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AI-Native Fully Convolutional Receiver

This example shows how to train and use an AI-native, fully convolutional receiver known as DeepRx [1]. Using DeepRx, you replace channel estimation, equalization, and symbol demodulation operations with a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) at the receiver end of a 5G New Radio (NR) link. DeepRx is particularly beneficial in high Doppler shift scenarios and sparse pilot configurations. In this example, you create a physical uplink shared channel (PUSCH) end-to-end link that consists of a transmitter, a channel, a receiver to generate training, validation and test data. You then assess the performance of DeepRx and compare it with a conventional receiver.


AI-native air interface (AI-AI) is a promising technique for improving system performance and reducing energy consumption, essential steps in developing networks beyond 5G. AI-AI is a departure from the traditional approach of designing and productizing communications systems, as it involves the integration of AI and machine learning (AI/ML) as a core component of the physical layer (PHY) processing.

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has initiated comprehensive study and work items focused on exploring the applications of AI/ML, with the goal of covering long-term projects such as technologies beyond 5G [2, 3, 4]. More recently, 3GPP is planning to conduct work aimed at supporting a general framework for AI/ML models. This work includes specifying the necessary signaling and infrastructural mechanisms to facilitate AI/ML-based beam management and positioning. For more information, see the Neural Network for Beam Selection and AI for Positioning Accuracy Enhancement examples.

This example demonstrates an AI-AI implementation that replaces multiple 5G receiver processing blocks with AI/ML counterparts to enhance performance.

AI-native, fully convolutional receiver block diagram

System Description

This example uses a modified version of the NR PUSCH Throughput example to generate training, validation, and test data on the fly (online learning) and evaluate system performance. In this example, storing a large portion of the dataset in memory might not be feasible for batch learning. Instead, the example creates multiple batches of data asynchronously on multiple CPUs and passes them to a GPU for training. This approach ensures that when a worker finishes generating the training data, it triggers a training session on the GPU, while other parallel data generation sessions continue. The bottleneck is the training on the GPU, and data generation does not significantly contribute to the total execution time. Moreover, if parallelism is enabled, the model keeps only a few batches of data in memory for each training, validation, and test iteration. The Train DeepRx Network section provides further information on parallelism and data generation.

To create a data sample at each signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) level, the process simulates PUSCH data transmission for each instance through the following steps:

  1. Generate an OFDM-modulated waveform that contains PUSCH and PUSCH demodulation reference signal (DM-RS).

  2. Simulate the transmission through either a clustered delay line (CDL) or tapped delay line (TDL) fading channel, applying additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) based on the SNR.

  3. Synchronize and OFDM-demodulate the received waveform.

  4. Perform channel estimation. If you selected perfect estimation, reconstruct the channel impulse response (CIR) and OFDM-demodulate it for channel estimation. For practical estimation, use the PUSCH DM-RS.

  5. Extract the PUSCH resource elements and channel estimates from the received resource grid and equalize the PUSCH resource elements with the minimum mean square error (MSE) method.

  6. Decode the PUSCH by demodulating and descrambling the equalized symbols that leading to an estimation of the received codewords.

  7. Decode the uplink transport channel (UL-SCH) to process the decoded soft bits, decode the codeword, and return the block cyclic redundancy check (CRC) error. Use the block CRC to assess throughput, and the coded and uncoded bit error ratios (BERs).

The following diagram shows each step of the PUSCH data transmission and the corresponding 5G Toolbox™ functions for the operations. The faded blocks represent operations that this example does not use because it implements a single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) configuration with one transmit antenna and two receive antennas. DeepRx replaces the channel estimation, channel equalization, and symbol demodulation. Accordingly, F represents the number of subcarriers, S denotes the number of symbols in time, and Nrx is the number of receive antennas. During DeepRx training, the loss function is binary sigmoid cross-entropy (CE), which compares the log-likelihood ratios (LLRs) of the output bits (L) with the ground truth labels (T). The final step evaluates the trained DeepRx performance using transport blocks (Tblk) and number of block errors to calculate coded BER and throughput. Note that the hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) is disabled in this example, as it only affects the processes after the calculation of LLRs.

