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Bring DATCOM file into MATLAB environment


aero = datcomimport(file) imports aerodynamic data from file into aero. Before reading the United States Air Force Digital DATCOM file, datcomimport initializes values to 99999 when there is not a full set of data for the DATCOM case.


aero = datcomimport(file,usenan) replaces data points with NaN or zero where no DATCOM methods exist or where the method is not applicable.


aero = datcomimport(file,usenan,verbose) displays the status of the DATCOM file being read in the MATLAB® Command Window.


aero = datcomimport(file,usenan,verbose,filetype) imports a DATCOM of a particular USAF Digital DATCOM file type.



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These examples show how to read diginal DATACOM files.

Read 1976 Version of Digital DATCOM File

Read the 1976 version Digital DATCOM output file astdatcom.out.

aero = datcomimport('astdatcom.out')
aero = 1x1 cell array
    {1x1 struct}

Read USAF Digital DATCOM Output File Replacing Data Points with Zeroes

Read the 1976 Digital DATCOM output file astdatcom.out using zeros to replace data points where no DATCOM methods exist. Use usenanvar variable to set usenan argument to false.

usenanvar = false;
aero = datcomimport('astdatcom.out',usenanvar)
aero = 1x1 cell array
    {1x1 struct}

Read USAF Digital DATCOM Output File Replacing Data Points with Zeroes Specifying Verbose Settings

Read the 1976 Digital DATCOM output file astdatcom.out using zeros to replace data points where no DATCOM methods exist and displaying status information in the Command Window. Use usenanvar variable to set usenan argument to false.

usenanvar = false;
aero = datcomimport('astdatcom.out',usenanvar,1)
Loading file 'astdatcom.out'.
Reading input data from file 'astdatcom.out'.
Reading output data from file 'astdatcom.out'.
aero = 1x1 cell array
    {1x1 struct}

Read USAF Digital DATCOM Output File Replacing Data Points with Zeroes and Specifying Verbose Settings and DATCOM File Type

Read the 1976 Digital DATCOM output file astdatcom.out using NaNs to replace data points where no DATCOM methods exist, displaying status information in the Command Window, and specifying the DATCOM output file type. Use usenanvar variable to set usenan argument to true.

usenanvar = true;
aero = datcomimport('astdatcom.out',usenanvar,1,6)
Loading file 'astdatcom.out'.
Reading input data from file 'astdatcom.out'.
Reading output data from file 'astdatcom.out'.
aero = 1x1 cell array
    {1x1 struct}

Input Arguments

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Digital DATCOM output file name, specified as a character vector or cell array of file names. This file is generated from USAF Digital DATCOM files.

The datcomimport supports only these USAF Digital DATCOM files. You can rename the output files before importing them.

Output File from DATCOMFile Type Versions

for006.dat by all DATCOM versions

1976, 1999, 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014

for021.dat by DATCOM 2007, DATCOM 2008, DATCOM 2011, and DATCOM 2014

2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014

for042.csv by DATCOM 2008, DATCOM 2011, and DATCOM 2014

2008, 2011, and 2014

Example: for006.dat


The datcomimport function accepts DATCOM files of the type specified by the filetype argument. By default, the file type is 6 ( for006.dat, output by all DATCOM versions).

Data Types: char | string

While importing the DATCOM file, replace data points with NaNs (true) or zeroes (false) where no DATCOM methods exist or where methods are not applicable.

Data Types: char | string

Read status of import of DATCOM file, specified as:

  • 0 — No status information.

  • 1 — Display a status information as a progress bar.

  • 2 — Display status information in the MATLAB Command Window.

Data Types: double

DATCOM file type, specified as 6, 21, or 42.

Depending on the file type, the datcomimport function expects the imported DATCOM files to contain the fields listed in the Expected Fields column.

filetypeOutput File from DATCOMFile Type VersionsExpected Fields

for006.dat by all DATCOM versions

1976, 1999, 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014


for021.dat by DATCOM 2007, DATCOM 2008, DATCOM 2011, and DATCOM 2014

2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014


for042.csv by DATCOM 2008, DATCOM 2011, and DATCOM 2014

2008, 2011, and 2014


If filetype is 21, the function collates the breakpoints and data from all the cases and appends them as the last entry of aero.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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DATCOM structures, returned as a cell array of structures.


