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Ignore model references

Option to ignore specified model references

Since R2023b

Model Configuration Pane: Polyspace


The Ignore model references parameter enables you to specify models in the model reference hierarchy that Polyspace® must ignore in its analysis. For example, Polyspace can ignore a referenced model that is part of a library or has already been verified to reduce the time needed to analyze the model hierarchy.

When you specify models to ignore in a model reference hierarchy while also specifying the verification depth of the hierarchy, Polyspace calculates the scope of the analysis using both parameters. The verification depth does not exceed the specified depth and the ignored models are not analyzed.

You can find this parameter in the Polyspace pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the Model reference section.


  • Before setting this parameter in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set the parameter Model reference verification depth to a value other than Current model only.

  • When specifying this option at the command line:

    1. Set the property EnableModelRefIgnoreList to true.

    2. Set the property ModelRefVerifDepth to a value other than 'Current model only'.

    3. Specify the list of models to ignore in ModelRefIgnoreList. The property ModelRefIgnoreList accepts the model names as a cell array of strings.


off (default) | on

Polyspace does not ignore any models in the model reference hierarchy.


Polyspace ignores the specified models. After you enable this option, specify the name of the models that you want to ignore in the text box. Input the model names as a comma-separated list.


  • When you analyze only the top model, Polyspace does not analyze the referenced models and ignoring a specific referenced model has no impact on the analysis.

  • If you specify the model reference verification depth of a Polyspace analysis, the scope of the analysis is defined by the specified depth and the list of ignored models in the hierarchy. Consider a Polyspace analysis that you configure to analyze referenced models up to the third level of the model hierarchy. Polyspace ignores any models within these three levels that you specify. If you ignore models outside of the three levels of the model hierarchy, then the scope of the analysis does not change because the ignored models are already outside the scope of the analysis.

  • Functions originating from ignored referenced models are stubbed. Variables originating from the ignored referenced models are assumed to be full-range. This loss of information about these functions and variables allow Polyspace to reduce the analysis time, and can result in an increase in the number of orange checks.

Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
EfficiencyNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: EnableModelRefIgnoreList for use with pslinkoptions
Parameter: PSEnableModelRefIgnoreList for use with set_param()
Values: 'false' | 'true'
Default: 'false'
Example : opt = pslinkoptions(modelname); opt.EnableModelRefIgnoreList = true; opt.ModelRefIgnoreList = {'modelRef1', 'modelRef2'};

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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