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Drive Cycle Source

Standard or specified longitudinal drive cycle

  • Drive Cycle Source block

Powertrain Blockset / Vehicle Scenario Builder
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset / Vehicle Scenarios / Drive Cycle and Maneuvers

Alternative Configurations of Drive Cycle Source Block:
Wide Open Throttle


The Drive Cycle Source block generates a standard or user-specified longitudinal drive cycle. The block output is the vehicle longitudinal reference speed as a function of time, along with gear shift schedule if applicable. You can use the drive cycle to:

  • Predict the required engine torque and fuel consumption for a vehicle to follow a specified speed profile, with a given gear shift schedule.

  • Produce realistic velocity and shift schedules for closed loop acceleration and braking commands for vehicle control and plant models.

  • Study, tune, and optimize vehicle control, system performance, and system robustness in covering multiple drive cycles.

  • Identify faults outside the tolerances specified by standardized tests. These include:

    • EPA dynamometer driving schedules1

    • Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) laboratory tests2

To generate drive cycles, you can use:

  • Drive cycles from predefined sources. The block includes the FTP–75 drive cycle by default, and additional cycles can be loaded from a support package.

    To install additional drive cycles from a support package, see Install Drive Cycle Data. Certain drive cycles include the gear shift schedules, for example JC08 and CUEDC.

  • Workspace variables that define your own drive cycles.

  • .mat, .xls, .xlsx, or .txt files. This allows you to load other standard drive cycles, or ones you have built.

  • Wide open throttle (WOT) parameters. An initial and a nominal reference speed are set to produce a sudden large change in reference speed, inducing a WOT condition in the vehicle.

To achieve the goals listed in this table, use the specified Drive Cycle Source block parameter options.


Repeat the drive cycle if the simulation run time exceeds the drive cycle length.

Select Repeat cyclically.

Output the acceleration, as calculated by Savitzky-Golay differentiation.

Select Output acceleration.

Specify a sample period for discrete applications.

Specify an Output sample period (0 for continuous), dt parameter.

Update the simulation run time so that it equals the length of the drive cycle.

Click Update simulation time. If a model configuration reference exists, the block does not enable this option.

Plot the drive cycle in a MATLAB® figure.

Click Plot drive cycle.

Specify the drive cycle using a workspace variable.

Click Specify variable. The block:

  • Sets the Drive cycle source parameter to Workspace variable.

  • Enables the From workspace parameter.

Specify the workspace variable so that it contains time, velocity, and, optionally, the gear shift schedule.

Specify the drive cycle by selecting a file.

This allows you to load standard cycles other than those listed.

Click Select file. The block:

  • Sets the Drive cycle source parameter to .mat, .xls, .xlsx or .txt file.

  • Enables the Drive cycle source file parameter.

Specify a file that contains time, velocity, and, optionally, the gear shift schedule.

Output the drive cycle gear.

First specify a drive cycle that contains a gear shift schedule. You can use:

  • A support package to install standard drive cycles that include the gear shift schedules, for example JC08 and CUEDC.

  • Workspace variables.

  • .mat, .xls, .xlsx, or .txt files.

Then click Output gear shift data.

Install additional drive cycles from a support package.

Click Install additional drive cycles. The block enables this option if you can install additional drive cycles from a support package.

Identify drive cycle faults outside the tolerances specified by standardized tests.

On the Fault Tracking tab, use the parameters to specify the fault tolerances. If the vehicle speed is not within the allowable speed range, the block sets a fault condition.

Fault and Failure Tracking

On the Fault Tracking tab, use the parameters to specify the fault tolerances. If the vehicle speed is not within the allowable range a given reference time, the block sets a fault condition. Examples for EPA and WLTP cycles are shown here:


EPA Standard1

WLTP Tests2

Speed tolerance

Speed tolerance above the highest point and below the lowest point of the drive cycle speed trace within the time tolerance.

2.0 mph

2.0 km/h

Time tolerance

Time that the block uses to determine the allowable speed range.