  • The operational limitations of the 1976 version DATCOM apply to the data contained in AERO. For more information on DATCOM limitations, see References, section 2.4.5.

  • USAF Digital DATCOM data for wing section, horizontal tail section, vertical tail section, and ventral fin section are not read.

More About

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Fields for 1976 Version (File Type 6)

1976 version of file type 6 DATCOM files must contain these fields.

Common Fields for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

caseCharacter vector containing the case ID. []
machArray of Mach numbers. []
altArray of altitudes.[]
alphaArray of angles of attack. []
nmachNumber of Mach numbers. 0
naltNumber of altitudes. 0
nalphaNumber of angles of attack. 0
rnnubArray of Reynolds numbers. []
hypersLogical denoting, when true, that mach numbers above tsmach are hypersonic. Default values are supersonic. false
loopScalar denoting the type of looping done to generate the DATCOM file. When loop is 1, mach and alt are varied together. When loop is 2, mach varies while alt is fixed. Altitude is then updated and Mach numbers are cycled through again. When loop is 3, mach is fixed while alt varies. mach is then updated and altitudes are cycled through again. 1
srefScalar denoting the reference area for the case. []
cbarScalar denoting the longitudinal reference length. []
blrefScalar denoting the lateral reference length. []
dimCharacter vector denoting the specified system of units for the case. 'ft'
derivCharacter vector denoting the specified angle units for the case. 'deg'
stmachScalar value setting the upper limit of subsonic Mach numbers. 0.6
tsmachScalar value setting the lower limit of supersonic Mach numbers. 1.4
saveLogical denoting whether the input values for this case are used in the next case.false
stypeScalar denoting the type of asymmetric flap for the case. []
trimLogical denoting the reading of trim data for the case. When trim runs are read, this value is set to true. false
dampLogical denoting the reading of dynamic derivative data for the case. When dynamic derivative runs are read, this value is set to true. false
buildScalar denoting the reading of build data for the case. When build runs are read, this value is set to 10. 1
partLogical denoting the reading of partial data for the case. When partial runs are written for each Mach number, this value is set to true. false
highsymLogical denoting the reading of symmetric flap high-lift data for the case. When symmetric flap runs are read, this value is set to true. false
highasyLogical denoting the reading of asymmetric flap high-lift data for the case. When asymmetric flap runs are read, this value is set to true. false
highconLogical denoting the reading of control/trim tab high-lift data for the case. When control/trim tab runs are read, this value is set to true. false
tjetLogical denoting the reading of transverse-jet control data for the case. When transverse-jet control runs are read, this value is set to true. false
hypeffLogical denoting the reading of hypersonic flap effectiveness data for the case. When hypersonic flap effectiveness runs are read, this value is set to true. false
lbLogical denoting the reading of low aspect ratio wing or lifting body data for the case. When low aspect ratio wing or lifting body runs are read, this value is set to true. false
pwrLogical denoting the reading of power effects data for the case. When power effects runs are read, this value is set to true. false
grndLogical denoting the reading of ground effects data for the case. When ground effects runs are read, this value is set to true. false
wsspnScalar denoting the semi-span theoretical panel for wing. This value is used to determine if the configuration contains a canard. 1
hsspnScalar denoting the semi-span theoretical panel for horizontal tail. This value is used to determine if the configuration contains a canard. 1
ndeltaNumber of control surface deflections: delta, deltal, or deltar. 0
deltaArray of control-surface streamwise deflection angles. []
deltalArray of left lifting surface streamwise control deflection angles, which are defined positive for trailing-edge down.[]
deltarArray of right lifting surface streamwise control deflection angles, which are defined positive for trailing-edge down.[]
nghScalar denoting the number of ground altitudes. 0
grndhtArray of ground heights. []
configStructure of logicals denoting whether the case contains horizontal tails.

false, as follows.

