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Extract Responses from Tuned MATLAB Model at the Command Line

This example shows how to analyze responses of a tuned control system by using getIOTransfer to compute responses between various inputs and outputs of a closed-loop model of the system. You can obtain other responses using similar functions such as getLoopTransfer and getSensitivity.

Consider the following control system.

Suppose you have used systune to tune a genss model of this control system. The result is a genss model, T, which contains tunable blocks representing the controller elements C1 and C2. The tuned model also contains AnalysisPoint blocks that represent the analysis-point locations, X1 and X2.

Analyze the tuned system performance by examining various system responses extracted from T. For example, examine the response at the output, y, to a disturbance injected at the point d1.

H1 = getIOTransfer(T,'X1','y');

H1 represents the closed-loop response of the control system to a disturbance injected at the implicit input associated with the AnalysisPoint block X1, which is the location of d1:

H1 is a genss model that includes the tunable blocks of T. H1 allows you to validate the disturbance response of your tuned system. For example, you can use analysis commands such as bodeplot or stepplot to analyze H1. You can also use getValue to obtain the current value of H1, in which all the tunable blocks are evaluated to their current numeric values.

Similarly, examine the response at the output to a disturbance injected at the point d2.

H2 = getIOTransfer(T,'X2','y');

You can also generate a two-input, one-output model representing the response of the control system to simultaneous disturbances at both d1 and d2. To do so, provide getIOTransfer with a cell array that specifies the multiple input locations.

H = getIOTransfer(T,{'X1','X2'},'y');

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