1.0 s

1.0 s

Maximum number of faults

Maximum number of faults allowed during the drive cycle without causing fault failure.

Not specified10
Maximum single fault time

Maximum fault duration allowed without causing fault failure.

2.0 s1.0 s
Maximum total fault time

Maximum allowed accumulated time under fault condition without causing fault failure.

Not specifiedNot specified

The block uses the time tolerance to determine the allowable speed range at the reference time. Within the time span defined by the reference time +/- the time tolerance, the vehicle speed must be within the reference speed range +/- the velocity tolerance, or the block will set a fault condition. These figures illustrate how the block uses the velocity and time tolerances to determine the allowable speed range.

Speed versus time plot indicating allowable speed range for increasing speed

Speed versus time plot indicating allowable speed range for decreasing speed

Create Drive Cycles Using Workspace Variables

If you set Drive cycle source to Workspace variable, you can specify a workspace variable that defines the drive cycle.

This table provides examples for using workspace variables to create your own drive cycles.

Workspace VariableSource Velocity UnitsOutput Velocity UnitsDrive Cycle Plot

Structure without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleS.

t = 0:1:100;
xdot = 5.*sin(t)+10;
myCycleS.time = t';
myCycleS.signals.values = xdot';


Velocity versus time plot showing a sine wave

Structure with a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleS.

gears=[0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4];


Velocity versus time plot showing a linear increase from 0 mph at 0 seconds to 70 mph at 6 seconds. After 6 seconds, velocity remains constant at 70 mph.

2-D array without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleA.

t = 0:1:100;
xdot = 5.*sin(t)+5;
myCycleA = [t',xdot'];


Velocity versus time plot showing a sine wave

2-D array with a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleA.

gears=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5];


Velocity versus time plot showing linear increases from 0 mph at 0 seconds to 30 mph at 6 seconds to 60 mph at 9 sec. After 9 seconds, velocity remains constant at 60 mph.

Time series object without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleT.

myCycleT = timeseries;
t = 0:1:100;
xdot = 5.*sin(t)+20;
myCycleT.Data = xdot';
myCycleT.Time = t';


Velocity versus time plot showing a sine wave

Time series object without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleT.

myCycleT = timeseries;
gears=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5];
myCycleT.Data = [xdot',gears'];
myCycleT.Time = t';


Velocity versus time plot showing linear increases in mph. After 9 seconds, velocity remains constant at 60 mph.



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Longitudinal vehicle speed.


To enable this port, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable fault tracking. Set the Velocity feedback units, inUnit parameter to the VelFdbk input port signal units.


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Bus signal containing these block calculations.

Reference Speed

Vehicle reference speed

Reference Accel

Vehicle reference acceleration


Vehicle gear


Upper bound of allowable vehicle speed range.


Lower bound of allowable vehicle speed range.


Boolean value indicating fault condition:

  • 1 — Fault

  • 0 — No fault

If the vehicle speed is not within the allowable speed range, the block sets a fault condition.


Number of faults.


Cumulative time spent in fault condition.


Time spent in a single fault.


Boolean value indicating fault failure:

  • 1 — Failure

  • 0 — No failure

If the fault conditions exceed the maximum number of faults, maximum single fault time, or maximum total fault time, the block sets a fault failure.


To enable this port, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable fault tracking.

Vehicle reference speed, in units that you specify. To specify the units, use the Output velocity units parameter.

To calculate the acceleration, the block implements Savitzky-Golay differentiation using a second-order polynomial with a three-sample point filter.


To create the output acceleration port, select Output acceleration. Selecting Output acceleration enables the Output acceleration units parameter.


To enable this port:

  1. First specify a drive cycle that contains a gear shift schedule. You can use:

    • A support package to install standard drive cycles that include the gear shift schedules, for example JC08 and CUEDC.

    • Workspace variables.

    • .mat, .xls, .xlsx, or .txt files.