config.downwash = false;
config.body = false;
config.wing = false;
config.htail = false;
config.vtail = false;
config.vfin = false;
versionVersion of DATCOM file.1976

Static Longitude and Lateral Stability Fields Available for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cdDrag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load.alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
clLift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load.alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
cmPitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation.alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
cnNormal-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +Z direction.alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
caAxial-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +X direction. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
xcpDistances between moment reference center and the center of pressure divided by the longitudinal reference length. Distances are defined positive for a location forward of the center of gravity. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
claDerivatives of lift coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
cmaDerivatives of pitching-moment coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
cybDerivatives of side-force coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
cnbDerivatives of yawing-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
clbDerivatives of rolling-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
qqinfRatios of dynamic pressure at the horizontal tail to the freestream value. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
epsDownwash angle at horizontal tail in degrees. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta
depsdalpDownwash angle relative to angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build, grndht, delta

Dynamic Derivative Fields for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
clqLift force derivatives due to pitch rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cmqPitching-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cladLift-force derivatives due to rate of angle of attack.alpha, mach, alt, build
cmadPitching-moment derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build
clpRolling-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cypLateral-force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cnpYawing-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnrYawing-moment derivatives due to yaw rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
clrRolling-moment derivatives due to yaw rate. alpha, mach, alt, build

High-Lift and Control Fields for Symmetric Flaps for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
dcl_symIncremental lift coefficients due to deflection of control surface, valid in the linear-lift angle of attack range. delta, mach, alt
dcm_symIncremental pitching-moment coefficients due to deflection of control surface, valid in the linear-lift angle of attack range. delta, mach, alt
dclmax_symIncremental maximum lift coefficients. delta, mach, alt
dcdmin_symIncremental minimum drag coefficients due to control or flap deflection. delta, mach, alt
clad_symLift-curve slope of the deflected, translated surface. delta, mach, alt
cha_symControl-surface hinge-moment derivatives due to angle of attack. These derivatives, when defined positive, tend to rotate the flap trailing edge down. delta, mach, alt
chd_symControl-surface hinge-moment derivatives due to control deflection. When defined positive, these derivatives tend to rotate the flap trailing edge down. delta, mach, alt
dcdi_symIncremental induced drag coefficients due to flap detection. alpha, delta, mach, alt

High-Lift and Control Fields Available for Asymmetric Flaps for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
xscStreamwise distances from wing leading edge to spoiler tip. delta, mach, alt
hscProjected height of spoiler measured from normal to airfoil meanline. delta, mach, alt
ddcProjected height of deflector for spoiler-slot-deflector control. delta, mach, alt
dscProjected height of spoiler control. delta, mach, alt
clrollIncremental rolling-moment coefficients due to asymmetrical deflection of control surface. The coefficients are defined positive when right wing is down. delta, mach, and alt, or alpha, delta, mach, and alt for differential horizontal stabilizer
cn_asyIncremental yawing-moment coefficients due to asymmetrical deflection of control surface. The coefficients are defined positive when nose is right. delta, mach, and alt, or alpha, delta, mach, and alt for plain flaps

High-Lift and Control Fields Available for Control/Trim Tabs for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
fc_conStick forces or stick force coefficients. alpha, delta, mach, alt
fhmcoeff_freeFlap-hinge moment coefficients tab free. alpha, delta, mach, alt
fhmcoeff_lockFlap-hinge moment coefficients tab locked. alpha, delta, mach, alt
fhmcoeff_gearFlap-hinge moment coefficients due to gearing. alpha, delta, mach, alt
ttab_defTrim-tab deflections for zero stick force.alpha, delta, mach, alt

