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Get crossover band filters

Since R2024b


    filters = getFilters(crossFilt) returns the individual filter objects for each band in the crossoverFilter object.



    collapse all

    Create a crossoverFilter object with 2 crossovers (3 bands), crossover frequencies at 500 Hz and 1 kHz, and a slope of 18 dB/octave.

    fs = 44100;
    crossFilt = crossoverFilter( ...
        NumCrossovers=2, ...
        CrossoverFrequencies=[500,1000], ...
        CrossoverSlopes=18, ...

    Call the getFilters function on the object to get the individual band filter objects.

    filters = getFilters(crossFilt)
    filters=1×3 cell array
        {1x1 dsp.FilterCascade}    {1x1 dsp.FilterCascade}    {1x1 dsp.FilterCascade}

    Use filterAnalyzer to view and analyze the individual filters that make up the crossoverFilter object.

    filterAnalyzer(filters{1},filters{2},filters{3}, ...
        SampleRates=fs, ...
        FrequencyScale="log", ...

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Crossover filter, specified as a crossoverFilter object.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Band filters of the crossover filter specified by crossFilt, specified as a cell array of N+1 filter objects, where N is NumCrossovers. The filter objects are returned as dsp.SOSFilter or dsp.FilterCascade objects. See Algorithms for more information about the design of the band filters.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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