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Code Prover Analysis of AUTOSAR Code

Verify code implementation of AUTOSAR software components.

If you use the AUTOSAR methodology for software development, you can reuse the AUTOSAR specifications (ARXML files) to set up your Polyspace® analysis and verify code implementation of AUTOSAR Software Components. Alternatively, you can run an AUTOSAR-aware integration analysis.

The verification checks for AUTOSAR-specific issues and other run-time errors such as overflow and division-by-zero.

Polyspace Options

Libraries used (-library)Specify libraries that you use in your program (Since R2021a)


polyspaceAutosarRun Polyspace Code Prover on code implementation of AUTOSAR software components using MATLAB scripts

DOS/UNIX Command

polyspace-autosar(DOS/UNIX) Run Polyspace Code Prover on code implementation of AUTOSAR software components

Polyspace Results

AUTOSAR runnable not implementedFunction implementing AUTOSAR runnable is not found
Invalid result of AUTOSAR runnable implementationReturn value or output arguments violate AUTOSAR specifications
Invalid use of AUTOSAR runtime environment functionRTE function argument violates AUTOSAR specifications
Non-compliance with AUTOSAR specificationRTE API function is used with arguments that violate the AUTOSAR standard specification (Since R2021a)


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