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Compute truncated SVD of state-data matrix

Since R2024b


    Use this function to return a truncated singular value decomposition of the state-snapshot matrix processed in an incrementalPOD object. The truncated SVD is given by:


    Here, X is the state snapshot data processed by incremental proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), Σr matrix contains the dominant singular values, and columns of Ur are the corresponding left singular vectors.

    [Ur,Sr] = svd(xPOD) returns the matrices of the truncated SVD of the state-snapshot data processed by xPOD.


    [Ur,Sr] = svd(xPOD,tol) also specifies the relative tolerance for SVD truncation.

    [Ur,Sr] = svd(xPOD,tol,center) also specifies whether to center the state-snapshot. When you set center to true, the function subtracts the mean value of X from X before computing the SVD.


    collapse all

    This example show how to obtains a truncated singular value decomposition (SVD) of the state-snapshot matrix processed in an incrementalPOD object.

    Create a random state-space model and run a simulation to collect state data.

    sys = drss(50);
    t = 0:1:100; 
    u = zeros(size(t)); 
    u(1) = 1;
    [~,~,x] = lsim(sys,u,t);
    X = x';

    Now, perform an incremental POD for the same system using lsim. Incremental POD obtains a low-rank approximation XURVT of the state data obtained during simulation.

    xPOD = incrementalPOD;
    [~,~,~,~,xPOD] = lsim(sys,u,t,xPOD)
    xPOD = 
      incrementalPOD with properties:
        Snapshots: 101
          MaxRank: 22
          RankTol: 1.0000e-06
        Transform: []

    Obtain the truncated SVD of the state date processed by xPOD.

    [Ur1,sr1] = svd(xPOD);
    ans = 1×2
        50    22

    This provides an approximation of rank 22 of XXT with size 50-by-50. You can compare this with the SVD of the state data X obtained previously.

    [Ur2,sr2] = svd(X,"econ","vector");
    [sr1 sr2(1:22)]
    ans = 22×2
       61.3554   61.3554
       12.6726   12.6726
        8.6978    8.6978
        5.4812    5.4812
        3.5644    3.5644
        2.2377    2.2377
        1.4885    1.4885
        1.2579    1.2579
        0.8658    0.8658
        0.6777    0.6777

    Notice that singular values match closely. You can see that incrementalPOD discards the components that contribute below Ranktol specified in xPOD.

    ans = 28×1
    10-6 ×
    ans = 

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Incremental proper orthogonal decomposition result, specified as an incrementalPOD object.

    Tolerance for SVD truncation, specified as a real scalar between 0 and 1. This value must be larger than the tolerance specified in XPOD.RankTol for meaningful results

    Flag to center the data before computing the SVD, specified as a logical false (0) or true (1).

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Left singular vectors in the SVD, returned as a matrix. Ur is a tall orthogonal matrix.

    Singular values in the SVD, returned as a vector.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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