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Include file name patterns

Specify patterns for file names to be included in Polyspace Platform project

Since R2024a


Specify patterns for file names to be included in a Polyspace Platform (Polyspace Test) project.

Set Option

User interface (Polyspace Platform (Polyspace Test), desktop products only): In your project configuration, the option is in the Advanced section of the Project tab.

Why Use This Option

You typically need this option to include files with nonstandard extensions to a project. Files with these extensions are included in the project by default:

  • .c

  • .cc

  • .cpp

  • .cxx

If you add a source or test file by folder, files with the above extensions are added to the project and the corresponding file name patterns appear listed under the option Include file name patterns. You can use the option to include files with other nonstandard extensions or remove inclusion of files with a standard extension.


Select Add new row button to add an empty row and enter a file name pattern. When specifying a file name pattern, you can use the* wildcard to represent 0 or more unknown characters, or the ? wildcard to represent exactly one character.

For instance, to include files with extension .cppm, add a row with the entry *.cppm. If a folder is added to the project, files with extension .cppm in those folders will be shown in the project (and considered as part of project build).

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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