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This example project can be used as a reference design to get started with designing Battery Management System with MATLAB and Simulink.


Simulink and Powertrain Blockset models for the Vehicle Modeling series


Flexible Statistics Data Analysis Toolbox


what is the meaning of *index exceeds array bound*



Example simple Microgrid with library of PQ-based Renewables and Diesel GenSets.


In this post, I will discuss robot modeling and simulation with Simulink®, Simscape™, and Simscape Multibody™. To put things in context, I will walk you through a walking robot example (get it?).


Simulink model used in the "Understanding Model Predictive Control, Part 6" MATLAB Tech Talk


Hi, I want to convert a transfer function to controllable and observable canonical form for the num = [4]; den = [1 0.8 4]; Gp = tf (num , den) Gp = 4 --------------- s^2 + 0.8 s + 4



Transient stability analysis of IEEE 9 bus system.


Open Source Simulation Package for MATLAB


this file include mppt for wind turbine whith P&O


Today’s guest blogger is Shyam Keshavmurthy, Application Engineer focused on AI applications, here to talk about Surrogate Models. Background System modeling is used in applications such as electric vehicles and energy systems, and plays a pivotal role in understanding system behavior, system degra...


This image processing routine can detect tumors presence,location,area,boundary.


DC/DC Boost Converter can be used to maintain the DC bus voltage


This post is from Brian Douglas, YouTube Content Creator for Control Systems and Deep Learning Applications For about a decade, I've wanted to implement this silly idea I had of measuring the acceleration of a person's hand to count the number of times they high five throughout the day. ...


Connect MATLAB to Ollama™ for local LLMs, OpenAI® Chat Completions API, and Azure® OpenAI Service.

Everyone's talking about Large Language Models (LLMs) and a huge number of you are using them too. Here are 4 ways to make use of them in the MathWorks ecosystem right now, no matter what your skill level is.

An introduction to importing, visualizing, and analyzing climate data in MATLAB.

A set of MATLAB functions for downloading and handling earthquake data from the International Seismological Centre (ISC)

A set of low-level functions and tutorials for analyzing and displaying Earth science data.

Learn how to apply machine learning and deep learning

Discover pretrained models for deep learning in MATLAB

I thought this would be a simple problem but I'm missing something. Please reference the attached Simulink file (comm.slx). There aren't many examples using the CPFSK blocks (modulater/demodulator) and none that come from MathWorks. No matter which valid configuration I use for the CPFSK...




I got thoroughly nerd-sniped by this xkcd, leading me to wonder if you can use MATLAB to figure out the dice roll for any given (rational) probability. Well, obviously you can. The question is how. Answer: lots of permutation calculations and convolutions. In the original xkcd, the situation desc...



Hello, I have to solve the following system of pdes: The code below uses pdepe to solve it, but it returned the error: "Spatial discretization has failed. Discretization supports only parabolic and elliptic equations, with flux term involving spatial derivative." Could anyone help solv...




My current activation of MATLAB is on a computer that has been locked out by bitlocker. I have lost the bitlocker key to open the computer and so I have installed MATLAB on another computer. I cannot...



I am really inexperienced with Simulink and am trying to simulate a very famous guitar pedal circuit from the 1960's but am unable to run it. Q1 and Q2 can be modeled after NKT275, AC128 or SFT363E...



FFT computed by the custom split‑radix FFT algorithm and compare it with MATLAB built‑in FFT output.


Hello supporter, I have a question about generating code,that it gets some error .( Model Action Rebuild Reason ================================================================= ltj Failed Code generation information file does not exist. 0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build du...



Shor's algorithm, proposed in 1994 by Peter Shor, is an algorithm for factoring numbers that runs in polynomial time (polynomial in the number of digits/bits of the input) on a quantum computer. It...

This program calculates quantum sensor measured magnetoencephalography with semi complex filtering algorithm to show mainly delta wave.


LUTool provides an interactive animation of Gaussian elimination, the most important algorithm in technical computing.


MATLAB FEX(MATLAB File Exchange) should support Markdown syntax for writing. In recent years, many open-source community documentation platforms, such as GitHub, have generally supported Markdown. MATLAB is also gradually improving its support for Markdown syntax. However, when directly uploading...



DIF FFT Radix 2 FFT algorithm Implementation with problem


DIT FFT Radix 2 Algorithm Implementation with problem


Simulation Model


I maintain some MATLAB web apps that are used internally by other MathWorkers. For one of the apps, I want to allow users to save default settings for the app's behavior. I think I will provide this...


The following blog was written by Marshall Alphonso Principal Engineer and Sara Galante, Senior Finance Application Engineer at MathWorks  Watch the full webinar Custom Portfolio Optimization: Balancing Objectives, Constraints, and Efficiency here, download the slides or download the code here. Por...


Marmosets, small primates native to South America, are known to be highly social primates. Living in family-based groups of up to 15 individuals, they use a complex system of vocalizations for communication. These sounds range from high-pitched calls to trills and whistles that are referred to as “p...


I noticed recently that my data is no longer updating on thingspeak again. Is there a connectivity issues with thingspeak Data not updating on thingspeak There are no connectivity issues. Take a look at some public channels that have been continuously updating for a while: ...



my code is as below: #include "DHT.h" #define DHTPIN 15 // what pin we're connected to #define DHTTYPE DHT11 DHT dht(DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); #define THINGSPEAK_API_KEY "1P4RY69D3YMP9R5W" #include SoftwareSerial.h #include OneWire.h #include DallasTemperature....



I am very pleased to share my book, with coauthors Professor Richard Davis and Associate Professor Sam Toan, titled "Chemical Engineering Analysis and Optimization Using MATLAB" published by Wiley: ...



Almost immediately after the DeepSeek-R1 AI models were made available to the world, people started asking how you can use them in MATLAB. Late last week, Vasileios Papanastasiou, a software test engineer at MathWorks, posted how to do this on LinkedIn and this morning I tried out his instructions f...


Find the value of x so that y=2 %%x = 1;y_correct = 2;assert(isequal(your_fcn_name(x),y_correct)) function y = your_fcn_name(x)x=y = x+1;end easy


A sequence is constructed in the following way. The zeroth term is 1, and the next terms are determined by counting the number in the sequence so far. Therefore, after the first count, the sequence...

The numbers 13, 14, and 15 are consecutive, of course, but they also share the property of being square-free. That is, each number has no prime factors that are repeated. Another group of three...

If you start with the number 24 and seek primes by changing a single digit, you can find two: 23 and 29. If you start with 130, you can find three: 131, 137, and 139. If you start with 73, you can...

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