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Bluetooth LE CIS configuration parameters

Since R2023b


    Use the bluetoothLECISConfig object to specify the connected isochronous stream (CIS) configuration parameters of a Bluetooth® low energy (LE) node. This object enables the bluetoothLENode object to support connected multistream audio.



    cfgCIS = bluetoothLECISConfig creates a default Bluetooth LE CIS configuration object.

    cfgCIS = bluetoothLECISConfig(Name=Value) sets properties of the Bluetooth LE CIS configuration object by using one or more optional name-value arguments. For example, bluetoothLECISConfig(NumSubevents=2) sets the number of subevents in the CIS event to two.



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    Time between successive anchor points of a CIS, specified as a scalar in the range [0.005, 4]. Units are in seconds. Set this property as a multiple of 1.25 milliseconds.

    Because the connection events and CIS events in a Bluetooth LE network operate simultaneously at regular intervals, specify this property as ConnectionIntervalNumPeripherals. The ConnectionInterval value, specified by the ConnectionInterval property of the bluetoothLEConnectionConfig object, sets the interval between the start of two consecutive connection events. The NumPeripherals value specifies the total number of Peripheral nodes simulated in the network. For more information about this property, see Bluetooth Core Specification v5.3 [2], Volume 6, Part B, Section

    Data Types: double

    Number of subevents in the CIS event, specified as an integer in the range [1, 31]. For more information about this property, see Bluetooth Core Specification v5.3 [2], Volume 6, Part B, Section

    Data Types: double

    Time between the start of two consecutive subevents in CIS, specified as a scalar in the range [0.0004, 4]. Units are in seconds.

    • If you set the NumSubevents property to 1, this value must be 0.

    • If you set the NumSubevents property to a value other than 1, this value must be a scalar in the range [SubEventLength, ISOInterval]. To calculate the SubEventLength value in seconds, use the subeventLength object function.

    • If you set the CISArrangement property to "sequential":

      • The object internally generates this value.

      • This value must be greater than or equal to the SubEventLength value of the CIS.

      • The default value of this property is SubEventLength.

    • If you set the CISArrangement property to "interleaved":

      • Set this value greater than or equal to the SubEventLength value of all the CIS events in the connected isochronous group (CIG).

      • The default value of this property is the sum of all the subeventLength values of CIS events.

    Data Types: double

    Number of unique payloads in a CIS event, specified as an integer in the range [0,15] or a 1-by-2 vector. This property specifies the number of unique payloads for the host to transmit through the link layer (LL) to other nodes using the CIS events.

    • If you set this property as a vector, the first element specifies the burst number from the Central node to the Peripheral node, and the second element specifies the burst number from the Peripheral node to the Central node.

    • If you set this property as a scalar, the object uses the same burst number value in both directions.

    For more information about this property, see Bluetooth Core Specification v5.3 [2], Volume 6, Part B, Section

    Data Types: double

    Maximum number of data octets that a CIS protocol data unit (PDU) can carry, specified as decimal octets in the range [0, 251] or a 1-by-2 vector. If the data octets contain a message integrity check, this property excludes it.

    • If you set this property as a vector, the first element specifies the maximum PDU size from the Central node to the Peripheral node, and the second element specifies the maximum PDU size from the Peripheral node to the Central node.

    • If you set this property as a scalar, the object uses the same maximum PDU size in both directions.

    For more information about this property, see Bluetooth Core Specification v5.3 [2], Volume 6, Part B, Section

    Data Types: double

    Maximum number of CIS events to use to transmit and retransmit a payload, specified as an integer in the range [1, 255] or a 1-by-2 vector.

    • If you set this property as a vector, the first element specifies the flush timeout from the Central node to the Peripheral node, and the second element specifies the flush timeout from the Peripheral node to the Central node.

    • If you set this property as a scalar, the object uses the same flush timeout in both directions.

    This property enables you to specify the appropriate CIS event and subevent numbers at which the LL discards the payload associated with the CIS data PDU to prevent continuous retransmissions. For more information about this property, see Bluetooth Core Specification v5.3 [2], Volume 6, Part B, Section

    Data Types: double

    Arrangement of CIS events, specified as "sequential" or "interleaved". If you set this property to "sequential", all the subevents of a CIS event occur simultaneously. If you set this property to "interleaved", the subevents corresponding to each CIS event are adjacent to each other. For more information about this property, see Bluetooth Core Specification v5.3 [2], Volume 6, Part B, Section

    Data Types: double

    Object Functions

    subeventLengthCompute subevent length of CIS


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    Simulate multistream audio in a Bluetooth LE piconet consisting of a Central node and two Peripheral nodes by using Bluetooth Toolbox and the Communications Toolbox™ Wireless Network Simulation Library.

    Using this example, you can:

    1. Create and configure a Bluetooth LE piconet consisting of a Central node and two Peripheral nodes.

    2. Establish asynchronous connection-oriented logical transport (ACL) and CIS connections between the Central node and the Peripheral nodes.