High-Lift and Control Fields Available for Trim for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cl_utrimUntrimmed lift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cd_utrimUntrimmed drag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cm_utrimUntrimmed pitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation. alpha, mach, alt
delt_trimTrimmed control-surface streamwise deflection angles. alpha, mach, alt
dcl_trimTrimmed incremental lift coefficients in the linear-lift angle of attack range due to deflection of control surface. alpha, mach, alt
dclmax_trimTrimmed incremental maximum lift coefficients. alpha, mach, alt
dcdi_trimTrimmed incremental induced drag coefficients due to flap deflection. alpha, mach, alt
dcdmin_trimTrimmed incremental minimum drag coefficients due to control or flap deflection. alpha, mach, alt
cha_trimTrimmed control-surface hinge-moment derivatives due to angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt
chd_trimTrimmed control-surface hinge-moment derivatives due to control deflection. alpha, mach, alt
cl_tailutrimUntrimmed stabilizer lift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cd_tailutrimUntrimmed stabilizer drag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cm_tailutrimUntrimmed stabilizer pitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation. alpha, mach, alt
hm_tailutrimUntrimmed stabilizer hinge-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a stabilizer rotation with leading edge up and trailing edge down.alpha, mach, alt
aliht_tailtrimStabilizer incidence required to trim. alpha, mach, alt
cl_tailtrimTrimmed stabilizer lift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cd_tailtrimTrimmed stabilizer drag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cm_tailtrimTrimmed stabilizer pitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation. alpha, mach, alt
hm_tailtrimTrimmed stabilizer hinge-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a stabilizer rotation with leading edge up and trailing edge down.alpha, mach, alt
cl_trimiLift coefficients at trim incidence. These coefficients are defined positive for an up-acting load. alpha, mach, alt
cd_trimiDrag coefficients at trim incidence. These coefficients are defined positive for an aft-acting load. alpha, mach, alt

Transverse Jet Control Fields for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldDescriptionStored with Indices of...
timeMatrix of times. mach, alt, alpha
ctrlfrcMatrix of control forces. mach, alt, alpha
locmachMatrix of local Mach numbers. mach, alt, alpha
reynumMatrix of Reynolds numbers.mach, alt, alpha
locpresMatrix of local pressures.mach, alt, alpha
dynpresMatrix of dynamic pressures. mach, alt, alpha
blayerCell array of character vectors containing the state of the boundary layer.mach, alt, alpha
ctrlcoeffMatrix of control force coefficients. mach, alt, alpha
corrcoeffMatrix of corrected force coefficients. mach, alt, alpha
sonicampMatrix of sonic amplification factors. mach, alt, alpha
ampfactMatrix of amplification factors. mach, alt, alpha
vacthrMatrix of vacuum thrusts. mach, alt, alpha
minpresMatrix of minimum pressure ratios.mach, alt, alpha
minjetMatrix of minimum jet pressures. mach, alt, alpha
jetpresMatrix of jet pressures.mach, alt, alpha
massflowMatrix of mass flow rates. mach, alt, alpha
propelwtMatrix of propellant weights. mach, alt, alpha

Hypersonic Fields for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Stored with Indices of...
df_normalIncrements in normal force per spanwise foot of control.alpha, delta, mach
df_axialIncrements in axial force per spanwise foot of control. alpha, delta, mach
cm_normalIncrements in pitching moment due to normal force per spanwise foot of control. alpha, delta, mach
cm_axialIncrements in pitching moment due to axial force per spanwise foot of control. alpha, delta, mach
cp_normalCenter of pressure locations of normal force. alpha, delta, mach
cp_axialCenter of pressure locations of axial force.alpha, delta, mach

