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Get filter bandedges


bandEdges = getBandedgeFrequencies(obj) returns the bandedge frequencies of the filters designed by obj. If there are M filters, then there are M center frequencies and M+1 band edge frequencies.


[bandEdges,centerFrequencies] = getBandedgeFrequencies(obj) returns the center frequencies of the filters designed by obj.


collapse all

Create a default octaveFilterBank object.

octFiltBank = octaveFilterBank;

Call getBandedgeFrequencies to return a vector of bandedge frequencies.

bE = getBandedgeFrequencies(octFiltBank)
bE = 1×11
104 ×

    0.0022    0.0045    0.0089    0.0178    0.0355    0.0708    0.1413    0.2818    0.5623    1.1220    2.2050

Call freqz to get the frequency response of the filter bank. Plot the magnitude frequency response. Use the bandedge frequencies to label the frequency axis.

[H,f] = freqz(octFiltBank);
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
grid on
h = gcf;
set(h,'Position',[h.Position(1) h.Position(2) h.Position(3)*2 h.Position(4)])

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel Frequency (Hz), ylabel Magnitude contains 10 objects of type line.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Object to get filter information from, specified as an object of octaveFilterBank.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Bandedges of filters designed by obj in Hz, returned as a row vector.

Data Types: double | single

Center frequencies of filters designed by obj in Hz, returned as a row vector.

Data Types: double | single

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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