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Model reference input/output range verification

Option to verify that input and output of model references are within specified values

Since R2024a

Model Configuration Pane: Polyspace


The Model reference input/output range verification parameter determines how Polyspace® checks if the inputs and outputs of the model reference step functions in the generated code are within the specified range. The range is determined by the values you specify for Minimum and Maximum in the Signal Attribute tab in the Block Parameters dialog box of the inport and outport blocks.

You can find this parameter in the Polyspace pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box, in the Model reference section.

This option applies only to code generated by Embedded Coder®.


Check and constrain (default) | Check | None
Check and constrain

Polyspace verifies whether the inputs and outputs of model reference step functions are within the range specified by the Minimum and Maximum signal attributes of the inports and outports. If an input or output value is outside of the specified range, Polyspace discards the out-of-range value in subsequent analysis.


Polyspace verifies whether the inputs and outputs of model reference step functions are within the range specified by the Minimum and Maximum signal attributes of the inports and outports. If an input or output value is outside of the specified range, Polyspace does not discard the out-of-range value in subsequent analysis.


Polyspace does not verify the inputs and outputs of model reference step functions.


Recommended Settings

DebuggingNo Impact
TraceabilityNo Impact
EfficiencyNo Impact
Safety precautionNo Impact

Programmatic Use

Parameter: ModelRefMinMaxVerif for use with pslinkoptions
Parameter: PSModelRefMinMaxVerif for use with set_param()
Values: 'CheckAndConstrain' | 'Check' | 'None'
Default: 'CheckAndConstrain'
Example: opt = pslinkoptions(modelname); opt.ModelRefMinMaxVerif = 'Check';

Version History

Introduced in R2024a

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