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Texas Instruments® Compiler (-compiler ti)

Specify Texas Instruments compiler


Specify ti for Compiler (-compiler) if you compile your code using a Texas Instruments compiler. By specifying your compiler, you can avoid compilation errors from syntax that is not part of the Standard but comes from language extensions.

Then, specify your target processor type. If you select ti for Compiler, in the user interface of the Polyspace® desktop products, you see only the processors allowed for a Texas Instruments compiler. Your choice of target processor determines the size of fundamental data types, the endianness of the target machine and certain keyword definitions.

If you specify the ti compiler, you must specify the path to your compiler header files. See Provide Standard Library Headers for Polyspace Analysis.


The targets use the following default sizes in bits for the fundamental types. You do not see these sizes in the user interface of the Polyspace desktop products.

Targetcharshortintlonglong longfloatdoublelong doubleptrDefault sign of charEndiannessAlignmentDefinition of size_tDefinition of wchar_t
c28x161616326432326432signedLittle32unsigned longunsigned int
c600081632326432646432signedLittle64unsigned intunsigned short
arm81632326432646432unsignedBig64unsigned intunsigned short
msp43081616326432646416unsignedLittle16unsigned intunsigned int

Your compiler specification also determines the values of many compiler-specific macros. In case you want to know how Polyspace defines a specific macro, use the option -dump-preprocessing-info.


Polyspace does not support some constructs specific to the Texas Instruments compiler.

For the list of unsupported constructs, see codeprover_limitations.pdf in polyspaceroot\polyspace\verifier\code_prover_desktop. Here, polyspaceroot is the Polyspace installation folder, for instance, C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2019a.

If you use Polyspace as You Code extensions in IDEs, enter this option in an analysis options file. See options file.

Command-Line Information

Parameter: -compiler ti -target
Value: c28x | c6000 | arm | msp430
Default: c28x
Example (Bug Finder): polyspace-bug-finder -compiler ti -target msp430
Example (Code Prover): polyspace-code-prover -compiler ti -target msp430
Example (Bug Finder Server): polyspace-bug-finder-server -compiler ti -target msp430
Example (Code Prover Server): polyspace-code-prover-server -compiler ti -target msp430

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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