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Cosine Similarity As a Channel Estimate Quality Metric

Cosine similarity is a metric that measures how similar two vectors are irrespective of their size. Essentially, it calculates the cosine of the angle between two vectors in a multidimensional space, ranging from –1 (exactly opposite) to 1 (exactly the same), with 0 indicating orthogonality. This metric is particularly useful when the magnitude of the vectors is less important than the direction they point. When the vectors contain complex numbers, cosine similarity still aims to quantify how similar two vectors are in terms of their direction, but it incorporates the phase information inherent in complex numbers. The magnitude of the complex similarity metric shows how similar the vectors are while the angle of the metric relates to the phase difference between the vectors. This phase information is essential for applications in fields like wireless communication and signal processing.

For 5G systems and beyond, using neural networks to compress channel state information (CSI) is key for sending data efficiently. These neural networks seek to reduce the amount of resources required to feedback CSI over the network. The goal is to compress and send CSI that keeps all the important details intact, and to preserve the quality and usefulness of the CSI.

Cosine similarity becomes very important in neural networks that compress the CSI becasue it serves as a metric to quantify the quality of the neural network that compresses and then decompresses the CSI. Cosine similarity compares the original CSI with the decompressed version to quantify how closely they match. A high score means the decompressed data is very similar to the original, indicating that the compression process worked well without losing important information. This feedback is crucial for fine-tuning the neural network, making sure that the compressed CSI data retains details required for accurate network decisions, such as adjusting signals for low-error rate communications. Ultimately, this metric leads to more efficient use of network resources and better network performance.

Generic Cosine Similarity for Matrices

Given an mx-by-n data matrix X, which is treated as mx (1-by-n) row vectors x1, x2, ..., xmx, and an my-by-n data matrix Y, which is treated as my (1-by-n) row vectors y1, y2, ..., ymy, the cosine similarity between the vector xp and yq are defined as follows:


The helperComplexCosineSimilarity function calculates the cosine similarity between the pth row of X and qth row of Y. Create the matrix X as a random complex-valued matrix.

rng(123) % Generate same numbers
X = randn(4,3,"like",1i)
X = 4×3 complex

   0.5404 - 0.4278i  -0.0233 - 0.2087i  -0.6441 - 0.3274i
  -0.7318 + 0.1424i  -0.3923 + 0.3991i   0.0868 + 0.0637i
   0.4723 - 0.2287i  -0.0946 - 1.1849i   0.2262 + 0.7520i
   0.9435 + 0.4394i  -0.2465 + 0.5979i   0.6372 + 0.2031i

The Y matrix is the noisy version of X.

Y = awgn(X,10)
Y = 4×3 complex

   0.6792 - 0.5721i  -0.0525 - 0.2112i  -0.5521 - 0.5331i
  -0.8135 + 0.0120i  -0.4151 + 0.1926i  -0.0387 - 0.0079i
   0.1660 - 0.1073i  -0.1616 - 0.8501i   0.6504 + 0.6647i
   0.5617 + 0.4250i   0.0638 + 0.5991i   0.6256 + 0.4346i

The helperComplexCosineSimilarity function calculates the cosine similarity between rows of two arrays. When the operation method is "perm", the function calculates the similarity for all permutations of rows. Since yp is the noisy version of xp, the diagonal similarity values are close to 1. Since the rows of X are independent, the off-diagonal values are smaller.

cosimperm = helperComplexCosineSimilarity(X,Y,"perm")
cosimperm = 4×4 complex

   0.9747 + 0.1133i  -0.6464 + 0.3702i   0.0999 + 0.0759i  -0.1104 - 0.5895i
  -0.4697 - 0.4618i   0.9500 + 0.2270i  -0.4164 - 0.4676i  -0.4378 + 0.4388i
  -0.2438 - 0.1647i  -0.2602 + 0.3889i   0.9081 - 0.2370i   0.1061 + 0.2359i
  -0.4492 + 0.3220i  -0.0484 - 0.5806i  -0.0437 - 0.0132i   0.9231 + 0.0705i

Cosine Similarity for CSI

When X is a channel matrix, only the similarity between the pth row of X and pth row Y are important. Call the helperComplexCosineSimilarity function with the "rows" option.

cosimrows = helperComplexCosineSimilarity(X,Y,"rows")
cosimrows = 4×1 complex

   0.9747 + 0.1133i
   0.9500 + 0.2270i
   0.9081 - 0.2370i
   0.9231 + 0.0705i

Calling the function with the "meanrows" option calculates the mean of cosine similarity of all the corresponding rows, which is calculated using the "rows" option. The "meanrows" operation method is the default value.

cosimmean = helperComplexCosineSimilarity(X,Y)
cosimmean = 
0.9390 + 0.0434i

Test With Compressed and Decompressed CSI

Load the original channel estimate, H, and the compressed and decompressed channel estimate, Hˆ, obtained using 4-bit quantization in the CSI Feedback with Autoencoders example. The dimensions of H are subcarriers, transmit antennas, and realizations. The H and Hˆ pairs have –0.78 dB, –6.4 dB, –12.5 dB NMSE for the three realizations in this example.

load csi_cosim_test_data.mat H Hhat
xlabel(t,"Tx Antenna")

Figure contains 6 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title $H$ contains an object of type image. Axes object 2 with title H toThePowerOf circumflex baseline contains an object of type image. Axes object 3 contains an object of type image. Axes object 4 contains an object of type image. Axes object 5 contains an object of type image. Axes object 6 contains an object of type image.

Run the cosine similarity along the subcarriers for each of the eight antennas. Since H and Hˆ store subcarriers in the first dimension, transpose the matrices to place subcarriers in the rows (second dimension). Off-diagonal values show the similarity between different antennas and have lower values. The helperComplexCosineSimilarity function processes all three realizations at the same time by using batch processing, where the third dimension is the batch (page) dimension. The pagectranspose function applies the complex conjugate transpose to each page of H and Hˆ.

cosimperm = helperComplexCosineSimilarity(pagectranspose(H),pagectranspose(Hhat),"perm");

Select the index of the batch to examine.

idx = 1;
xlabel("Tx Antenna")
ylabel("Tx Antenna")
title("Cosine Similarity")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Cosine Similarity, xlabel Tx Antenna, ylabel Tx Antenna contains an object of type image.

Plot the cosine similarity between the same antennas.

cosimrows = helperComplexCosineSimilarity(pagetranspose(H),pagetranspose(Hhat),"rows");
grid on
xlabel("Tx Antenna")
ylabel("Cosine Similarity (Magnitude)")
grid on
xlabel("Tx Antenna")
ylabel("Cosine Similarity (Phase)")

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with xlabel Tx Antenna, ylabel Cosine Similarity (Magnitude) contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent 1, 2, 3. Axes object 2 with xlabel Tx Antenna, ylabel Cosine Similarity (Phase) contains 3 objects of type line. These objects represent 1, 2, 3.

Calculate cosine similarity across all Tx antennas.

cosimmean = helperComplexCosineSimilarity(pagetranspose(H),pagetranspose(Hhat))
cosimmean = 
cosimmean(:,:,1) =

   0.9848 - 0.0123i

cosimmean(:,:,2) =

   0.9920 - 0.0037i

cosimmean(:,:,3) =

   0.9971 + 0.0026i

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