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Build .NET Core Application That Runs on Linux and macOS

Supported Platform: Windows® (Authoring), Linux® (Execution), and macOS (Execution).

This example shows how to create a .NET assembly using the Library Compiler and integrate it into a .NET Core application that can run on Linux or macOS.


  1. Create a new work folder that is visible to the MATLAB® search path. This example uses C:\Work as the new work folder.

  2. Install MATLAB Runtime on Windows and on additional platforms where you plan on running your .NET Core application. For details, see Download and Install MATLAB Runtime.

  3. For Linux and macOS platforms, after installing MATLAB Runtime, you need to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables respectively. For more information, see Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment.

  4. Verify that you have Visual Studio® and .NET Core 2.0 or higher installed. If you have version 15.8.2 of Visual Studio 2017 installed, then you do not need to install .NET Core 2.0 or higher separately.

Create .NET Assembly

Package the function into a .NET assembly using the Library Compiler app. Alternatively, if you want to create a .NET assembly from the MATLAB command window using a programmatic approach, see

  1. Create a new MATLAB file named mymagic.m with the following code in the work folder:

    function out = mymagic(in)
    out = magic(in);
  2. Type libraryCompiler at the MATLAB command line to launch the Library Compiler app.

  3. In the TYPE section of the toolstrip, select .NET Assembly, and in the EXPORTED FUNCTIONS section, click the Add button to add the file mymagic.m to the project.

  4. In the Library information section, name the library MyMatrixFunctions.

  5. Double-click the class Class1 and rename it to MyMagic.

  6. Save the deployment project with the project name MyMatrixFunctions.

  7. Select Package to create a .NET assembly. For information about the created files, see Files Generated After Packaging MATLAB Functions.

Create .NET Core Application

  1. Open the command prompt in Windows and navigate to the folder C:\Work.

  2. At the command line, type:

    dotnet new console --name MyDotNetCoreApp

    This creates a folder named MyDotNetCoreApp that has the following contents:

    • obj folder

    • MyDotNetCoreApp.csproj project file

    • Program.cs C# source file

  3. Open the project file in a text editor.

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    Add the following references to the project using the <ItemGroup> tag:

    • .NET assembly file MyMatrixFunctions.dll created by the Library Compiler app

    • MWArray.dll, which is located in <MATLAB_RUNTIME_INSTALL_DIR>\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\<framework_version>

    Once you add the references, your project file should resemble the following:

    <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
        <Reference Include="MyMatrixFunctions">
    	  <!--Path to .NET Assembly created by Library Compiler app-->
        <Reference Include="MWArray">
          <HintPath>C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\R2024b\toolbox\dotnetbuilder\bin\win64\v4.0\MWArray.dll</HintPath>
    	  <!--Path to MWArray.dll in the MATLAB Runtime-->
  4. Open the C# source file Program.cs and replace the existing code with the following code:


  5. At the command line, build your .NET Core project by typing:

    dotnet build MyDotNetCoreApp.csproj
  6. At the command line, run your application by typing:

    dotnet run -- 3

    The application displays a 3-by-3 magic square.

  7. Publish the project as a self-contained deployment to execute the application on either Linux or macOS.

    • To publish to Linux, type the following command on a single line:

      dotnet publish --configuration Release --framework netcoreapp2.2 
        --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained true MyDotNetCoreApp.csproj

    • To publish to macOS, type the following command on a single line:

      dotnet publish --configuration Release --framework netcoreapp2.2 
        --runtime osx.10.11-x64 --self-contained true MyDotNetCoreApp.csproj

Run .NET Core Application on Linux

  1. Copy the Release folder from C:\Work\MyDotNetCoreApp\bin on Windows to ~/Work on a Linux or macOS machine.

  2. On the Linux machine, verify that you have installed MATLAB Runtime and set up your library path environment variable. For more information, see Prerequisites.

  3. Open a command shell and navigate to:

  4. Run the .NET Core application by typing:

    ./MyDotNetCoreApp 3
    Magic square of order 3
         8     1     6
         3     5     7
         4     9     2
    Magic square as native array:
    Element(0,0)= 8
    Element(0,1)= 1
    Element(0,2)= 6
    Element(1,0)= 3
    Element(1,1)= 5
    Element(1,2)= 7
    Element(2,0)= 4
    Element(2,1)= 9
    Element(2,2)= 2

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