Auxiliary and Partial Fields Available for the 1976 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Stored with Indices of...
wetarea_bBody wetted area.mach, alt, number of runs
xcg_bLongitudinal locations of the center of gravity. mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
zcg_bVertical locations of the center of gravity. mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
basearea_bBody base area.mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
cd0_bBody zero lift drags. mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
basedrag_bBody base drags. mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
fricdrag_bBody friction drags. mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
presdrag_bBody pressure drags. mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
lemacLeading edge mean aerodynamic chords. mach, alt
sidewashsidewashmach, alt
hiv_b_wiv-b(w)alpha, mach, alt
hiv_w_hiv-w(h)alpha, mach, alt
hiv_b_hiv-b(h)alpha, mach, alt
gammagamma*2*pi*alpha*v*ralpha, mach, alt
gamma2pialpvrgamma*(2*pi*alpha*v*r)talpha, mach, alt
clpgammacl0clp(gamma=cl=0)mach, alt
clpgammaclpclp(gamma)/cl (gamma=0)mach, alt
cnpthetacnp/thetamach, alt
cypgammacyp/gammamach, alt
cypclcyp/cl (cl=0)mach, alt
clbgammaclb/gammamach, alt
cmothetaw(cmo/theta)wmach, alt
cmothetah(cmo/theta)hmach, alt
espeff(epsoln)effalpha, mach, and alt
despdalpeffd(epsoln)/d(alpha) effalpha, mach, alt
dragdivdrag divergence mach numbermach, alt
cd0machFour Mach numbers for the zero lift drag. index, mach, alt
cd0Four zero lift drags. index, mach, alt
clbclmfb_****(clb/cl)mfb, where **** is either wb (wing-body) or bht (body-horizontal tail).mach, alt.
cnam14_****(cna)m=1.4, where **** is either wb (wing-body) or bht (body-horizontal tail). mach,alt
area_*_**Areas, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
taperratio_*_**Taper ratios, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
aspectratio_*_**Aspect ratios, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
qcsweep_*_**Quarter chord sweeps, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
mac_*_**Mean aerodynamic chords, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
qcmac_*_**Quarter chord x(mac), where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
ymac_*_**y(mac), where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
cd0_*_**Zero lift drags, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
friccoeff_*_**Friction coefficients, where * is either w (wing), ht (horizontal tail), vt (vertical tail), or vf (ventral fin) and ** is either tt (total theoretical), ti (theoretical inboard), te (total exposed), ei (exposed inboard), or o (outboard). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
cla_b_***cla-b(***), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
cla_***_bcla-***(b), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
k_b_***k-b(***), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
k_***_bk-***(b), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
xacc_b_***xac/c-b(***), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt, number of runs (normally 1, 2 for hypers = true)
cdlcl2_***cdl/cl^2, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer).mach, alt
clbcl_***clb/cl, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer).mach, alt
fmach0_***Force break Mach numbers with zero sweep, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
fmach_***Force break Mach numbers with sweep, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
macha_***mach(a), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
machb_***mach(b), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer).mach, alt
claa_***cla(a), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
clab_***cla(b), where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
clbm06_***(clb/cl)m=0.6, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
clbm14_***(clb/cl)m=1.4, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). mach, alt
clalpmach_***Five Mach numbers for the lift curve slope, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). index, mach, alt
clalp_***Five lift-curve slope values, where *** is either w (wing) or ht (stabilizer). index, mach, alt

Fields for 1999 Version (File Type 6)

1999 version of file type 6 DATCOM files must contain these fields.

Common Fields for the 1999 Version (File Type 6)

caseCharacter vector containing the case ID. []
machArray of Mach numbers. []
altArray of altitudes. []
alphaArray of angles of attack. []
nmachNumber of Mach numbers. 0
naltNumber of altitudes. 1
nalphaNumber of angles of attack. 0
rnnubArray of Reynolds numbers. []
betaScalar containing sideslip angle. 0
phiScalar containing aerodynamic roll angle. 0
loopScalar denoting the type of looping performed to generate the DATCOM file. When loop is 1, mach and alt are varied together. The only loop option for the 1999 version of DATCOM is loop is equal to 1. 1
srefScalar denoting the reference area for the case. []
cbarScalar denoting the longitudinal reference length. []
blrefScalar denoting the lateral reference length. []
dimCharacter vector denoting the specified system of units for the case. 'ft'
derivCharacter vector denoting the specified angle units for the case. 'deg'
saveLogical denoting whether the input values for this case are used in the next case. false
stypeScalar denoting the type of asymmetric flap for the case. []
trimLogical denoting the reading of trim data for the case. When trim runs are read, this value is set to true. false
dampLogical denoting the reading of dynamic derivative data for the case. When dynamic derivative runs are read, this value is set to true. false
buildScalar denoting the reading of build data for the case. When build runs are read, this value is set to the number of build runs depending on the vehicle configuration. 1
partLogical denoting the reading of partial data for the case. When partial runs are written for each Mach number, this value is set to true. false
hypeffLogical denoting the reading of hypersonic data for the case. When hypersonic data is read, this value is set to true. false
nghScalar denoting the number of ground altitudes. 0
nolatLogical denoting the calculation of the lateral-direction derivatives is inhibited. false
configStructure of logicals and structures detailing the case configuration and fin deflections.
config.body = false
config.fin1.avail = false;
config.fin1.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin2.avail = false;
config.fin2.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin3.avail = false;
config.fin3.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin4.avail = false;
config.fin4.npanel = []; = [];
versionVersion of DATCOM file.1999