  2. Select Output gear shift data.


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Cycle Setup

  • FTP75 — Load the FTP75 drive cycle from a .mat file into a 1-D Lookup Table block. The FTP75 represents a city drive cycle that you can use to determine tailpipe emissions and fuel economy of passenger cars.

    To install additional drive cycles from a support package, see Install Drive Cycle Data.

  • Wide Open Throttle (WOT) — Use WOT parameters to specify a drive cycle for performance testing.

  • Workspace variable — Specify time, speed, and, optionally, gear data as a structure, 2-D array, or time series object.

  • .mat, .xls, .xlsx or .txt file — Specify a file that contains time, speed and, optionally, gear data in column format.

Once you have installed additional cycles, you can use set_param to set the drive cycle. For example, to use drive cycle US06:

set_param([gcs '/Drive Cycle Source'],'cycleVar','US06')


This table summarizes the parameter dependencies.

Drive Cycle SourceEnables Parameter
Wide Open Throttle (WOT)

Start time, t_wot1

Initial reference speed, xdot_woto

Nominal reference speed, xdot_wot1

Time to start deceleration, t_wot2

Final reference speed, xdot_wot2

WOT simulation time, t_wotend

Source velocity units

Workspace variable

From workspace

Source velocity units

Output gear shift data, if drive cycle includes gear shift schedule

.mat, .xls, .xlsx or .txt file

Drive cycle source file
Source velocity units

Output gear shift data, if drive cycle includes gear shift schedule

A workspace variable containing a monotonically increasing time vector, a velocity vector, and, optionally, a gear data vector. You can use a structure, 2-D array, or time series object. Enter units for velocity in the Source velocity units parameter field.

A valid point must exist for each corresponding time value. You cannot specify inf, empty, or NaN.

This table provides examples for using workspace variables to create your own drive cycles.

Workspace VariableSource Velocity UnitsOutput Velocity UnitsDrive Cycle Plot

Structure without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleS.

t = 0:1:100;
xdot = 5.*sin(t)+10;
myCycleS.time = t';
myCycleS.signals.values = xdot';


Velocity versus time plot showing a sine wave

Structure with a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleS.

gears=[0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4];


Velocity versus time plot showing a linear increase from 0 mph at 0 seconds to 70 mph at 6 seconds. After 6 seconds, velocity remains constant at 70 mph.

2-D array without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleA.

t = 0:1:100;
xdot = 5.*sin(t)+5;
myCycleA = [t',xdot'];


Velocity versus time plot showing a sine wave

2-D array with a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleA.

gears=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5];


Velocity versus time plot showing linear increases from 0 mph at 0 seconds to 30 mph at 6 seconds to 60 mph at 9 sec. After 9 seconds, velocity remains constant at 60 mph.

Time series object without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleT.

myCycleT = timeseries;
t = 0:1:100;
xdot = 5.*sin(t)+20;
myCycleT.Data = xdot';
myCycleT.Time = t';


Velocity versus time plot showing a sine wave

Time series object without a gear shift schedule, with From workspace set to myCycleT.

myCycleT = timeseries;
gears=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5];
myCycleT.Data = [xdot',gears'];
myCycleT.Time = t';


Velocity versus time plot showing linear increases in mph. After 9 seconds, velocity remains constant at 60 mph.


To enable this parameter, select Workspace variable from Drive cycle source.

File containing monotonically increasing time data, velocity data, and, optionally, gear data in column or comma-separated format. The block ignores units in the file. Enter units for source velocity in the Source velocity units parameter field.

FileSource Velocity UnitOutput Velocity UnitDrive Cycle Plot

A .mat file containing a matrix with the same name as the file name.

The matrix contains time in column 1 and velocity in column 2. It can optionally contain gear selection in a column 3.

sampcyc = 
         0         0
    0.5000    0.7000
    1.0000    2.0000 
    1.5000    3.6000
    2.0000    5.6000
    2.5000    7.9000 
    3.0000   10.3000
    3.5000   13.0000 
    4.0000   16.0000
    4.5000   19.0000
    5.0000   22.3000
    5.5000   25.7000
    6.0000   29.3000


Velocity versus time plot

An .xls or .xlsx file with time in column A and velocity in column B.

