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Prevent Code Generation for Unused Execution Paths

If a variable controls the flow of an: if, elseif, else statement, or a switch, case, otherwise statement, declare it as constant so that code generation takes place for one branch of the statement only.

Depending on the nature of the control-flow variable, you can declare it as constant in two ways:

Prevent Code Generation When Local Variable Controls Flow

  1. Define a function SquareOrCube which takes an input variable, in, and squares or cubes its elements based on whether the choice variable, ch, is set to s or c:

    function out = SquareOrCube(ch,in) %#codegen
     if ch=='s'
         out = in.^2;
     elseif ch=='c'
         out = in.^3;
         out = 0;
  2. Generate code for SquareOrCube using the codegen command:

    codegen -config:lib SquareOrCube -args {'s',zeros(2,2)}

    The generated C code squares or cubes the elements of a 2-by-2 matrix based on the input for ch.

  3. Add the following line to the definition of SquareOrCube:

    ch = 's';

    The generated C code squares the elements of a 2-by-2 matrix. The choice variable, ch, and the other branches of the if/elseif/if statement do not appear in the generated code.

Prevent Code Generation When Input Variable Controls Flow

  1. Define a function MathFunc, which performs different mathematical operations on an input, in, depending on the value of the input, flag:

    function out = MathFunc(flag,in) %#codegen
      %# codegen
       switch flag
         case 1
         case 2
  2. Generate code for MathFunc using the codegen command:

    codegen -config:lib MathFunc -args {1,zeros(2,2)}

    The generated C code performs different math operations on the elements of a 2-by-2 matrix based on the input for flag.

  3. Generate code for MathFunc, declaring the argument, flag, as a constant using coder.Constant:

    codegen -config:lib MathFunc -args {coder.Constant(1),zeros(2,2)}

    The generated C code finds the sine of the elements of a 2-by-2 matrix. The variable, flag, and the switch/case/otherwise statement do not appear in the generated code.

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