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Update Projects in Polyspace Platform User Interface

You can keep a Polyspace Platform project in sync with your source code throughout software development. In some cases, the project is updated automatically based on changes to your source code, while in other cases, you might have to perform some additional actions to keep the project updated. This topic lists some actions you can do to keep your project in sync with the latest sources.

When creating a Polyspace® Platform project, you can manually add source files or add them automatically by tracing your build command. Depending on how you created the project initially, you have to follow different steps for updating the project. For more information on project creation, see Create Project and Add Source Files in Polyspace Platform User Interface.

Update Sources in Manually Created Project

If you added source folders manually to a project, each time you add new files to those folders, the project can be refreshed to show the newly added files.

The refresh happens automatically when you reopen the project Polyspace Platform user interface or add more folders to the project. You can also explicitly refresh the project:

  1. Select the project on the Projects pane.

  2. On the Polyspace Platform toolstrip, select the refresh sources button.

Update Sources in Project Created from Build Command

If you created a project automatically from your build command, you have to retrace your build command to sync the project with the latest sources:

  1. On the Projects pane, right-click the root node of the project and select Update Using Build Command.

    Alternatively, with the project selected, you can select the refresh sources button on the Polyspace Platform toolstrip.

  2. In the Create project using build information window, you see the build information that was originally entered to create the project. Click Run to recreate the project from your current build information.

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