11 rows with time in column A and velocity in column B


Velocity versus time plot

An .xls or .xlsx file with time in column A, velocity in column B, and gear in column C. The block:

  • Ignores the headers and units in the file.

  • Converts the gear information to integers:

    • N to 0

    • D to 2

12 rows with time in sec in column A, velocity in mph in column B, and gear in column C


Velocity versus time plot

A .txt with time in column 1 and velocity in column 2. The block ignores the header and units information.

20 rows with time in sec in column A and velocity in mph in column B


Velocity versus time plot

You can import standard drive cycle file from an external source. For example, you can import the Worldwide Harmonized Motorcycle Emissions Certification and Test Procedure (WMTC) cycle by following the instructions on WTMC. Specifically:

  1. Download the gearshift sheets and instructions.

  2. Follow the instructions to calculate the gear shift data based on your inputs.

  3. The velocity units are km/hr. Convert the velocity to m/s using the conversion factor 1000/3600.

  4. Copy and save the data into a new .xls or .xlsx file for use as a source file.

If you provide the gear schedule using P, R, N, D, L, OD, the block maps the gears to integers.














Next integer after highest specified gear.

For example, the block converts the gear schedule P P N L D 3 4 5 6 5 4 5 6 7 OD 7 to 80 80 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 5 6 7 8 7.


To enable this parameter, select .mat, .xls, .xlsx or .txt file from Drive cycle source.

Repeat the drive cycle if the simulation run time exceeds the length of the drive cycle.

To calculate the acceleration, the block implements Savitzky-Golay differentiation using a second-order polynomial with a three-sample point filter.


To create the output acceleration port, select Output acceleration. Selecting Output acceleration enables the Output acceleration units parameter.


  • First specify a drive cycle that contains a gear shift schedule. You can use:

    • A support package to install standard drive cycles that include the gear shift schedules, for example JC08 and CUEDC.

    • Workspace variables.

    • .mat, .xls, .xlsx, or .txt files.

  • Clicking this parameter creates input port Gear.

WOT Parameters

Drive cycle start time, in s. For example, this plot shows a drive cycle with a start time of 10 s.

Velocity versus time plot


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT).

Initial reference speed, in units that you specify with the Source velocity units parameter. For example, this plot shows a drive cycle with an initial reference speed of 4 m/s.

Velocity versus time plot


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT).

Nominal reference speed, in units that you specify with the Source velocity units parameter. This is the maximum speed in the cycle. For example, this plot shows a drive cycle with a nominal reference speed of 28 m/s.

Velocity versus time plot


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT).

Time to start vehicle deceleration, in s. For example, this plot shows a drive cycle with vehicle deceleration starting at 25 s.

Velocity versus time plot


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT).

Final reference speed, in units that you specify with the Source velocity units parameter. For example, this plot shows a drive cycle with a final reference speed of 2 m/s.

Velocity versus time plot


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT).

Drive cycle WOT simulation time duration, in s. For example, this plot shows a drive cycle with a total simulation time of 50 s.

Velocity versus time plot


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT).

Units and Sample Period

Input velocity units.


To enable this parameter, select the Drive cycle source parameter Wide Open Throttle (WOT), Workspace variable, or .mat, .xls, .xlsx or .txt file.

Output velocity units.

Specify the output acceleration units.


To enable this parameter, select Output acceleration.

Sample period. Set to 0 for continuous sampling. For discrete sampling, specify a non-zero period.

Fault Tracking

Fault Settings

Select this parameter to enable drive cycle fault tracking. Use the parameters to specify the fault tolerances. If the vehicle speed is not within the allowable speed range, the block sets a fault condition.


