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Check configuration before verification

Option to check model and code configurations for errors before code analysis

Model Configuration Pane: Polyspace


The Check configuration before verification parameter parameter determines whether Polyspace® proceeds with code analysis when there are errors and warnings in the model and code configurations. You can choose to stop the analysis if the configurations are not appropriate, or you can choose to skip the configuration check.

You can find this parameter in the Polyspace pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the Advanced parameters section.


On (proceed with warnings) (default) | On (stop for warnings) | Off
On (proceed with warnings)

Polyspace analysis stops for errors in the model and code configuration, but continues if the configuration has only warnings.

On (stop for warnings)

Polyspace analysis stops for warnings in the model and code configuration.


Polyspace does not check the model and code configuration.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
EfficiencyNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: CheckConfigBeforeAnalysis for use with pslinkoptions
Parameter: PSCheckConfigBeforeAnalysis for use with set_param()
Values: 'OnWarn'| 'OnHalt'| 'Off'
Default: 'OnWarn'
Example: opt = pslinkoptions(modelname); opt.CheckConfigBeforeAnalysis = 'OnHalt';

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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