System description for the AI-native, fully convolutional receiver structure

Configure System Parameters

You can set the simulation length by specifying the number of 10 ms frames (simParameters.NFrames) and training samples (simParameters.NTrainSamples) in training. The SNR parameter represents the SNR per resource element (RE) and per antenna element. For an explanation of the SNR definition used in this example, see the SNR Definition Used in Link Simulations example.

Specify the carrier, UL-SCH, and PUSCH configurations along with the propagation channel model parameters. Training the DeepRx network may take several hours due to the wide range of scenario parameters and data samples. By default, training is turned off, and the example uses a pretrained network (DeepRx_2M.mat). This network is trained using the default settings of the example with simParameters.NTrainSamples set to 2 million. To enable training, set simParameters.TrainNow to true.

Workflow of the AI-native, fully convolutional receiver example

Generate the simulation data for both training and testing simultaneously on multiple workers across multiple CPUs. To enable CPU-based harware acceleration, set simParameters.EnableParallelism to true, which requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™. The example will use a GPU, if available, to train the DeepRx.

% Training parameters
simParameters.TrainNow = false;          % If true, train the network; otherwise, use a pretrained network
simParameters.EnableParallelism = false; % If true, enable multi-CPU simulation; otherwise, use single-core execution
simParameters.LearnRate = 0.001;         % Initial learning rate for training
simParameters.NTrainSamples = 30e3;      % Number of training iterations
simParameters.NFrames = 1;               % Number of frames used in each training iteration

% Fixed simulation parameters
simParameters.CarrierFrequency = 3.5e9;  % Carrier frequency in Hz
simParameters.NSizeGrid = 26;            % Bandwidth in number of resource blocks (26 RBs at 15 kHz SCS)
simParameters.SubcarrierSpacing = 15;    % Subcarrier spacing in kHz
simParameters.ModulationType = '16QAM';  % Modulation type: 'pi/2-BPSK', 'QPSK', '16QAM', '64QAM', '256QAM'
simParameters.CodeRate = 658/1024;       % Code rate used to calculate transport block size

To equip DeepRx with the capability to handle generalized environmental parameters, such as non-Gaussian noise, various channel models, modulation types, delay spread, Doppler shift, and DM-RS configurations, the example randomizes the training parameters DelaySpreadLim, MaximumDopplerShiftLim, DMRSAdditionalPosLim, DMRSConfigTypeLim, SNRdBLim, and ChannelTrain within a given interval.

% Randomized simulation parameters
simParameters.SNRInLimits = [-4 32];                % SNR limits for uniform distribution [min(SNR) max(SNR)] in dB
simParameters.DelaySpreadLimits = [10e-9 300e-9];   % RMS delay spread limits for uniform distribution [10 300] ns
simParameters.MaximumDopplerShiftLimits = [0 500];  % Maximum Doppler shift limits for uniform distribution [0 500] Hz
simParameters.DMRSAdditionalPositionLimits = [0 1]; % DMRS additional position limits (0 or 1)
simParameters.DMRSConfigurationTypeLimits = [1 2];  % DMRS configuration type limits (1 or 2)
simParameters.ChannelTrain = ["CDL-B","CDL-C","CDL-D","TDL-B","TDL-C","TDL-D"];  % Channel delay profiles used in training
simParameters.ChannelValidate = ["CDL-A","CDL-E","TDL-A","TDL-E"];  % Channel delay profiles used in validation

% Additional UL PUSCH simulation parameters
simParameters = hGetAdditionalSystemParameters(simParameters);

Simulation summary

- Input (X) size:                   [ 312   14   10 ]
- Output (L) size:                  [ 312   14    4 ]

- Number of subcarriers (F):        312  
- Number of symbols (S):            14   
- Number of receive antennas (Nrx): 2    

Load or Create DeepRx Network

DeepRx is a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) based on a Residual Network (ResNet) architecture. This section explains how to develop and train a ResNet-based convolutional receiver framework for detecting OFDM waveforms [1, 5]. The example mode depends on the value of simParameters.TrainNow:

  • true — The example is in training mode. In this case, you construct and train the network from scratch.