Selecting this parameter enables these parameters:

  • Speed tolerance, velBnd

  • Speed tolerance units, velBndUnit

  • Velocity feedback units, inUnit

  • Time tolerance, timeBnd

Standardized tests specify the speed tolerance to use. Here are two examples:

  • EPA dynamometer driving schedules — 2.0

  • WLTP tests — 2.0

Note that the units for the EPA schedule are mph and for the WLTP tests are km/h.

The block uses the speed tolerance to determine the allowable speed range at the reference time. Within the time span defined by the reference time +/- the time tolerance, the vehicle speed must be within the reference speed range +/- the velocity tolerance, or the block will set a fault condition. These figures illustrate how the block uses the velocity and time tolerances to determine the allowable speed range.

Speed versus time plot indicating allowable speed range for increasing speed

Speed versus time plot indicating allowable speed range for decreasing speed


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable fault tracking.

Standardized tests specify the units for speed tolerance. Here are two examples:

  • EPA dynamometer driving schedules — mph

  • WLTP tests — km/h


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable fault tracking.

Velocity feedback units. Set the value to the VelFdbk input port signal units.


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable fault tracking.

The time tolerance, in units of seconds. Standardized tests specify the time tolerance to use. Here are two examples:

  • EPA dynamometer driving schedules — 1.0

  • WLTP tests — 1.0

The block uses the time tolerance to determine the allowable speed range at the reference time. Within the time span defined by the reference time +/- the time tolerance, the vehicle speed must be within the reference speed range +/- the velocity tolerance, or the block will set a fault condition. These figures illustrate how the block uses the velocity and time tolerances to determine the allowable speed range.

Speed versus time plot indicating allowable speed range for increasing speed

Speed versus time plot indicating allowable speed range for decreasing speed


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable fault tracking.

Failure Settings

Select this parameter to enable drive cycle failure tracking.


To enable this parameter, select Enable fault tracking. Selecting Enable failure tracking parameter enables these parameters:

  • Stop simulation when trace fails, stopSim

  • Maximum number of faults, maxFaultCnt

  • Maximum single fault time, maxFaultTime

  • Maximum total fault time, maxTotFaultTime

Select this parameter to stop the simulation when the trace fails.

To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable failure tracking.

Maximum number of faults allowed during the drive cycle. For the number specified by the standardized tests, use these settings:

  • EPA dynamometer driving schedules — Not specified

  • WLTP tests — 10

If the number of faults exceeds the maximum number of faults, the block sets a fault failure.


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable failure tracking.

Maximum duration of single fault, in s. For the time specified by the standardized tests, use these settings:

  • EPA dynamometer driving schedules — 2.0

  • WLTP tests — 1.0

If any fault duration exceeds the maximum single fault time, the block sets a fault failure.


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable failure tracking.

Maximum accumulated time spent under fault condition, in s.

If the accumulated time spent under fault condition exceeds the maximum total fault time, the block sets a fault failure.


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Enable failure tracking.

Simulation Trace

Select this parameter to display a velocity trace window. Selecting this parameter can slow the simulation time.


Selecting this parameter enables these parameters:

  • Simulation trace update rate, dtTrace

  • Simulation trace display window, traceWindow

Simulation trace update period, in s. Set to 0 for continuous sample period. For a discrete period, specify a non-zero rate.


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Display simulation trace.

Simulation trace window update rate, in s.


To enable this parameter, on the Fault Tracking tab, select Display simulation trace.

Alternative Configurations

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Since R2024b

The Wide Open Throttle block sets Drive cycle source to Wide Open Throttle (WOT) and enables the WOT Parameters.

Powertrain Blockset / Vehicle Scenario Builder
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset / Vehicle Scenarios / Drive Cycle and Maneuvers


[1] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). EPA urban dynamometer driving schedule. 40 CFR 86.115-78, July 1, 2001.

[2] European Union Commission. "Speed trace tolerances". European Union Commission Regulation. 32017R1151, Sec, June 1, 2017.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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