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Access Digital Subsystem Information

This example shows how to access the device digital subsystem information and find line and port information using daqlist.

Find devices connected to your system and find the NI model USB-6509 device.

dev = daqlist("ni")
dev =

  2×4 table

    DeviceID                Description                  Model             DeviceInfo       
    ________    ___________________________________    __________    _______________________

     "Dev2"     "National Instruments(TM) USB-6509"    "USB-6509"    [1×1]
     "Dev3"     "National Instruments(TM) USB-6211"    "USB-6211"    [1×1]

View the subsystem information in the DeviceInfo for Dev2 using index 1.

DevInf = dev.DeviceInfo(1)
DevInf = 

ni: National Instruments(TM) USB-6509 (Device ID: 'Dev2')
   Digital IO supports:
      96 channels ('port0/line0' - 'port9/line7')
      'InputOnly','OutputOnly','Bidirectional' measurement types
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