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Coordinates of RF propagation data

Since R2020a


datalocation = location(pd) returns the location coordinates of the data points in the specified propagation data object.

[lat,lon] = location(pd) returns the latitude and longitude of the propagation data object



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Define names and locations of sites around Boston.

names = ["Fenway Park","Faneuil Hall","Bunker Hill Monument"];
lats = [42.3467,42.3598,42.3763];
lons = [-71.0972,-71.0545,-71.0611];

Create array of transmitter sites.

txs = txsite("Name", names,...
       "Longitude",lons, ...

Compute received power data for each transmitter site.

maxr = 20000;
pd1 = coverage(txs(1),"MaxRange",maxr);
pd2 = coverage(txs(2),"MaxRange",maxr);
pd3 = coverage(txs(3),"MaxRange",maxr);

Compute rectangle containing locations of all data.

locs = [location(pd1); location(pd2); location(pd3)];
[minlatlon, maxlatlon] = bounds(locs);

Create grid of locations over rectangle.

gridlength = 300;
latv = linspace(minlatlon(1),maxlatlon(1),gridlength);
lonv = linspace(minlatlon(2),maxlatlon(2),gridlength);
[lons,lats] = meshgrid(lonv,latv);
lats = lats(:);
lons = lons(:);

Get data for each transmitter at grid locations using interpolation.

v1 = interp(pd1,lats,lons);
v2 = interp(pd2,lats,lons);
v3 = interp(pd3,lats,lons);

Create propagation data containing minimum received power values.

minReceivedPower = min([v1 v2 v3],[],2,"includenan");
pd = propagationData(lats,lons,"MinReceivedPower",minReceivedPower);

Plot minimum received power, which shows the weakest signal received from any transmitter site. The area shown may correspond to the service area of triangulation using the three transmitter sites.

sensitivity = -110;

Input Arguments

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Propagation data, specified as a propagationData object.

Output Arguments

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Location coordinates of the data points, returned as an M-by-2 matrix with each element unit in degrees. M is the number of rows in the data table with valid latitude and longitude values. Duplicate locations are not removed.

Latitude of data points, returned as an M-by-1 vector with each element unit in degrees.

Longitude of data points, returned as an M-by-1 matrix with each element unit in degrees. The output is wrapped so that the values are in the range [–180, 180].

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

See Also



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