Jul 2021