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Run Polyspace Analysis on S-Function Code

If you want to check your S-function code for bugs or errors, you can run Polyspace® directly from your S-function block in Simulink®.


Before you run Polyspace from MATLAB®, you must link your Polyspace and MATLAB installations. See Integrate Polyspace with MATLAB and Simulink.

S-Function Analysis Workflow

To verify an S-function with Polyspace, follow this recommended workflow:

  1. Compile your S-function to be compatible with Polyspace.

  2. Select your Polyspace options.

  3. Run a Polyspace Bug Finder™ analysis or a Polyspace Code Prover™ verification using one of the two analysis modes:

    • This Occurrence — Analyzes the specified occurrence of the S-function with the input for that block.

    • All Occurrences — Analyzes the S-function with input values from every occurrence of the S-function.

  4. Review results in the Polyspace interface.

Compile S-Functions to Be Compatible with Polyspace

Before you analyze your S-function with Polyspace Bug Finder , you must compile your S-function with one of following tools:

  • The Legacy Code Tool with the def.Options.supportCoverageAndDesignVerifier set to true. See legacy_code (Simulink).

  • The S-Function Builder block, with Enable support for Design Verifier selected on the Build Info tab of the S-Function Builder dialog box.

  • The Simulink Coverage™ function slcovmex (Simulink Coverage), with the option -sldv.

Example S-Function Analysis

This example shows the workflow for analyzing S-functions with Polyspace. You use the model psdemo_model_link_sl and the S-function Command_Strategy.

  1. Open the model and use the Legacy Code Tool to compile the S-function Command_Strategy.

    % Open Model
    % Compile S-function Command_Strategy
    def = legacy_code('initialize');
    def.SourceFiles = { 'command_strategy_file.c' };
    def.HeaderFiles = { 'command_strategy_file.h' };
    def.SFunctionName = 'Command_Strategy';
    def.OutputFcnSpec = 'int16 y1 = command_strategy(uint16 u1, uint16 u2)';
    def.IncPaths = { fullfile(polyspaceroot, ...
      'toolbox','polyspace','pslink','pslinkdemos','psdemo_model_link_sl') };
    def.SrcPaths = def.IncPaths;
    def.Options.supportCoverageAndDesignVerifier = true;
  2. Open the model psdemo_model_link_sl/controller.

  3. Specify the code analysis options. On the Apps tab, select Polyspace Code Verifier. Then, on the Polyspace tab:

    • Select the product to run: Bug Finder or Code Prover. A Code Prover analysis detects run-time errors while a Bug Finder analysis detects coding defects and coding rule violations.

    • Select Settings. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, make sure that the following parameters are set:

      • Settings from — Select Project configuration. Other values in the drop down menu enables checking different coding rules, which require using Bug Finder as the Mode.

      • Open results automatically after verification On

    Apply your settings and close the Configuration Parameters.

  4. Right-click the Command_Strategy block and select Polyspace > Verify S-Function > This Occurrence.

  5. Follow the analysis in the MATLAB Command Window. When the analysis is finished, your results open in the Polyspace interface.

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