Static Longitude and Lateral Stability Fields Available for the 1999 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cdDrag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load.alpha, mach, alt, build
clLift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load.alpha, mach, alt, build
cmPitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation.alpha, machalt, build
cnNormal-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +Z direction.alpha, mach, alt, build
caAxial-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +X direction.alpha, mach, alt, build
xcpDistances between moment reference center and the center of pressure divided by the longitudinal reference length. These distances are defined positive for a location forward of the center of gravity.alpha, mach, alt, build
cnaDerivatives of normal-force coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmaDerivatives of pitching-moment coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, alt, build
cybDerivatives of side-force coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnbDerivatives of yawing-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build
clbDerivatives of rolling-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build
clodRatios of lift coefficient to drag coefficient. alpha, mach, alt, build
cySide-force coefficients. alpha, mach, alt, build
clnYawing-moment coefficient in body-axis. alpha, mach, alt, build
cllRolling-moment coefficient in body-axis. alpha, mach, alt, build

Dynamic Derivative Fields for the 1999 Version (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cnqNormal-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmqPitching-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
caqAxial-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnadNormal-force derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmadPitching-moment derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build
clpRolling-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cypLateral force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cnpYawing-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnrYawing-moment derivatives due to yaw rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
clrRolling-moment derivatives due to yaw rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cyrSide force derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build

Fields for 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 6)

2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 versions of file type 6 DATCOM files must contain these fields.

Common Fields for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 6)

caseCharacter vector containing the case ID. []
machArray of Mach numbers. []
altArray of altitudes. []
alphaArray of angles of attack. []
nmachNumber of Mach numbers. 0
naltNumber of altitudes. 1
nalphaNumber of angles of attack. 0
rnnubArray of Reynolds numbers. []

Scalar containing sideslip angle.


This value does not appear correctly for the 2014 version. It always displays 0.

phiScalar containing aerodynamic roll angle. 0
loopScalar denoting the type of looping performed to generate the DATCOM file. When loop is 1, mach and alt are varied together. The only loop option for the 2007 version of DATCOM is loop, equal to 1. 1
srefScalar denoting the reference area for the case. []
cbarScalar denoting the longitudinal reference length. []
blrefScalar denoting the lateral reference length. []
dimCharacter vector denoting the specified system of units for the case. 'ft'
derivCharacter vector denoting the specified angle units for the case. 'deg'
saveLogical denoting whether the input values for this case are used in the next case. false
stypeScalar denoting the type of asymmetric flap for the case. []
trimLogical denoting the reading of trim data for the case. When trim runs are read, this value is set to true. false
dampLogical denoting the reading of dynamic derivative data for the case. When dynamic derivative runs are read, this value is set to true. false
buildScalar denoting the reading of build data for the case. When build runs are read, this value is set to the number of build runs depending on the vehicle configuration. 1
partLogical denoting the reading of partial data for the case. When partial runs are written for each Mach number, this value is set to true. false
hypeffLogical denoting the reading of hypersonic data for the case. When hypersonic data is read, this value is set to true. false
nghScalar denoting the number of ground altitudes. 0
nolatLogical denoting the calculation of the lateral-direction derivatives is inhibited. false
configStructure of logicals and structures detailing the case configuration and fin deflections.
config.body = false;
config.fin1.avail = false;
config.fin1.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin2.avail = false;
config.fin2.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin3.avail = false;
config.fin3.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin4.avail = false;
config.fin4.npanel = []; = [];
nolat_namelistLogical denoting the calculation of the lateral-direction derivatives is inhibited in the DATCOM input case. false
versionVersion of DATCOM file.2007

