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Interpolate values of real input samples

  • Interpolation block

DSP System Toolbox / Signal Operations


The Interpolation block interpolates discrete, real inputs by using linear or FIR interpolation. The block accepts a vector, a matrix, or an N-D array. The block outputs a scalar, a vector, a matrix, or an N-D array of the interpolated values.

You must specify the interpolation points, the times at which to interpolate values in a one-based interpolation array IPts. An entry of 1 in IPts refers to the first sample of the input data, an entry of 2.5 refers to the sample halfway between the second and third input sample, and so on. Depending on the dimensions of the input data, IPts can be a scalar, a length-P row, or a column vector, a P-by-N matrix, or an N-D array where P is the size of the first dimension of the N-D array. In most cases, P can be any positive integer. For more information about valid interpolation arrays, refer to the tables in Pts and Interpolation points.

In most cases, the block applies IPts across the first dimension of an N-D input array or to each input vector. You can set the block to apply the same interpolation array for all input data, static interpolation points entered on the block mask, or to use a different interpolation array for each N-D array, matrix, or vector input, time-varying interpolation points received through the Pts input port.



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Input signal, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array.

This port is unnamed until Source of interpolation points is set to Input port.

Data Types: single | double

Interpolation points, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or N-D array.

For more details on the block's behavior when the Source of interpolation points parameter is set to Input port, see How the Block Applies Interpolation Arrays to Inputs.


This port is unavailable until Source of interpolation points is set to Input port.

Data Types: single | double


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Output signal, specified as a vector, matrix, or N-D array.

This port is unnamed until Source of interpolation points is set to Input port.

Data Types: single | double


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Choose how you want to specify the interpolation points:

  • Specify via dialog –– The Interpolation points parameter becomes available. Use this option for static interpolation points.

  • Input port –– The Pts port appears on the block. The block uses the input to this port as the interpolation points. Use this option for time-varying interpolation points.

For more information, see Specifying Static Interpolation Points and Specifying Time-Varying Interpolation Points.

The array of points in time at which to interpolate the input signal (IPts). An entry of 1 in IPts refers to the first sample of the input, an entry of 2.5 refers to the sample halfway between the second and third input sample, and so on. See How the Block Applies Interpolation Arrays to Inputs.

Tunable: Yes


This parameter becomes available only when the Source of interpolation points is set to Specify via dialog. For more information, see Specifying Static Interpolation Points.

Sets the block to interpolate by either Linear or FIR interpolation. For more information, see Linear Interpolation Mode and FIR Interpolation Mode.

Specify the half-length of the FIR interpolation filter (P). To perform the interpolation in FIR mode, the block uses the nearest 2×P low-rate samples. In most cases, P low-rate samples must appear below and above each interpolation point. If you interpolate at a low-rate sample point, the block includes that low-rate sample in the required 2*P samples and requires only 2*P–1 neighboring low-rate samples. If an interpolation point does not have the required number of neighboring low-rate samples, the block interpolates that point using linear interpolation.


This parameter becomes available only when the Interpolation mode is set to FIR. For more information, see FIR Interpolation Mode.

Number of points per input sample, upsampling factor (L), at which the block computes a unique FIR interpolation filter. To perform the FIR interpolation, the block uses a polyphase structure that has L filter arms of length 2*P.

For example, if L=4, the block constructs a polyphase filter with four arms. The block then interpolates at points corresponding to 1 +i/L, 2 +i/L, 3 +i/L..., where the integers 1, 2, and 3 represent the low-rate samples, and i=0,1,2,3. To interpolate at a point that does not directly correspond to an arm of the polyphase filter requires an extra computation. The block first rounds that point down to the nearest value that does correspond to an arm of the polyphase filter. To interpolate at the point 2.2, the block rounds 2.2 down to 2, and computes the FIR interpolation by using the first arm of the polyphase filter structure. Similarly, to interpolate the point 2.65, the block rounds the value down to 2.5 and uses the third arm of the polyphase filter structure.


This parameter becomes available only when the Interpolation mode is set to FIR. For more information, see FIR Interpolation Mode.

The bandwidth of the input divided by Fs/2 (half the input sample frequency), specified as a scalar in the range (0 1].


This parameter becomes available only when the Interpolation mode is set to FIR. For more information, see FIR Interpolation Mode.

Valid values in the interpolation array IPts range from 1 to the number of samples in each channel of the input. For instance, given a length-5 input vector D, all entries of IPts must range from 1 to 5. IPts cannot contain entries such as 7 or -9 because there is no 7th or -9th entry in D.

The Out of range interpolation points parameter sets how the block handles interpolation points that are fall outside the valid range. The parameter has these settings:

  • Clip — The block replaces any out-of-range values in IPts with the closest value in the valid range (from 1 to the number of input samples), and then proceeds with computations by using the clipped version of IPts.

  • Clip and warn — In addition to Clip, the block issues a warning at the MATLAB® command line every time clipping occurs.

  • Error — When the block encounters an out-of-range value in IPts, the simulation stops, and the block issues an error at the MATLAB command line.

As an example of clipping, suppose the block is set to clip out-of-range interpolation points and gets these input vector and interpolation points:

  • D = [11 22 33 44]'

  • IPts = [10 2.6 -3]'

Because D has four samples, valid interpolation points range from 1 to 4. The block clips the interpolation point 10 to 4 and the point -3 to 1, resulting in the clipped interpolation vector IPtsClipped = [4 2.6 1]'.

Block Characteristics

Data Types

double | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


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Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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