    3. Generate, configure, and add On-Off application traffic from the Central node to the Peripheral nodes.

    4. Simulate the scenario and visualize the statistics.

    Check if the Communications Toolbox Wireless Network Simulation Library support package is installed. If the support package is not installed, MATLAB® returns an error with a link to download and install the support package.


    Initialize the wireless network simulator.

    networkSimulator = wirelessNetworkSimulator.init;

    Create a Bluetooth LE Central node and two Peripheral nodes, specifying their respective positions in meters.

    central = bluetoothLENode("central",Position=[1 0 1]);
    rightPeripheral = bluetoothLENode("peripheral",Position=[0 1 1]);
    leftPeripheral = bluetoothLENode("peripheral",Position=[1 1 0]);

    Create a Bluetooth LE CIS configuration object, specifying the isochronous interval and number of subevents of a CIS connection between the Central node and right Peripheral node.

    cfgRightPeripheralCIS = bluetoothLECISConfig(ISOInterval=0.03,NumSubevents=2)
    cfgRightPeripheralCIS = 
      bluetoothLECISConfig with properties:
           ISOInterval: 0.0300
          NumSubevents: 2
           SubInterval: []
           BurstNumber: 1
                MaxPDU: 251
          FlushTimeout: 1
        CISArrangement: "sequential"
       Read-only properties:
         AccessAddress: []
                 CISID: []
             CISOffset: []

    Create a Bluetooth LE connection configuration object, specifying the connection interval, active communication period, and access address of a connection event between the Central and right Peripheral nodes. Configure the CIS connection between the Central and right Peripheral nodes.

    cfgConnectionRightPeripheral = bluetoothLEConnectionConfig(ConnectionInterval=0.06, ...
    [connectionConfigRightPeripheral,cisConfigRightPeripheral] = configureConnection(cfgConnectionRightPeripheral, ...

    Create a Bluetooth LE CIS configuration object, specifying the isochronous interval and number of subevents of a CIS connection between the Central and left Peripheral nodes.

    cfgLeftPeripheralCIS = bluetoothLECISConfig(ISOInterval=30e-3,NumSubevents=1);

    Create a Bluetooth LE connection configuration object, specifying the connection interval, offset for starting connection event, active communication period, and access address of a connection event between the Central and left Peripheral nodes. Configure the CIS connection between the Central and left Peripheral nodes.

    cfgConnectionLeftPeripheral = bluetoothLEConnectionConfig(ConnectionInterval=60e-3, ...
    [connectionConfigLeftPeripheral,cisConfigLeftPeripheral] = configureConnection(cfgConnectionLeftPeripheral, ...
    connectionConfigLeftPeripheral = 
      bluetoothLEConnectionConfig with properties:
        ConnectionInterval: 0.0600
             AccessAddress: "5DA44271"
              UsedChannels: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36]
                 Algorithm: 1
              HopIncrement: 5
         CRCInitialization: "012345"
        SupervisionTimeout: 1
                   PHYMode: "LE1M"
             InstantOffset: 6
          ConnectionOffset: 0.0300
              ActivePeriod: 0.0100
    cisConfigLeftPeripheral = 
      bluetoothLECISConfig with properties:
           ISOInterval: 0.0300
          NumSubevents: 1
           SubInterval: 0.0045
           BurstNumber: 1
                MaxPDU: 251
          FlushTimeout: 1
        CISArrangement: "sequential"
       Read-only properties:
         AccessAddress: '1A31D8AB'
                 CISID: 2
             CISOffset: 0.0190

    Generate an On-Off application traffic pattern by using the networkTrafficOnOff object. Configure the On-Off application traffic by specifying the application data rate and packet size. Add application traffic from the Central node to the right and left Peripheral nodes.

    trafficSourceToRightPeripheral = networkTrafficOnOff(DataRate=200,PacketSize=100,GeneratePacket=true);
    trafficSourceToLeftPeripheral = networkTrafficOnOff(DataRate=100,PacketSize=100,GeneratePacket=true);

    Add the Source node and right and left Peripheral nodes to the wireless network simulator.

    addNodes(networkSimulator,[central rightPeripheral leftPeripheral])

    Set the simulation time, in seconds and run the simulation


    Retrieve the statistics of all the nodes. For information about these statistics, see Bluetooth LE Node Statistics.

    sourceStats = statistics(central)
    sourceStats = struct with fields:
        Name: "Node1"
          ID: 1
         App: [1x2 struct]
          LL: [1x2 struct]
         PHY: [1x1 struct]
    rightPeripheralStats = statistics(rightPeripheral)
    rightPeripheralStats = struct with fields:
        Name: "Node2"
          ID: 2
         App: [1x1 struct]
          LL: [1x1 struct]
         PHY: [1x1 struct]
    leftPeripheralStats = statistics(leftPeripheral)
    leftPeripheralStats = struct with fields:
        Name: "Node3"
          ID: 3
         App: [1x1 struct]
          LL: [1x1 struct]
         PHY: [1x1 struct]

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    [1] Bluetooth Technology Website. “Bluetooth Technology Website | The Official Website of Bluetooth Technology.” Accessed May 22, 2023.

    [2] Bluetooth Core Specifications Working Group. "Bluetooth Core Specification" v5.3.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023b

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