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Single Channel Input and Output Operations

N200, N210, USRP2™, and B200 radios are single transceiver designs, so the default channel mapping value is read-only. B210 radio support two channels for data transmission and reception. To configure a B210 radios for single input single output (SISO) operations, use a single channel (1, 2, 3, or 4).

Perform SISO Operations with SDRu System Objects

This example shows how to set channel 2 of a B210 radio for SISO operations with an SDRu transmitter System object™.

Create an SDRu transmitter System object for data transmission. Configure a B210 radio with its serial number set to 31B92DD. Change the channel to channel 2 by setting the ChannelMapping property. Display the configured properties.

tx = comm.SDRuTransmitter(...
              'Platform','B210', ...
              'SerialNum','31B92DD', ...
  comm.SDRuTransmitter with properties:

                 Platform: 'B210'
                SerialNum: '31B92DD'
           ChannelMapping: 2
          CenterFrequency: 2.4500e+09
    LocalOscillatorOffset: 0
                     Gain: 8
                PPSSource: 'Internal'
              ClockSource: 'Internal'
          MasterClockRate: 32000000
      InterpolationFactor: 512
        TransportDataType: 'int16'
          EnableBurstMode: false

Create a DPSK modulator as the data source by using the comm.DPSKModulator System object. Inside a for loop, transmit the data using the SDRu transmitter System object.

mod = comm.DPSKModulator('BitInput',true);
    for counter = 1:20
      data = randi([0 1],30,1);
      modSignal = mod(data);

You can perform these same steps with a comm.SDRuReceiver System object instead of the SDRu transmitter System object.

Perform SISO Operations with SDRu Blocks

This example shows how to set channel 2 of a B210 radio for SISO operations with an SDRu Receiver block.

  1. Open the mask of an SDRu Receiver block. Set the Platform parameter to B210. This figure shows the mask for an SDRu Receiver block.

    SDRu receiver block mask

  2. Change the channel to channel 2 in SISO mode by setting the Channel mapping parameter to 2. Then, click OK.

    Channel mapping is set to 2 on the SDRu receiver block.

You can perform these same steps with the SDRu Transmitter block instead of the SDRu Receiver block.

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