returns interpolated values of the specified propagation data object at the
specified query points. The function performs the interpolation using a scattered
data interpolation method.interpvalue
= interp(pd
specifies options using name-value arguments.interpvalue
= interp(pd
Transmitter Site Service Areas
Define names and locations of sites around Boston.
names = ["Fenway Park","Faneuil Hall","Bunker Hill Monument"]; lats = [42.3467,42.3598,42.3763]; lons = [-71.0972,-71.0545,-71.0611];
Create array of transmitter sites.
txs = txsite("Name", names,... "Latitude",lats,... "Longitude",lons, ... "TransmitterFrequency",2.5e9);
Compute received power data for each transmitter site.
maxr = 20000; pd1 = coverage(txs(1),"MaxRange",maxr); pd2 = coverage(txs(2),"MaxRange",maxr); pd3 = coverage(txs(3),"MaxRange",maxr);
Compute rectangle containing locations of all data.
locs = [location(pd1); location(pd2); location(pd3)]; [minlatlon, maxlatlon] = bounds(locs);
Create grid of locations over rectangle.
gridlength = 300; latv = linspace(minlatlon(1),maxlatlon(1),gridlength); lonv = linspace(minlatlon(2),maxlatlon(2),gridlength); [lons,lats] = meshgrid(lonv,latv); lats = lats(:); lons = lons(:);
Get data for each transmitter at grid locations using interpolation.
v1 = interp(pd1,lats,lons); v2 = interp(pd2,lats,lons); v3 = interp(pd3,lats,lons);
Create propagation data containing minimum received power values.
minReceivedPower = min([v1 v2 v3],[],2,"includenan"); pd = propagationData(lats,lons,"MinReceivedPower",minReceivedPower);
Plot minimum received power, which shows the weakest signal received from any transmitter site. The area shown may correspond to the service area of triangulation using the three transmitter sites.
sensitivity = -110; contour(pd,"Levels",sensitivity:-5,"Type","power")
Input Arguments
— Propagation data
Propagation data, specified as a propagationData
— Latitude coordinates in degrees
vector with elements in range [–90, 90]
Latitude coordinate in degrees, specified as a vector with elements in the range [–90, 90]. The function assumes that the coordinates are referenced to the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84) reference ellipsoid.
— Longitude coordinates in degrees
Longitude coordinates in degrees, specified as a vector. The function assumes that the coordinates are referenced to the WGS 84 reference ellipsoid.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: interp(pd,lat,lon,Method="linear")
calculates the
interpolated values using a linear interpolation method.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: interp(pd,lat,lon,"Method","linear")
calculates the
interpolated values using a linear interpolation method.
— Data variable to interpolate
character vector | string scalar
Data variable to interpolate, specified as a character vector or
string scalar. The data variable must correspond to a variable name of
the table used to create the propagationData
The default value is the DataVariableName
property of the specified propagationData
Data Types: char
| string
— Method used to interpolate data
(default) | "nearest"
| "linear"
Method used to interpolate the data, specified as one of these options:
— Natural neighbor (Sibson) interpolation."linear"
— Linear interpolation."nearest"
— Nearest neighbor interpolation.
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Interpolated values from propagation data
Version History
Introduced in R2020a
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