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Get audio device information


infoStruct = info(obj) returns a structure, infoStruct, containing information about the System object™, obj.



collapse all

Create an object of the audioDeviceReader System object™ and then call info to return a structure containing information about the selected driver, device name, and the maximum number of input channels.

deviceReader = audioDeviceReader;

Create an object of the audioDeviceWriter System object™ and then call info to return a structure containing information about the selected driver, device name, and the maximum number of output channels.

deviceWriter = audioDeviceWriter;

Create an object of the audioPlayerRecorder System object™ and then call info to return a structure containing information about the selected driver, device name, and the maximum number of input and output channels.

playRec = audioPlayerRecorder;

Input Arguments

collapse all

System object to get information from.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Struct containing information about the System object, obj. Fields of the struct depend on the System object.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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