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Contents of Polyspace Platform Project Files and Results Folder

This topic applies only to the Polyspace Platform user interface.

When you check for defects or run-time errors or run test in the Polyspace® Platform user interface, Polyspace generates files that contain information about configuration options and analysis or test results. These files can include project files, workspace files, and any of the files found within the results folder.

Project and Workspace Files

The Polyspace Platform user interface uses the file format .psprjx for projects. If you open a .psprj project from a previous release in the user interface, Polyspace copies the project and saves it as a .psprjx project. You can add source and test files to your project using absolute or relative paths. Polyspace projects refer to source and test files using their absolute or relative paths and do not contain the files themselves.

You can open multiple projects and save them in a workspace file (.pswks). A workspace file contains pointers to the project files and does not contain the projects themselves. A project can be part of multiple workspaces and can be opened outside of a workspace. See Manage Related Projects in Polyspace Platform User Interface Using Workspaces.

When creating a project or workspace from the user interface, you can select a location to save the project or workspace file.

Files in the Results Folder

When you run an analysis of a project or run tests for the first time, Polyspace creates a folder that holds all of your project results. The project results folder is in the same location as the project file and uses the name project_nameResults.

The files and folders in the results folder are described below. The contents of the results folder are the same whether you run the analysis from the user interface or command line.

Static Analysis Results

When running a static analysis, Polyspace creates these files in a run folder within the results folder.

  • Polyspace_release_project_name_date-time.log — A log file associated with each analysis. The filename includes this information:

    • release — The Polyspace release version the analysis was run in.

    • project_name — The name of the project.

    • date-time — The date and time the analysis was run.

  • ps_results.pscp — An encrypted file containing your Polyspace results. Open this file in Polyspace to view your results.

  • ps_sources.db — A non-encrypted database file listing source files and macros.

  • drs-template.xml — A template generated when you use constraint specification.

  • ps_comments.db — An encrypted database file containing your comments and justifications.

  • comments_bak — A subfolder used to import comments between results.

  • .status and .settings — Two folders that store files required to relaunch the analysis.

  • Polyspace-Doc — A folder that stores generated reports. Generated reports have names of the form ProjectName_ReportType. For example, a developer report in the project myProject in PDF format has the name myProject_Developer.pdf.

Test and Profiling Results

When you run tests in Polyspace Test™, Polyspace stores the results in a .pstestr file. The .pstestr file contains all relevant data from a Polyspace Test analysis. Open this file in the Polyspace to view your results.

Polyspace stores profiling results as one of two types of file:

  • .psprof — This file contains code profiling results. Open this file in the Polyspace environment to view your results.

  • .psprof.filter — This file contains justifications and has the same name as its associated .psprof file.

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