Pass 802.15.4z HPRF Signal Through Outdoor Multipath UWB Channel
Pass an 802.15.4z™ High Pulse Repetition Frequency (HPRF) signal through an outdoor multipath UWB channel.
Create a UWB waveform from random packet data.
psdu = randi([0, 1],300,1); waveTx = lrwpanWaveformGenerator(psdu,lrwpanHRPConfig);
Create a UWB channel object for an outdoor environment with no line of sight. Display the object configuration.
outdoorUWBChannel = uwbChannel('Outdoor', ... HasLOS=false, ... Visualization='Impulse response')
outdoorUWBChannel = uwbChannel with properties: Delay Profile Environment: 'Outdoor' HasLOS: false SampleRate: 1.9968e+09 MaxDopplerShift: 5 SampleDensity: 64 MinRelativePathPower: 5 NormalizePathGains: true Visualization: 'Impulse response' Propagation ChannelNumber: 0 Distance: 10 Realization RandomStream: 'Global stream'
Pass the LR-WPAN waveform through the channel and observe the impulse response.
waveRx = outdoorUWBChannel(waveTx);
After passing a waveform through the channel, display characteristic information about the channel. Observe that the NumClusters
value matches the number of clusters plotted in the impulse response.
ans = struct with fields:
EnvironmentParameterization: [1x1 struct]
CenterFrequency: 499200000
Bandwidth: 499200000
NumClusters: 5
ClusterArrivalTimes: [8.2597 16.5497 29.9292 108.0369 125.1609]
ClusterEnergies: [0.9241 0.8538 0.7514 0.3563 0.3026]
PathArrivalTimes: {1x5 cell}
AbsolutePathArrivalTimes: {1x5 cell}
PathAveragePowers: {1x5 cell}
PathPhases: {1x5 cell}
NakagamiMFactors: {1x5 cell}
PathGainRate: 640
FrequencyFilterDelay: 25
ChannelFilterDelay: 0
ChannelFilterCoefficients: [152x312 double]
Input Arguments
— System object to get information from
System object
System object to get information from, specified as a uwbChannel
System object.
Output Arguments
— Structure containing object information
Structure containing these fields with information about the System object. Detailed field information in this structure remains blank until the object has been called to process a waveform of input data.
— Environment parameters
Environment parameters for the given
and obj.HasLOS
returned as a structure containing these fields:
Field | Description | Comment |
Environment | Environment type. | Specified by
HasLOS | Boolean indicating presence of line-of-sight component. | Specified by
ReferencePathLoss | Path loss in dB at 1 m distance. | – |
PathLossExponent | Path loss exponent (γ), which determines the rate at which received power decays as a function of distance. | – |
ShadowingDeviation | Standard deviation (σS) in dB of a zero-mean Gaussian distributed random variable (S), which expresses shadowing for large-scale fading. | – |
AntennaLoss | Antenna loss (Αant) in dB. | – |
FrequencyExponent | Frequency dependence of path loss (κ) in dB/octave that determines the rate at which received power decays as a function of frequency. | – |
AverageNumClusters | Mean number of clusters (Lbar) in which rays are grouped. | – |
ClusterArrivalRate | Inter-cluster arrival rate (Λ) of clusters of groups of rays, which follow a Poisson process. The value expresses the number of arrivals with 1 ns. | This property does not apply when you set
PathArrivalRate1 | First (ray) arrival rate for mixed Poisson model,
returned as one of the two arrival rates of rays within a
cluster (λ1), which follow a
Poisson process. PathArrivalRate1 is
weighted by MixtureProbability . The
value expresses the number of arrivals with 1 ns. | These properties do not apply when
you set These
properties are not applied when you set
PathArrivalRate2 | Second (ray) arrival rate for mixed Poisson model,
returned as the other arrival rate of rays within a
cluster (λ2), which follow a
Poisson process. PathArrivalRate2 is
weighted by the complement of the mixture probability, (1 –
MixtureProbability ). The value expresses the number of
arrivals with 1 ns. | |
MixtureProbability | Mixture probability for mixed Poisson model, returned
as a mixture probability (β) that specifies the relative
weight of the two different ray arrival rates within a
cluster (PathArrivalRate1 and
PathArrivalRate2 ). Values
must be in the range [0, 1]. | |
ClusterEnergyDecayConstant | Inter-cluster exponential decay constant in ns, returned as a constant (Γ) determining the rate of exponential decay of the cluster integrated energy as a function of the cluster arrival time. | This property does not apply when you set
obj.HasLOS to
false and
obj.Environment to either
'Indoor office' or
'Industrial' . |