  • false — The example is in simulation mode. In this case, you use a pretrained network to decode the transmitted bits

DCNNs excel at identifying and learning crucial features from images. This example uses a DCNN to detect transmitted bits from the received resource grid, using 2-D convolutions that are well suited for processing the time-frequency resource grid. However, merely adding additional layers to extract further information in very deep networks can cause a plateau in accuracy and an increase in training errors, an issue known as degradation. DeepRx mitigates this problem by implementing residual blocks that introduce shortcuts or skip connections, facilitating the more efficient flow of gradients to earlier layers [6, 7]. Moreover, to lower computational requirements, each residual block incorporates 2-D depthwise separable convolutions [8].

  • In simulation mode, the example loads the pretrained DeepRx_2M.mat network and evaluates the detection performance using the generated test data, which consists of samples that correspond to the simParameters.NTrainSamples.

  • In training mode, the example sets up and trains the DeepRx network architecture.

The training inputs consist of three components:

  • Frequency domain received resource grid (rxGrid) — A complex-valued array with dimensions F-by-S-by-Nrx

  • Transmit pilot signals grid (dmrsGrid) — A complex-valued array with dimensions F-by-S-by-1

  • Channel estimations grid (rawChanEstGrid) — A complex-valued array with dimensions F-by-S-by-Nrx

The example concatenates rxGrid, dmrsGrid, and rawChanEstGrid along the channel dimension, yielding a complex-valued array Xc with dimensions F-by-S-(2Nrx+1). Since standard DCNNs operate on real-valued images, the example converts Xc into a F-by-S-by-(4Nrx+2) real-valued array X by stacking real and imaginary parts back to back. The labels that contain the bits before (trBlk) and after (codedTrBlock) the LDPC encoding, rate matching, and scrambling operations.

Details of the AI-native, fully convolutional receiver network architecture

if simParameters.TrainNow
    % Create a custom DeepRx architecture for training
    [net,netParam] = hCreateDeepRx(simParameters.InputSize,simParameters.NBits,InputNorm="none");
    % Load a pretrained DeepRx network.
    % Check for a custom-trained network first, then the default network
    if exist("trained_DeepRx.mat","file")
        data = load("trained_DeepRx.mat"); % Load custom-trained network
    elseif exist("DeepRx_2M.mat","file")
        data = load("DeepRx_2M.mat");      % Load pretrained network
        error("No pretrained network (trained_DeepRx.mat or DeepRx_2M.mat) found in the working folder.");
    net =;
    netParam = data.netParam;

% Display the summary of the loaded or created network

Neural Network Summary

- Number of ResNet blocks:    11
- Total number of layers:     46
- Total number of learnables: 1.2325 million

Train DeepRx Network

The DeepRx implementation frames the task on the receiver side as a self-supervised learning problem that does not require manual labeling. The model's input consists of received waveforms in the frequency domain, and the corresponding labels are the transmitted bits. In this section, you can generate the training data using the end-to-end PUSCH simulation function hGetTrainingFeaturesAndLabels. The prediction of the transmitted bits is framed as a binary classification problem. The output of the DeepRx network is an F-by-S-by-B soft bits matrix, where B is the number of bits per symbol. The example uses BCE loss with sigmoid during training to compare the predicted LLRs (L) with the labels (T).

