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Visualize static characteristic of dynamic range controller


visualize(dynamicRangeController) plots the static characteristic of the dynamic range control object. The plot is updated automatically when properties of the object change.


visualize(dynamicRangeController,inputRange) enables you to specify the input range.


hvsz = visualize(___) returns a handle to the visualizer when called with any of the previous syntaxes.



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Create a compressor System object™, and then plot the static characteristic.

dynamicRangeCompressor = compressor;

The static characteristic plot updates automatically if you modify a property of the object.

dynamicRangeCompressor.Threshold = -30;

Create an expander System object™. Plot the static characteristic over the range –15 to –5, in 0.001 dB increments.

dynamicRangeExpander = expander;

Create a limiter System object™. Get the output level of the static characteristic over a specified range.

dynamicRangeLimiter = limiter;
inputLevel = -15:1:-5
inputLevel = 1×11

   -15   -14   -13   -12   -11   -10    -9    -8    -7    -6    -5

outputLevel = staticCharacteristic(dynamicRangeLimiter,inputLevel)
outputLevel = 1×11

   -15   -14   -13   -12   -11   -10   -10   -10   -10   -10   -10

Plot the static characteristic. Modify the title to state that the object is a limiter.

hvsz = visualize(dynamicRangeLimiter,inputLevel);
hvsz.Title = "Limiter Static Characteristic";

Input Arguments

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Dynamic range control object, specified as a compressor, expander, limiter, or noiseGate System object™.

Range over which to calculate the output of the static characteristic, specified as a vector of monotonically increasing values expressed in dB. The default input range is [-50:0.01:0] dB.

Output Arguments

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Visualizer handle, returned as a dsp.ArrayPlot object.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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