Generate MATLAB code for a filter cascade
creates a MATLAB® function that contains code to create the stages of a filter cascade,
, and calls each stage in sequence. If the filters in each stage
support code generation, you can generate C/C++ code from the function returned by
Generate Code to Filter Using Cascade
Design a two-stage decimator with a 100-Hz transition width, a 2-kHz sampling frequency, and 60-dB attenuation in the stopband. The decimator needs to downsample by a factor of 4.
filtCasc = designRateConverter(DecimationFactor=4,... InputSampleRate=2000,Bandwidth=200,StopbandAttenuation=60,... Verbose=true)
designRateConverter(InterpolationFactor=1, DecimationFactor=4, InputSampleRate=2000, Bandwidth=200, StopbandAttenuation=60, MaxStages=Inf, CostMethod="estimate", Tolerance=0, ToleranceUnits="absolute") Conversion ratio: 1:4 Input sample rate: 2000 Output sample rate: 500
filtCasc = dsp.FilterCascade with properties: Stage1: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator] Stage2: [1x1 dsp.FIRDecimator] CloneStages: true
Verify your design.
ans = 'Discrete-Time Filter Cascade ---------------------------- Number of stages: 2 Stage cloning: enabled Stage1: dsp.FIRDecimator ------- Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real) ----------------------------------------- Filter Structure : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Decimator Decimation Factor : 2 Polyphase Length : 10 Filter Length : 19 Stable : Yes Linear Phase : Yes (Type 1) Arithmetic : double Stage2: dsp.FIRDecimator ------- Discrete-Time FIR Multirate Filter (real) ----------------------------------------- Filter Structure : Direct-Form FIR Polyphase Decimator Decimation Factor : 2 Polyphase Length : 18 Filter Length : 35 Stable : Yes Linear Phase : Yes (Type 1) Arithmetic : double '
Generate code to filter data using this design. You cannot generate C/C++ code from the dsp.FilterCascade
object directly, but you can generate C/C++ code from the generated function. The function defines the filter stages and calls them in sequence. The function is saved in a file called myDecimator.m
in the current directory.
The myDecimator
function creates a filter cascade and calls each stage object in turn.
type myDecimator
function y = myDecimator(x) %MYDECIMATOR Construct a filter cascade and process its stages % MATLAB Code % Generated by MATLAB(R) 24.2 and DSP System Toolbox 24.2. % Generated on: 23-Jan-2025 04:44:26 % To generate C/C++ code from this function use the codegen command. % Type 'help codegen' for more information. %#codegen %% Construction persistent firdn1 firdn2 if isempty(firdn1) firdn1 = dsp.FIRDecimator( ... Numerator=[0.0021878514650437845 0 -0.010189095418136306 0 0.031140395225498115 0 -0.082785931644222821 0 0.30979571849010851 0.5 0.30979571849010851 0 -0.082785931644222821 0 0.031140395225498115 0 -0.010189095418136306 0 0.0021878514650437845]); firdn2 = dsp.FIRDecimator( ... Numerator=[0.0011555011750488237 0 -0.0027482166351233102 0 0.0057681982289523072 0 -0.010736374060960912 0 0.018592020073668478 0 -0.031093723586671229 0 0.052603914610235683 0 -0.099130756073130377 0 0.31592697826202448 0.5 0.31592697826202448 0 -0.099130756073130377 0 0.052603914610235683 0 -0.031093723586671229 0 0.018592020073668478 0 -0.010736374060960912 0 0.0057681982289523072 0 -0.0027482166351233102 0 0.0011555011750488237]); end %% Process y1 = firdn1(x); y = firdn2(y1);
Input Arguments
— Filter cascade
System object™
Filter cascade, specified as a dsp.FilterCascade
System object.
— File name
character vector | string scalar
File name where the generated function is saved, specified as a character vector or string scalar.
Data Types: char
| string
Version History
Introduced in R2014b
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