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Access Remotable .NET Assembly Using MWArray API

After you create the remotable component, you can set up a console server and client using the MWArray API. For more information on choosing the right API for your access needs, see Compare MWArray and Native .NET API for Remotable Assemblies.

Coding and Building the Hosting Server Application and Configuration File

The server application hosts the remote component built in Create Remotable .NET Assembly.

Build the server using the Microsoft® Visual Studio® project file MagicSquareServer\MagicSquareMWServer.csproj:

  1. Change the references for the generated component assembly to MagicSquareComp\for_redistribution_files_only\MagicSquareComp.dll.

  2. Select the appropriate build platform.

  3. Select Debug or Release mode.

  4. Build the MagicSquareMWServer project.

  5. Supply the configuration file for the MagicSquareMWServer.

MagicSquareServer Code

Use the C# code for the server located in the file MagicSquareServer\MagicSquareServer.cs:


This code does the following processing:

  • Reads the associated configuration file to determine

    • The name of the component that it will host

    • The remoting protocol and message formatting to use

    • The lease time for the remote component

  • Signals that the server is active and waits for a carriage return to be entered before terminating.

MagicSquareServer Configuration File

The configuration file for the MagicSquareServer is in the file MagicSquareServer\MagicSquareServer.exe.config. The entire configuration file, written in XML, follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        <wellknown mode="SingleCall" 
                   type="MagicSquareComp.MagicSquareClass, MagicSquareComp" 
                   objectUri="MagicSquareClass.remote" />
      <lifetime leaseTime= "5M" renewOnCallTime="2M"
                leaseManagerPollTime="10S" />
        <channel ref="tcp" port="1234">    
            <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />
    <debug loadTypes="true"/>

This code specifies:

  • The mode in which the remote component will be accessed—in this case, single call mode

  • The name of the remote component, the component assembly, and the object URI (uniform resource identifier) used to access the remote component

  • The lease time for the remote component

  • The remoting protocol (TCP/IP) and port number

  • The message formatter (binary) and the permissions for the communication channel (full trust)

  • The server debugging option

Build Client Application and Configuration File

The client application, running in a separate process, accesses the remote component running in the server application you built previously. (See Coding and Building the Hosting Server Application and Configuration File.

Next, build the remote client using the Microsoft Visual Studio project file MagicSquareClient\MagicSquareMWClient.csproj. This file references both the shared data conversion assembly matlabroot\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\v4.0\ MWArray.dll and the generated component interface assembly MagicSquareComp\for_redistribution_files_only\IMagicSquareComp.

To create the remote client using Microsoft Visual Studio:

  1. Select the appropriate build platform.

  2. Select Debug or Release mode.

  3. Build the MagicSquareMWClient project.

  4. Supply the configuration file for the MagicSquareMWServer.

MagicSquareClient Code

Use the C# code for the client located in the file MagicSquareClient\MagicSquareClient.cs.


This code does the following:

  • The client reads the associated configuration file to get the name and location of the remotable component.

  • The client instantiates the remotable object using the static Activator.GetObject method

  • From this point, the remoting client calls methods on the remotable component exactly as it would call a local component method.

MagicSquareClient Configuration File

The configuration file for the magic square client is in the file MagicSquareClient\MagicSquareClient.exe.config. The configuration file, written in XML, is shown here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="MagicSquareServer"
        <channel name="MagicSquareChannel" ref="tcp" port="0">        
            <formatter ref="binary" />
            <formatter ref="binary" typeFilterLevel="Full" />

This code specifies:

  • The name of the remote component server and the remote component URI (uniform resource identifier)

  • The remoting protocol (TCP/IP) and port number

  • The message formatter (binary) and the permissions for the communication channel (full trust)

Start Server Application

Starting the server by doing the following:

  1. Open a DOS or UNIX® command window and navigate to MagicSquareServer\bin\x86\v4.0\Debug.

  2. Run MagicSquareServer.exe. You will see the message:

    Magic Square Server started...

Start Client Application

Start the client by doing the following:

  1. Open a DOS or UNIX command window and navigate to MagicSquareClient\bin\x86\v4.0\Debug.

  2. Run MagicSquareClient.exe. After MATLAB® Runtime initializes, you should see the following output:

    Magic square of order 4

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