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Create a DataAcquisition Interface

This example shows how to create a DataAcquisition interface and add channels to acquire and generate data. You can also configure DataAcquisition and channel properties needed for your operation.

Step 1. Find Devices for the Vendor.

  2×4 table

    DeviceID                Description                  Model             DeviceInfo       
    ________    ___________________________________    __________    _______________________

     "Dev2"     "National Instruments(TM) USB-6509"    "USB-6509"    [1×1]
     "Dev3"     "National Instruments(TM) USB-6211"    "USB-6211"    [1×1]

Step 2. Create a DataAcquisition Object.

 d = daq("ni")
DataAcquisition using National Instruments(TM) hardware:

                     Running: 0
                        Rate: 1000
           NumScansAvailable: 0
            NumScansAcquired: 0
              NumScansQueued: 0
    NumScansOutputByHardware: 0
                   RateLimit: []

After you create a DataAcquisition object, add channels using the addinput and addoutput functions.

Step 3. Add Channels to the DataAcquisition.

Add an analog input channel, and view the DataAcquisition channel list:

    Index    Type    Device    Channel    Measurement Type          Range              Name   
    _____    ____    ______    _______    ________________    __________________    __________

      1      "ai"    "Dev3"     "ai0"     "Voltage (Diff)"    "-10 to +10 Volts"    "Dev3_ai0"

Step 4. Change Channel Properties.

Change the channel TerminalConfig property to 'SingleEnded', and view the updated configuration:

d.Channels.TerminalConfig = "SingleEnded";
    Index    Type    Device    Channel      Measurement Type             Range              Name   
    _____    ____    ______    _______    _____________________    __________________    __________

      1      "ai"    "Dev3"     "ai0"     "Voltage (SingleEnd)"    "-10 to +10 Volts"    "Dev3_ai0"

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