To reduce the total training time, execute the SNR points on each available worker. For more information, see Accelerate Link-Level Simulations with Parallel Processing example. Train the DeepRx model on a GPU using data generated asynchronously on multiple CPUs. Using a GPU requires Parallel Computing Toolbox™ and a supported GPU device.

Details of the hardware acceleration in training

if simParameters.TrainNow
    % Train the DeepRx network using the specified simulation parameters
    net = hTrainDeepRx(simParameters,net);
    % Save the trained network and parameters to the current folder
    % Information message indicating successful saving of the trained network
    disp("Your trained network is saved in the current folder under the name trained_DeepRx.mat.");

Compare the Performance of DeepRx and Conventional Receivers

In this section, you calculate the coded BER and throughput for DeepRx and the conventional receiver. The performance calculation includes generating the received resource grid, as outlined in the Train DeepRx Network section. You can set the logical variable simParameters.PerfectChannelEstimator to determine the channel estimation and timing synchronization approach. When set to true, it enables perfect channel estimation and synchronization.

The trained DeepRx network predicts the soft decision bits (LLRs) using the frequency domain received resource grid, the DM-RS grid, and the estimated channel values that correspond to the DM-RS grid.

  • The end-to-end system simulation function hEvaluateLinkPerformance calculates the coded BER by comparing the transport block vector (Tblk) with the UL-SCH decoded hard bits vector (Y).

  • The end-to-end system simulation function hEvaluateLinkPerformance also calculates the throughput by using the number of successful transmissions and the size of each transmission block.

To reduce the total evaluation time, you can execute the SNR points on each available worker. This example uses DeepRx predictions on CPU.

% End-to-end simulation parameters for testing
simParameters.ChannelModel = "TDL-E";          % Channel model options: "CDL-A", "CDL-E", "TDL-A", "TDL-E"
simParameters.DelaySpread = 100e-9;            % Delay spread in seconds, range: [10e-9, 300e-9]
simParameters.MaximumDopplerShift = 250;       % Maximum Doppler shift in Hz, range: [0, 500]
simParameters.SNRInVec = 0:10;                 % SNR range in dB for evaluation
simParameters.ModulationType = "QPSK";         % Modulation type: "QPSK" or "16QAM"
simParameters.DMRSAdditionalPosition = 0;      % DMRS additional position: 0 or 1
simParameters.DMRSConfigurationType = 2;       % DMRS configuration type: 1 or 2
simParameters.NFrames = 5;                     % Number of frames for the simulation
simParameters.PerfectChannelEstimator = false; % Use perfect channel estimation if true

% Evaluate link performance using the specified simulation parameters and network
[resultsRX,resultsAI] = hEvaluateLinkPerformance(simParameters,net);

Simulating DeepRx and 5G receivers

- Test data generation: Serial execution
- Inference environment: CPU

Simulating DeepRx and conventional receivers for 11 SNR points...
Conv. 5G Rx:  (  9.09%) SNRIn:  +0.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: (  9.09%) SNRIn:  +0.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 18.18%) SNRIn:  +1.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 18.18%) SNRIn:  +1.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 27.27%) SNRIn:  +2.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 27.27%) SNRIn:  +2.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 36.36%) SNRIn:  +3.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 36.36%) SNRIn:  +3.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 45.45%) SNRIn:  +4.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 45.45%) SNRIn:  +4.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 54.55%) SNRIn:  +5.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 54.55%) SNRIn:  +5.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 63.64%) SNRIn:  +6.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 63.64%) SNRIn:  +6.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 72.73%) SNRIn:  +7.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 72.73%) SNRIn:  +7.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 81.82%) SNRIn:  +8.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 81.82%) SNRIn:  +8.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  ( 90.91%) SNRIn:  +9.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: ( 90.91%) SNRIn:  +9.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
Conv. 5G Rx:  (100.00%) SNRIn: +10.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 
AI/ML DeepRx: (100.00%) SNRIn: +10.00 dB  |  Channel: TDL-E  |  Delay Spread: 1.00e-07  |  Max Doppler shift: 250.00 | DMRS Config. / Add Pos.: 2 / 0 

Evaluate Detection Performance

Finally, evaluate the detection performance results by comparing DeepRx with the conventional receiver, which uses the nrPUSCHDecode function. If simParameters.TrainNow is set to true, the example saves the trained network in the current directory as trained_DeepRx.mat and assesses the DeepRx network performance by default.