PathDecaySlope | Slope of intra-cluster exponential decay constant (κγ) proportionally affects γ1 as a function of the cluster arrival time. γ1 is a constant determining the rate of exponential decay of the power of a ray as a function of the ray arrival time. | This property does not apply when you set
obj.HasLOS to
false and
obj.Environment to either
'Indoor office' or
'Industrial' . |
PathDecayOffset | Offset of intra-cluster exponential decay constant, returned as the y-intercept value (γ0) in ns of the function relating γ1 with the cluster arrival time. γ1 is a constant determining the rate of exponential decay of the power of a ray as a function of the ray arrival time. | This property does not apply when you set
obj.HasLOS to
false and
obj.Environment to either
'Indoor office' or
'Industrial' . |
ClusterShadowingDeviation | Standard deviation of cluster shadowing (σcluster) in dB of a normally distributed random variable (Μcluster), which expresses cluster shadowing as temporal variations from the average cluster power. | This property applies when you set
PDPIncreaseFactor | Increase rate of alternative power delay profile (PDP) rise (γrise) determines how quickly the alternative PDP rises. | These properties do not apply when
you set |
PDPDecayFactor | Decay rate of alternative PDP at later times (γ1) determines how quickly the alternative PDP decays. | |
FirstPathAttenuation | Attenuation of 1st component in alternative PDP, returned as the attenuation (χ) of the first multi-path component in the alternative PDP. | |
NakagamiMeanOffset | Offset of Nakagami m-factor mean, returned as the y-intercept value (m0) in dB of the function relating the mean value of the Nakagami m-factor with the delay of a multipath component. | |
NakagamiMeanSlope | Slope of Nakagami μ factor mean, returned as the slope (km) of the function relating the mean value of the Nakagami μ factor with the delay of a multipath component. | |
NakagamiDeviationOffset | Offset of Nakagami m-factor variance, returned as the y-intercept value (m0) in dB of the function relating the standard deviation of the Nakagami m-factor with the delay of a multipath component. | |
NakagamiDeviationSlope | Slope of Nakagami m-factor variance | |
FirstPathNakagamiMFactor | Nakagami m-factor of first (strong) component |
Data Types: struct
— Center frequency
positive scalar
Center frequency in hertz, returned as a positive scalar.
— Bandwidth
positive scalar
Bandwidth in hertz, returned as a positive scalar.
— Number of clusters
positive integer
Number of clusters in the channel realization, returned as a positive integer.
— Cluster arrival times
column vector
Cluster arrival times in the channel realization in seconds, returned
as a 1-by-NumClusters
vector of positive values.
— Cluster energies
column vector
Cluster energies in the channel realization in watts, returned as a
vector of positive values.
— Path arrival times
cell array
Path arrival times in the channel realization in seconds, returned as
a 1-by-NumClusters
cell array. Each element in the cell array is
a 1-by-Kl vector, where
Kl is the number of paths
for the lth cluster.
— Absolute path arrival times
cell array
Absolute path arrival times in the channel realization in seconds,
returned as a 1-by-NumClusters
cell array. Each element in the cell array is
a 1-by-Kl vector, where
Kl is the number of paths
for the lth cluster.
— Average power of s paths
cell array
Average power of paths in the channel realization in dB, returned as a
cell array. Each element in the cell array is
a 1-by-Kl vector, where
Kl is the number of paths
for the lth cluster.
— Path phases
cell array
Path phases in the channel realization in radians, returned as a
cell array. Each element in the cell array is
a 1-by-Kl vector, where
Kl is the number of paths
for the lth cluster.
— Nakagami M factors
cell array
Nakagami M factors in the channel realization, returned as a
cell array. Each element in the cell array is
a 1-by-Kl vector, where
Kl is the number of paths
for the lth cluster.
— Path gain rate
positive scalar
Path gain rate, returned as a positive scalar. The path gain rate
equals 2×obj.MaxDopplerShift
— Frequency filter delay
positive integer
Frequency filter delay in samples, returned as a positive integer.
— Excess channel filter delay
positive integer
Excess channel filter delay in samples, returned as a positive integer.
— Channel filter coefficients
Channel filter coefficients, returned as a matrix. The time varying path gains are applied as gains to this non-varying filter to produce the channel output over time
[1] A. F. Molisch et al., "IEEE® 802.15.4a Channel Model-Final Report." Tech. Rep., Document IEEE 802.1504-0062-02-004a, 2005.
Version History
Introduced in R2024a
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