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Expensive use of non-member std::string operator+() instead of a simple append

The non-member std::string operator+() function is called when the append (or +=) method would have been more efficient

Since R2020b


This defect occurs when you append to a string using the non-member function std::string operator+(), for instance:

std::string s1;
s1 = s1 + "Other";


The operation:

s1 = s1 + "Other";
invokes the non-member function std::string operator+() for the string concatenation on the right-hand side of the assignment. The function returns a temporary string, which is then assigned to s1.

Directly calling the member function operator+=() avoids the creation of this temporary string and is more efficient.


To append to a string, use the member function operator+=(), for instance:

std::string s1;
s1 += "Other";
or the member function append, for instance:
std::string s1;

Performance improvements might vary based on the compiler, library implementation, and environment that you are using.


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#include <string>

void addJunior(std::string &name) {
    name = name + ", Jr.";

void addSenior(std::string &name) {
    name += ", Sr.";

void addDoctor(std::string &name) { 
    name.append(", MD");

In this example, the checker flags the string append in the addJunior function, but not the ones in the other two functions. If the function addJunior is called several times in a loop, creation of a temporary string each time can be a significant performance issue.

Result Information

Group: Performance
Language: C++
Default: Off
Impact: Low

Version History

Introduced in R2020b

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