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Discover MCC Devices

This example shows how to discover devices visible to MATLAB® and get information about channel and measurement types available in those devices.

Display a List of Available Vendors

Discover available vendors for your system using daqvendorlist.

v = daqvendorlist
v =

  1×4 table

     ID                 FullName                AdaptorVersion    DriverVersion
    _____    _______________________________    ______________    _____________

    "mcc"    {'Measurement Computing Corp.'}    "4.1 (R2020a)"      "6.60.0"   

Display a List of Available Devices

Discover devices connected to your system using daqlist.

d = daqlist("mcc")
d =

  1×4 table

    DeviceID                     Description                           Model                 DeviceInfo       
    ________    _____________________________________________    _________________    ________________________

    "Board0"    "Measurement Computing Corp. USB-1608FS-Plus"    "USB-1608FS-Plus"    [1×1 daq.sdk.DeviceInfo]

Get Details About a Device

The daqlist command shows you the overview of devices available. You can find additional device details by reviewing the DeviceInfo field of the table.

deviceInfo = d{1, "DeviceInfo"}
deviceInfo = 

mcc: Measurement Computing Corp. USB-1608FS-Plus (Device ID: 'Board0')
   Analog input supports:
      4 ranges supported
      Rates from 0.1 to 100000.0 scans/sec
      8 channels ('Ai0' - 'Ai7')
      'Voltage' measurement type

Display Subsystems of a Device

Use the Subsystems property to find all the subsystem information. To display all details about the first subsystem including the channel, type:

ans = 

Analog input supports:
   4 ranges supported
   Rates from 0.1 to 100000.0 scans/sec
   8 channels ('Ai0' - 'Ai7')
   'Voltage' measurement type

Dynamic Hardware Discovery

When you change your hardware configuration (for example, plug in a new USB device), first detect the device in InstaCal. Then, use the daqreset command to refresh Data Acquisition toolbox before using daqlist to discover the changes.

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