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Specify cluster or job scheduler


-scheduler schedulingOption


-scheduler schedulingOption specifies the head node of the MATLAB® Parallel Server™ cluster that manages Polyspace® analysis submissions from multiple clients and allocates the analysis to worker nodes. You use this option along with the option Run Bug Finder or Code Prover analysis on a remote cluster (-batch) to offload an analysis from a desktop to a remote cluster. Note that you use this option with the commands in the desktop products (polyspace-bug-finder and polyspace-code-prover) and not the commands in the server products (polyspace-bug-finder-server and polyspace-code-prover-server).

For more information, see Install Products for Submitting Polyspace Analysis from Desktops to Remote Server.


Run a batch analysis on a remote server using one of these syntaxes for the job scheduler:

  • Bug Finder:

    polyspace-bug-finder -batch -scheduler NodeHost
    polyspace-bug-finder -batch -scheduler
    polyspace-bug-finder -batch -scheduler MJSName@NodeHost
  • Code Prover:

    polyspace-code-prover -batch -scheduler NodeHost
    polyspace-code-prover -batch -scheduler
    polyspace-code-prover -batch -scheduler MJSName@NodeHost

For details, see Send Polyspace Analysis from Desktop to Remote Servers Using Scripts.

You can track the status of the job using the polyspace-jobs-manager command:

polyspace-jobs-manager listjobs -scheduler NodeHost


You cannot submit analysis jobs to a remote cluster with Polyspace as You Code.

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