% Plot Coded BER vs. SNR and Throughput (%) vs. SNR

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel SNR (dB), ylabel Coded BER contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent DeepRx, Conventional 5G Rx. Axes object 2 with xlabel SNR (dB), ylabel Throughput (%) contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent DeepRx, Conventional 5G Rx.


[1] M. Honkala, D. Korpi, and J. M. J. Huttunen, "DeepRx: Fully Convolutional Deep Learning Receiver," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 3925 — 3940, June 2021.

[2] J. Hoydis, F. A. Aoudia, A. Valcarce, and H. Viswanathan, "Toward a 6G AI-Native Air Interface," in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 76 — 81, May 2021.

[3] T. O’Shea and J. Hoydis, "An Introduction to Deep Learning for the Physical Layer," in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 563 — 575, Dec. 2017.

[4] 3GPP TR 38.843. "Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) for NR air interface" 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.

[5] F. Ait Aoudia and J. Hoydis, "End-to-End Learning for OFDM: From Neural Receivers to Pilotless Communication," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 1049 — 1063, Feb. 2022.

[6] K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun, "Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition," 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2016, pp. 770 — 778.

[7] He, K., Zhang, X., Ren, S., and Sun, J., "Identity mappings in deep residual networks", in European Conference on Computer Vision, pp. 630 — 645, Springer, 2016.

[8] F. Chollet, "Xception: Deep Learning with Depthwise Separable Convolutions," in 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Honolulu, HI, USA, 2017 pp. 1800 — 1807.

Local Functions

function visualizePerformance(simParameters,resultsRX,resultsAI)
    % Visualize the performance of the system by plotting coded BER and
    % throughput results against SNR for both MMSE based conventional 5G
    % receiver and DeepRx methods

    % Create a figure for the plots
    f = figure;
    f.Position = [0 0 1000 450];
    t = tiledlayout(1,2,'TileSpacing','compact');
    % Plot coded BER against SNR
    hold on;
    legend("DeepRx","Conventional 5G Rx","Location","best");
    grid on;
    xlabel('SNR (dB)');
    ylabel('Coded BER');
    % Plot throughput against SNR
    hold on;
    legend("DeepRx","Conventional 5G Rx","Location","best");
    grid on;
    xlabel('SNR (dB)');
    ylabel('Throughput (%)');
    % Add a title to the tiled layout summarizing the system configuration
    title(t,sprintf('Delay spread: %.2e, Max. Doppler shift: %.2f, DM-RS: %d / %d, Channel: %s',...

function displayNetworkSummary(net,details)
    % Display a summary of the deep neural network, including the number of
    % layers and learnable parameters, and plot its architecture if
    % initialized

    % Calculate the total number of layers in the network
    % Total number of layers is calculated similar to LeNet-5
    numLayers = details.conv + details.conv_sep + details.fc;
    % Print the network summary
    fprintf('\nNeural Network Summary\n');
    fprintf('- %-27s %i\n','Number of ResNet blocks:',details.resblock);
    fprintf('- %-27s %i\n','Total number of layers:',numLayers);
    % Initialize the network if not already done
    if ~net.Initialized
        net = init(net);
    % Analyze the network to get information about learnable parameters
    netInfo = analyzeNetwork(net,Plots="none");
    numLearnables = sum(netInfo.LayerInfo.NumLearnables) / 1e6; % millions
    fprintf('- %-27s %.4f million\n','Total number of learnables:',numLearnables);

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