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Contents of Polyspace Project and Results Folders

This topic applies only to the Polyspace® desktop products..

A Polyspace analysis generates files that contain information about configuration options and analysis results.

If you run the analysis from the Polyspace user interface, you can group results into modules in a single project. The project, module and results can correspond to physical folder locations. If you run the analysis from the command line, you can only specify the path to a results folder (using the option -results-dir). You have to group related results using appropriate conventions for creating folders.

File Organization

The organization of Polyspace files in the physical folder location follows the hierarchy displayed in the Polyspace user interface: project > module > results. The project folder contains a subfolder for each module. In each module folder, there is one or more result subfolder, named Result_#.

The number of result folders depends on whether you overwrite or retain previous results for each new run. To use a different folder naming convention or different storage location for results, select Tools > Preferences and use the options on the Project and Results Folder tab.

The project folder has the project file with extension .psprj. If you open a project from a previous release in the user interface, the project is upgraded for the new release. A backup of the old project file is saved with the extension .bak.psprj.

Files in the Results Folder

Some of the files and folders in the results folder are described below. The contents of the results folder are the same irrespective of whether you run the analysis from the user interface or command line.

  • Polyspace_release_project_name_date-time.log — A log file associated with each analysis.

  • ps_results.pscp — An encrypted file containing your Polyspace results. Open this file in the Polyspace environment to view your results.

  • ps_sources.db — A non-encrypted database file listing source files and macros.

  • drs-template.xml — A template generated when you use constraint specification.

  • ps_comments.db — An encrypted database file containing your comments and justifications.

  • comments_bak — A subfolder used to import comments between results.

  • .status and .settings — Two folders that store files required to relaunch the analysis.

  • Polyspace-Doc — When you generate a report, by default, your report is saved in this folder with the name ProjectName_ReportType. For example, a developer report in PDF format would be, myProject_Developer.pdf.

Note that by default, the results folder is cleaned up and repopulated at each run. To avoid accidental removal of files during the cleanup, instead of using an existing folder that contains other files, specify a dedicated folder for the Polyspace results.

See Also

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