Static Longitude and Lateral Stability Fields Available for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cdDrag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load.alpha, mach, alt, build
clLift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load.alpha, mach, alt, build
cmPitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation.alpha, machalt, build
cnNormal-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +Z direction.alpha, mach, alt, build
caAxial-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +X direction.alpha, mach, alt, build
xcpDistances between moment reference center and the center of pressure divided by the longitudinal reference length. These distances are defined positive for a location forward of the center of gravity.alpha, mach, alt, build
cnaDerivatives of normal-force coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmaDerivatives of pitching-moment coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, alt, build
cybDerivatives of side-force coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnbDerivatives of yawing-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build
clbDerivatives of rolling-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, alt, build
clodRatios of lift coefficient to drag coefficient. alpha, mach, alt, build
cySide-force coefficients. alpha, mach, alt, build
clnYawing-moment coefficient in body-axis. alpha, mach, alt, build
cllRolling-moment coefficient in body-axis. alpha, mach, alt, build

Dynamic Derivative Fields for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 6)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cnqNormal-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmqPitching-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
caqAxial-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnadNormal-force derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmadPitching-moment derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build
clpRolling-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cypLateral-force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cnpYawing-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnrYawing-moment derivatives due to yaw rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
clrRolling-moment derivatives due to yaw rate alpha, mach, alt, build
cyrSide-force derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build

Fields for 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 21)

2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 versions of file type 21 DATCOM files must contain these fields.

Common Fields for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 21)

machArray of Mach numbers. []
altArray of altitudes. []
alphaArray of angles of attack. []
nalphaNumber of angles of attack. 0

Scalar containing sideslip angle.


This value does not appear correctly for the 2014 version. It always displays 0.

total_colScalar denoting the type of looping performed to generate the DATCOM file. When loop is 1, mach and alt are varied together. The only loop option for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 versions of DATCOM is loop equal to 1. []
deriv_colLogical denoting the calculation of the lateral-direction derivatives is inhibited. 0
configStructure of logicals and structures detailing the case configuration and fin deflections. = zeros(1,8); = zeros(1,8); = zeros(1,8); = zeros(1,8);
versionVersion of DATCOM file.2007

Static Longitude and Lateral Stability Fields Available for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 21)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cnNormal-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +Z direction.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cmPitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
caAxial-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +X direction.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cySide-force coefficients. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
clnYawing-moment coefficient in body-axis. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cllRolling-moment coefficient in body-axis. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,

Dynamic Derivative Fields for the 2007, 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 21)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cnadNormal-force derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cmadPitching-moment derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cnqNormal-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cmqPitching-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
caqAxial-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cyqSide-force due to pitch rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
clnqYawing-moment due to pitch rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cllqRolling-moment due to pitch rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cnpYawing-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
capAxial-force due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cypLateral-force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
clnpYawing-moment due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cllpRolling-moment due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cnrYawing-moment derivatives due to yaw rate. alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
carAxial-force due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cyrSide-force derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
clnrYawing-moment due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,
cllrRolling-moment due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, beta,,,,

Fields for 2008, 2011, and 2014 Version (File Type 42)

2008, 2011, and 2014 versions of file type 42 DATCOM files must contain these fields.

Fields for the 2008, 2011, and 2014 Version (File Type 42)

caseCharacter vector containing the case ID. []
totalColScalar containing number of columns of data in file.[]
machArray of Mach numbers. []
altArray of altitudes.[]
alphaArray of angles of attack. []
nmachNumber of Mach numbers. 0
nalphaNumber of angles of attack. 0
rnnubArray of Reynolds numbers. []
qDynamic pressure. []

Scalar containing sideslip angle.


