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Mapping of WINNER II Open Source Download to WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox

The WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox™ is composed of the comm.WINNER2Channel System object™ and functions. The functions in the WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox map to functions in the WINNER II open source download.

Function in WINNER II Open Source DownloadCorresponding Function in WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox

















The following table shows the behavioral changes between the WINNER II open source download and the WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox.

Behavioral Condition

WINNER II Public Download Behavior

WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox Behavior

Default value of the SampleDensity field in the structure returned by the winner2.wimparset function



Default velocity returned for each MS by winner2.layoutparset.

10 m/s

1.43 m/s

Corresponding to approximate typical walking speed, VMS.

VMS = C / Fcenter × 25 = (2.99792458e8/5.25e9) × 25 ~ 1.43 m/s

The length of the third dimension of the channel coefficients output of the winner2.wim function

Equals the maximum number of paths or maximum number of paths plus four for all links with zero padding, NaN padding, or a combination of zero and NaN padding

Equals the number of paths for the specific link

The number of paths shown in the channel coefficients and path delay outputs of the winner2.wim function

Mismatched for many cases when there is more than one link

Matched for each link

Strongest cluster segregation when the IntraClusterDsUsed field is set to 'yes'

The two strongest clusters are divided into three subclusters only for the links that have the maximum number of paths.

For each link, the two strongest clusters are divided into three subclusters.

If the second and third strongest paths have the same power, only the single strongest cluster is divided into three subclusters.

Updating of the Phi_LOS field in the third structure output of the winner2.wim function

Updated when the IntraClusterDsUsed field is set to  'no'

Updated regardless of the setting of the IntraClusterDsUsed field

Padding of the path delay output of the winner2.wim function, when the rows (number of links) have fewer than the maximum number of paths

Zero padded when the IntraClusterDsUsed field is set to 'yes'

NaN padded

The channel coefficients calculation specified by [1], Equation 4.14 and Table 4-2, when the IntraClusterDsUsed and PolarisedArrays fields are set to 'yes'



Path loss calculation for A1 NLOS links

Incorrect when the PathLossOption field is set to 'CR_heavy' or 'CR_light'


The Phi_LOS field per step 10 on page 40 of [1] for the input initial condition and output final condition of winner2.wim, should be of size NL-by-2 to log the phases for both VV and HH polarization each link. NL is the number of links.

Incorrect, Phi_LOS is of size NL-by-1 for VV polarization only. The phase for HH polarization is not included. This causes issues for a link with LOS path.

Correct, Phi_LOS is of size NL-by-2 to log the phases for both VV and HH polarization each link.


[1] Kyosti, Pekka, Juha Meinila, et al. WINNER II Channel Models. D1.1.2 V1.2. IST-4-027756 WINNER II, September 2007.

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