computes the
false positive rates (FPR), true positive rates (TPR), and additional metrics specified by
the AdditionalMetrics
name-value argument. After creating a rocmetrics
object, you can
compute additional classification performance metrics by using the
computes additional classification performance metrics specified in
= addMetrics(rocObj
using the classification model information stored in the
contains all the information in
plus additional performance metrics computed by
. The function attaches the additional computed metrics
) as new variables in the table of the Metrics
If you compute confidence intervals when you create rocObj
, the
function computes the confidence intervals for the
additional metrics
. The new variables in the
property contain a three-column matrix in which the first
column corresponds to the metric values, and the second and third columns correspond to the
lower and upper bounds, respectively. Using confidence intervals
requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox™.
Compute Additional Metrics
Compute the performance metrics (FPR, TPR, and expected cost) for a multiclass classification problem when you create a rocmetrics
object. Compute additional metrics, the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative predictive value (NPV), and add them to the object.
Load a sample of true labels and the prediction scores for a classification problem. For this example, there are five classes: daisy, dandelion, roses, sunflowers, and tulips. The class names are stored in classNames
. The scores are the softmax prediction scores generated using the predict
function. scores
is an N-by-K array where N is the number of observations and K is the number of classes. The column order of scores
follows the class order stored in classNames
scores = flowersData.scores;
trueLabels = flowersData.trueLabels;
classNames = flowersData.classNames;
Create a rocmetrics
object by using the true labels and the classification scores. Specify the column order of scores
using classNames
. By default, rocmetrics
computes the FPR and TPR. Specify AdditionalMetrics="ExpectedCost"
to compute the expected cost as well.
rocObj = rocmetrics(trueLabels,scores,classNames, ... AdditionalMetrics="ExpectedCost");
The table in the Metrics
property of rocObj
contains performance metric values for each of the classes, vertically concatenated according to the class order. Find and display the top rows for the second class in the table.
idx = rocObj.Metrics.ClassName == classNames(2); head(rocObj.Metrics(idx,:))
ClassName Threshold FalsePositiveRate TruePositiveRate ExpectedCost _________ _________ _________________ ________________ ____________ dandelion 1 0 0 0.045287 dandelion 1 0 0.23889 0.034469 dandelion 1 0 0.26111 0.033462 dandelion 1 0 0.27222 0.032959 dandelion 1 0 0.28889 0.032204 dandelion 1 0 0.29444 0.031953 dandelion 1 0 0.3 0.031701 dandelion 1 0 0.31111 0.031198
The table in Metrics
contains the variables for the class names, threshold, false positive rate, true positive rate, and expected cost (the additional metric).
After creating a rocmetrics
object, you can compute additional metrics using the classification model information stored in the object. Compute the PPV and NPV by using the addMetrics
function. To overwrite the input argument rocObj
, assign the output of addMetrics
to the input.
rocObj = addMetrics(rocObj,["PositivePredictiveValue","NegativePredictiveValue"]);
Display the Metrics
property for the top rows.
ClassName Threshold FalsePositiveRate TruePositiveRate ExpectedCost PositivePredictiveValue NegativePredictiveValue _________ _________ _________________ ________________ ____________ _______________________ _______________________ dandelion 1 0 0 0.045287 NaN 0.7551 dandelion 1 0 0.23889 0.034469 1 0.80202 dandelion 1 0 0.26111 0.033462 1 0.80669 dandelion 1 0 0.27222 0.032959 1 0.80904 dandelion 1 0 0.28889 0.032204 1 0.81259 dandelion 1 0 0.29444 0.031953 1 0.81378 dandelion 1 0 0.3 0.031701 1 0.81498 dandelion 1 0 0.31111 0.031198 1 0.81738
The table in Metrics
now includes the PositivePredictiveValue
and NegativePredictiveValue
variables in the last two columns, in the order you specified. Note that the positive predictive value (PPV = TP/(TP+FP)
) is NaN
for the reject-all threshold (largest threshold), and the negative predictive value (NPV = TN/(TN+FN)
) is NaN
for the accept-all threshold (lowest threshold). TP
, FP
, TN
, and FN
represent the number of true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives, respectively.
