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Testing Failures

After you have successfully compiled your application, the next step is to test it on a development machine and deploy it on a target machine. The target machine requires MATLAB® Runtime to be installed. An installer packaged using compiler.package.installer or a deploytool app includes all of the files that are required by your application to run, which include the executable, deployable archive, and MATLAB Runtime.

For information on distribution contents for specific application types and platforms, see Distribute MATLAB Compiler SDK Files to Application Developers.

Test the application on the development machine by running the application against MATLAB Runtime shipped with MATLAB Compiler SDK™. This verifies that library dependencies are correct, that the deployable archive can be extracted, and that all MATLAB code, MEX—files, and support files required by the application have been included in the archive. If you encounter errors testing your application, the following questions may help you isolate the problem.

 Are you able to execute the application from MATLAB?

For more information on setting the system library path, see Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment.

 Does the application begin execution and result in MATLAB or other errors?

 Do you have multiple MATLAB versions installed?

 If you are testing a shared library and application, did you install MATLAB Runtime?

 Do you receive an error message about a missing DLL?

 Are you receiving errors when trying to run the shared library application?

 Does your system’s graphics card support the graphics application?

 Is OpenGL properly installed on your system?

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