This value does not appear correctly for the 2014 version. It always displays 0.

phiScalar containing aerodynamic roll angle. 0
srefScalar denoting the reference area for the case.[]
cbarScalar denoting the longitudinal reference length. []
blrefScalar denoting the lateral reference length. []
xcgDistance from nose to center of gravity. []
xmrpDistance from nose to center of gravity, measured in calibers. []
deriv Character vector denoting the specified angle units for the case. 'deg'
trim Logical denoting the reading of trim data for the case. When trim runs are read, this value is set to true. false
dampLogical denoting the reading of dynamic derivative data for the case. When dynamic derivative runs are read, this value is set to true. false
buildScalar denoting the reading of partial data for the case. This value is set to the number of partial runs depending on the vehicle configuration. 1
partLogical denoting the reading of partial data for the case. When partial runs are written for each Mach number, this value is set to true. false
nolat Logical denoting the calculation of the lateral-direction derivatives is inhibited. true
configStructure of logicals and structures detailing the case configuration and fin deflections.
config.body = false;
config.fin1.avail = false;
config.fin1.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin2.avail = false;
config.fin2.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin3.avail = false;
config.fin3.npanel = []; = [];
config.fin4.avail = false;
config.fin4.npanel = [];
versionVersion of DATCOM file.2008

Static Longitude and Lateral Stability Fields Available for the 2008, 2011, and 2014 Versions (File Type 42)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
deltaTrim deflection angles.alpha, mach
cdDrag coefficients, which are defined positive for an aft-acting load.alpha, mach, build
clLift coefficients, which are defined positive for an up-acting load.alpha, mach, build
cmPitching-moment coefficients, which are defined positive for a nose-up rotation.alpha, mach, build
cnNormal-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +Z direction.alpha, mach, build
caAxial-force coefficients, which are defined positive for a normal force in the +X direction. alpha, mach, build
caZeroBase Axial-force coefficient with no base drag included. alpha, mach, build
caFullBase Axial-force coefficient with full base drag included. alpha, mach, build
xcpDistance from nose to center of pressure.alpha, mach, build
cnaDerivatives of normal-force coefficients relative to alpha.alpha, mach, build
cmaDerivatives of pitching-moment coefficients relative to alpha. alpha, mach, build
cybDerivatives of side-force coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, build
cnbDerivatives of yawing-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, build
clbDerivatives of rolling-moment coefficients relative to sideslip angle. alpha, mach, build
clodRatios of lift coefficient to drag coefficient. alpha, mach, build
cySide-force coefficient. alpha, mach, build
clnYawing-moment coefficient. alpha, mach, build
cllRolling-moment coefficient. alpha, mach, build

Dynamic Derivative Fields for the 2008, 2011, and 2014 Version (File Type 42)

FieldMatrix of...Function of...
cnq Normal-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmqPitching-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
caqAxial-force derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnadNormal-force derivatives due to rate of angle of attack. alpha, mach, alt, build
cmad Pitching-moment derivatives due to rate of angle of attack.alpha, mach, alt, build
cyq Lateral-force derivatives due to pitch rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
clnq Yawing-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cllqRolling-moment derivatives due to pitch rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cyrSide-force derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
clnrYawing-moment derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cllrRolling-moment derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cypLateral-force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
clnpYawing-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cllpRolling-moment derivatives due to roll rate. alpha, mach, alt, build
cnpNormal-force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cmpPitching-moment derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
capAxial-force derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cnrNormal-force derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
cmr Pitching-moment derivatives due to roll rate.alpha, mach, alt, build
carAxial-force derivatives due to yaw rate.alpha, mach, alt, build


[1] AFFDL-TR-79-3032: The USAF Stability and Control DATCOM, Volume 1, User's Manual

[2] AFRL-VA-WP-TR-1998-3009: MISSILE DATCOM, User's Manual – 1997 FORTRAN 90 Revision

[3] AFRL-RB-WP-TR-2009-3015: MISSILE DATCOM, User's Manual – 2008 Revision

[4] AFRL-RB-WP-TR-2011-3071: MISSILE DATCOM, User's Manual – 2011 Revision

[5] AFRL-RQ-WP-TR-2014-3999: MISSILE DATCOM, Users Manual – 2014 Revision

Version History

Introduced in R2006b

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