Input Arguments
— Object evaluating classification performance
Object evaluating classification performance, specified as a rocmetrics
— Additional model performance metrics
character vector | string array | function handle | cell array
Additional model performance metrics to compute, specified as a character vector or string
scalar of the built-in metric name, string array of names, function handle
), or cell array of names or function handles. A
object always computes the false positive rates (FPR) and
the true positive rates (TPR) to obtain a ROC curve. Therefore, you do not have to specify
to compute FPR and TPR.
Built-in metrics — Specify one of the following built-in metric names by using a character vector or string scalar. You can specify more than one by using a string array.
Name Description "TruePositives"
Number of true positives (TP) "FalseNegatives"
Number of false negatives (FN) "FalsePositives"
Number of false positives (FP) "TrueNegatives"
Number of true negatives (TN) "SumOfTrueAndFalsePositives"
Sum of TP and FP "RateOfPositivePredictions"
Rate of positive predictions (RPP), (TP+FP)/(TP+FN+FP+TN)
Rate of negative predictions (RNP), (TN+FN)/(TP+FN+FP+TN)
Accuracy, (TP+TN)/(TP+FN+FP+TN)
, or"miss"
False negative rate (FNR), or miss rate, FN/(TP+FN)
, or"spec"
True negative rate (TNR), or specificity, TN/(TN+FP)
, or"precision"
Positive predictive value (PPV), or precision, TP/(TP+FP)
Negative predictive value (NPV), TN/(TN+FN)
Expected cost,
, wherecost
is a 2-by-2 misclassification cost matrix containing[0,cost(N|P);cost(P|N),0]
is the cost of misclassifying a positive class (P
) as a negative class (N
), andcost(P|N)
is the cost of misclassifying a negative class as a positive class.The software converts the
matrix specified by theCost
name-value argument ofrocmetrics
to a 2-by-2 matrix for each one-versus-all binary problem. For details, see Misclassification Cost Matrix."f1score"
F1 score, 2*TP/(2*TP+FP+FN)
You can obtain all of the previous metrics by specifying "all"
. You cannot specify"all"
in conjunction with any other metric.The software computes the scale vector using the prior class probabilities (
) and the number of classes inLabels
, and then scales the performance metrics according to this scale vector. For details, see Performance Metrics.Custom metric — Specify a custom metric by using a function handle. A custom function that returns a performance metric must have this form:
metric = customMetric(C,scale,cost)
The output argument
is a scalar value.A custom metric is a function of the confusion matrix (
), scale vector (scale
), and cost matrix (cost
). The software finds these input values for each one-versus-all binary problem. For details, see Performance Metrics.C
is a2
confusion matrix consisting of[TP,FN;FP,TN]
is a2
scale vector.cost
is a2
misclassification cost matrix.
The software does not support cross-validation for a custom metric. Instead, you can specify to use bootstrap when you create a
Note that the positive predictive value (PPV) is
for the reject-all threshold for which TP
= FP
= 0
, and the negative predictive value (NPV) is NaN
for the
accept-all threshold for which TN
= FN
= 0
. For more details, see Thresholds, Fixed Metric, and Fixed Metric Values.
Example: ["Accuracy","PositivePredictiveValue"]
Example: {"Accuracy",@m1,@m2}
specifies the accuracy metric and the custom
metrics m1
and m2
as additional metrics.
stores the custom metric values as variables named
and CustomMetric2
in the
Data Types: char
| string
| cell
| function_handle
Output Arguments
— Object evaluating classification performance
Object evaluating classification performance, returned as a rocmetrics
To overwrite the input argument rocObj
, assign the output of addMetrics
to rocObj
rocObj = addMetrics(rocObj,metrics);
Version History
Introduced in R2022bR2024b: Additional metrics available
has new metrics:
, which computes the F1 score."precision"
, which is the same as"ppv"
, which computes all supported metrics. You cannot use"all"
in combination with any other metric.
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